0 thoughts on “Weekend Photo Caption Contest – Win Dirty Bore Gun Cleaner”

  1. I was a child in the 50’s, when “Duck and cover” was the meme for the fireball which suddenly appeared out of nowhere. And to just where should we “duck and cover” from this humongous fireball? Under our WOODEN desks! I always thought that the best thing to do was to bend over, put your head between your legs, and then kiss your ass “Goodbye” rather than pollute perfectly good charcoal – but what do I know?

    One thing that I DO know (or at least makes sense to this old retired cop) is Wayne LaPierre’s admonition that “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a GOOD guy with a gun.” There’s a bit of common-sense wisdom which should be engraved in the halls of Congress.

  2. In MATOON,Illinois today a 40 year old female teacher stopped a deranged male freshman after he shot another kid. Home school people…

  3. Don’t change the statue, just change the plaque beneath it. “Here stands Mikhail Kalashnikov, holding a Sturmgewehr 44 and declaring, “Hold my vodka, I’m gonna go to my workshop and put this piece of shit to shame.'”

  4. Acquiring video games online is a clever means to get the most recent and biggest video games as in some cases it could look like you can’t even acquire them in the shops.

    It’s still unsubstantiated that we also obtained a follow up (fine, practically it’s a prequel) to
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    and do not allow anyone else inform you or
    else. What’s the connection in between Fifty
    percent Life and Portal? Their selection of style and platform relies around the moment, area, society and also make
    an initiative to satisfy the needs from the minute. After all, Perlman is a guy of
    vision, a developer that has the skill, education,
    experience, and also competence backed by an “A Group” to make OnLive occur.
    Because they motivate players to be part of the game’s characters,
    they are an unique form of leisure. The beast minions aren’t also tough yet the one in charges are powerful with their gang-up techniques and also
    effective strikes.

  5. “a clean hit, a dramatic plummet from the balcony and a resounding splat in front of a moving bus. and i forgot to format the sd card.”

  6. Food for thought, magnets don’t actually wipe hard drives. They don’t usually screw with computers beyond CRTs either. I suppose with a strong enough magnet, you could mechanically seize up a hard drive, liquid cooling pump, fans or some other such, but a neodymium slug is about as useful against a machine as a lead one.

    You might, just might, be able to cause some errors in the logic boards with a strong enough magnet in close enough proximity, unlikely to make anyone the new John Connor.

    A fool and his money are soon parted. Ignorance is bliss.

    Also, those powerful little magnets in your hard drives are worth a few bucks. Some say the mounting brackets are Mu-metal but I don’t know for sure. They may be anything from low grade carbon steel to 85% nickel content. I keep em cause they are cool though. I also usually break the magnets removing them from the bracket. Your average 90s CRT can have up to half a pound of nickel in it.

    Ok, thats enough on the scrap metal tangent.

    • “magnets don’t actually wipe hard drives”

      Well they can, but it’s much more than just put one next to a HDD and poof all of your data is gone. If you took a strong neodymium magnet, waved it over it, flipped it over, waved over, and repeat that a few hundred (thousands maybe?) times it’s going to sufficiently randomize the magnetism on the platter to the point where only specialized equipment would be able to read it.

      Remember folks, the only way to truly destroy local data is to incinerate until it’s ash.

      • In the mil we had a hand held degausser for the secret/top secret magnetic storage media; basically a strong-as-f*ck electro magnet you rubbed across the disk.

        • Yep, and that used an AC source for the electromagnet so it was flipping the polarity hundreds of times a second. That’s the key to destroying magnetic remittance.

          Was the degaussing just an intermediate step before incineration? I suppose degaussing and then shredding would be as good as incineration.

  7. I have a $ 65 Romanian 69 that shoots rings around all my other 22’s. And I have a cheap Savage that groups only .25 larger than my Cooper. Deer are just as dead.

  8. I am not making any accusations. But has anyone ever confirmed his Marine record? Usually, military members, that were in combat in particular, and especially Marines, will state the unit they were in, almost before anything. When I hear “I did two tours in….. ” and nothing else, I start seeing red flags waving. I actually was involved in some Stolen Valor investigating, the last year or so before I retired. It is pretty easy to spot patterns

  9. Where does one draw the line between “cheap” and “not cheap”?There are plenty of inexpensive quality parts for ARs floating around, and it doesn’t exactly take a rocket scientist to build one properly that will operate reliably. Plus the manufacturers, reacting to the market, have been cutting prices left right and sideways. There are plenty of $500 ARs and even scope mounted sub-$500 Savage bolt action rifles that will bring home the bacon, or the venison. How many $500 pistols are flooding the market, one as reliable as the next? Does he mean “battle reliable,” and if so, then he is an idjet, since the feds buy the cheapest “qualified” supplier rifles and equipment made, subject to reliability standards, standards that are not all that hard, nowadays, to replicate. It is not as if Glock or Beretta has a separate manufacturing line for government contract guns and commercial guns…they are all the same. So this guy is just off. Waaay off.

