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Weekend Photo Caption Contest – Win IMI Systems 9mm Ammunition

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

Yippee ki-yay! TTAG's photo caption contest photo this week.

Last week’s contest winner was Rebecca. This week’s champ will win a box of IMI Systems 9mm ammunition. Just enter the best caption for the photo above by Sunday midnight to be eligible.

0 thoughts on “Weekend Photo Caption Contest – Win IMI Systems 9mm Ammunition”

  1. My membership ended last month & the plan was to renew when suppressors or CC reciprocity passed. Now I think I’ll just join GOA. . . . right after I send the NRA an email.

  2. Pretty soon ScrewTube is going to find out that most people don’t come there to watch cat videos and crazy Russian drivers, (although the latter is pretty fun to watch). Keep banning and hiding the interesting stuff and people will quit watching and someone else will start showing it.

  3. People don’t seem to understand the defeat we’re potentially about to suffer here. This is the equivalent of a constitutional carry state returning to shall issue. National constitutional carry and machine gun ownership are the endpoints of our movement. If we let them regulate bump fires, we take a serious blow to the cause. If there is one gun protected by the 2nd amendment it is the fall auto M4.

    And if we give them this, they WILL be back for more.

  4. Hopefully low testosterone Arizonians like him and illegal aliens don’t impede Dr. Ward’s way to the senate and introducing NFA repeal.

  5. Where’s the machine gun? Where’s the “high power” weaponry? All I see is a 10/22 in a wannabe m4 stock and a 380 semi