  10. In general, you do get what you pay for. But of course there are lots of exceptions. On the high side you might be overpaying just for the name. On the low side there are rough gems that are super cheap but perform just as well as better known brands. And even established brands will sometime churn out a lemon. To find (or avoid) these exceptions you need to do your research.

  11. Clint is just another shill. Have you seen his thunder ranch brand ar’s? If I recall they’re floating over 2 thousand dollars. For an AR? yeah right.

  12. leupold vx6, weights less than one lbs and costs about half of the price. You need to buy the red firedot illuminated versions because their center dot is visible under the brightest sunshine.

  13. That pic’s from the rim of the Kalalau Valley in Kawaii; very cool place I hope to see again one day. Hopefully that fat-head will not be there, either.

  14. I just hope that the next school shooter maggot has a stainless steel hardon for school administrators exclusively, instead of students.

    • Ralph – I’m going to hope that the next school shooter is confronted by someone with a firearm which is legally or illegally in the school and is shot right in the face with what few brains he has blown out the back of his skull.

      Can I get an “Amen!”?

  15. This guy is a little bit on point but also a db! I dig his point but why does it matter how anybody chooses to become armed? I’ve never understood the reason why I HAVE to buy at $3000 AR when I can buy a Douglas or Kreiger barrel and build an AR with the parts I LIKE! Also, why suggest an attack (low level EMP) on the USA would be great?!? That just pisses me off!

  16. My observation is that DJTrump has become very much more knowledgeable on civil rights, including gun rights, than in the past. That said, I doubt that he prioritizes it as much as most of us.

  17. The older I get, the more I appreciate other old men who are not afraid to shake their fists at the sky and yell at the clouds. Clint is a very entertaining old grouch.

  18. This guy puts a lot of faith in manufacturers. How many recalls (or “voluntary upgrades”) have there been from traditionally trusted brands this year? On top of the recalls, quality control doesn’t seem to be much of a priority any more.

    Over the past three years, I had to return two pistols (one of them twice), one rifle, and one AR upper to reputable manufacturers for repair, because they slipped past QC with defects. I have bought a lot of guns, but not enough to make that failure rate acceptable. I’m sure John Doe at Manufacturer X can build a great rifle on his good days. I’m also pretty sure he doesn’t only come to work on his good days. I may not build as many rifles as Mr. Doe, but I only build rifles on my good days.

    I’m typing this on my own custom computer, transmitting it on cable that I pulled through my house, and routing it through my home-brewed firewall. I risked life and limb on a “mix-and-match parts” downhill mountain bike every weekend this summer and the bike never failed me. I’d trust my DIY ARs with my life, too.

  19. FlamencoD…due to the posting “issues” here, I can’t reply direct.

    You are correct. Ammo isn’t quite double. It’s only 44% more. And a reload.

    The measurements. I go with the maximum in every dimension, because that’s what we have to work with and it’s fact. I have a DW CCO and G19 sitting on the table next to me. Sitting frame down, on their sites, the G19 is almost exactly 5″. The CCO is 5.125″ give or take a few hundredths.

    The G19 is a full 3/4″ shorter than the CCO.

    According to the manufacturers, the G19 barrel is .24″ shorter than the CCO. Also, G19 is 20.9oz, the CCO is 28.7.

    Slides are very similar in length…about 6-5/8″ for both, the Glock is slightly longer there.

    G19 sight radius 5-7/8″, 5-3/4″ for the CCO (measuring rear of front blade to front of rear sight notch).

    Your ambi safety comment is incorrect. “Single” 1911 safety, but modern style as pictured in this article, are WIDER than the grip panels…by .0625″, at least on my CCO. Ambi? Double that.

    If you remove the safeties and grip panels, 1911 is narrower. Got it. Somehow that doesn’t seem like a valid comparison. 😉 Where it counts, laying both fully assembled guns on a flat surface, the G19 is SIGNIFICANTLY thinner…straightedge tells me somewhere around .25″ narrower.

    Unfortunately I don’t have a models physique. It doesn’t matter what part of the gun is fat, in fact I’d be better off with a fat slide than I would be fat grip section. Since you don’t get that with pistols I can think of, same width across the entire pistol really doesn’t matter with my frame (185lbs, 6′) because my gun handles, er, love handles, press against the butt of the gun regardless. Given the same size pants, the narrower slide will be an easier fit, if the waistband was near your actual waist measurement in the first place. Or buy the next size up and a wider slide fits fine.

    I completely disagree about concealment, although I think you are looking at it differently. The butt of the 1911 is what prints. Not the slide. Fitment is a different issue, covered above.

    Obviously this is not settling anything. To each his own is correct. It’s good that we can even discuss this topic, many in the world cannot. And realistically, a tenth of an inch here or there does not amount to much at all. In my experience, the only thing relevant to everyday carry (ability to shoot a particular firearm is on the individual) that the two differ significantly in, is weight. Half a pound is over 25% heavier. Fully loaded, the G19 is going to most likely be the same, or less, than a 1911 CCO is, empty. I just don’t feel like doing the math, I’m confident that is correct however.

  20. The number one county didn’t even break 60%… I’m calling BS on the data.

    We lived for many years in a very rural north Texas county and I don’t know a single person who didn’t own a gun. Pistol in a dresser drawer, shotgun in the hall closet, deer rifle in the truck, or something, somewhere

    Now, I didn’t know everyone in the county, but you were only one degree of separation from knowing everyone. And 90% would have been my conservative guess.

  21. He’s still the size of a silhouette target. Cheap rifles can hit silhouette targets. I have a real issue with the pomposity of the general gun crowd. Military Jar-heads and wannabe corporals who know just enough to be a hemorrhoid generally turn off people. We are supposed to be reaching out to the ignorant masses however we can to teach and support such a fragile yet vitally important issue. Pompous sphincters such as himself only push those very people away. He is but one spec in the general populous; however, one drop of Habanero oil can ruin a whole recipe.

    IF he is as good as he says he is, then he’s a waste of valuable knowledge. Learn some T.A.C.T sir!

  22. As near as I can tell Shannon is a wholly owned property of one Mike Bloomberg, she slavishly goes, does, and says what he directs. Essentially this poor woman is reduced to running back and forth across the country between the anti-freedom northeast and the socialist west coast spewing whatever nonsense she is programmed to regurgitate. Unlike when she shilled for Monsanto, she must treat every pathetic rag of a SJW publication as if it matters. It isn’t like Bloomberg’s news structure is going to give her a regular column, after all!

  23. I bet she thought she was smarter than those offering her a (protected) ride. SOL..I’ll save my sympathy for someone who deserves it…

  24. Ditto…Shire-man. I was taught the same thing. Also to manipulate the phrasing of the questions to get the desired response. All surveys are designed this way so whoever is paying for it gets the numbers they want. In this way they can justify(sic) their stated position on any subject.

  25. Ahhh california ignoring federal laws, the Constitution and the rights of citizens for well over a decade!

    We Republicans sent up a flare in 1994 to stop the DemoRat take over of the state, but the flare called prop 187 was ignored by all the other 49 states…ohh well we tried to advert disaster! But 49 other states were to DUMB!!!! to hear the call of freedom dying!

  26. Frankly, I’m confounded by the lawsuit filed by the Seattle officers. It would appear to me that the decision of the 9th Circuit concerning the limitations on the use of force are exactly in conformance with SCOTUS rulings on the use of force up to and including the use of deadly force as elucidated by the High Court in Garner vs. Tennessee, i.e. that the use of deadly force is condoned only in cases where the suspect’s actions present an imminent threat of death or serious injury to the public and/or the officer. I have to wonder what sort of objection the Seattle cops had against that.

  27. Speak for YOURSELF so-called Eva ngelical. 1st BAPTIST,Hammond,IN is easily the most evangelical soul-winning church maybe in America. The pastor talks about guns(not sure he packs) but lots DO. Even openly. Shove your leftwing crap revrunt…no debate with you heathen either. The FOOL has said in his heart “there is no God”…

  28. Bang Bang. No the Supreme court said “first amendment”, we saw that with the flag burners of the 60’s and 70’s and 80’s. The “people” couldn’t harm the little darlings so they had no recourse but to ignore them. Now we have the NFL supporting these communist radicals and because of that we do have a point of pressure we can apply. Money, NFL money. Boycott, Boycott, Boycott… Money talks everything else walks……


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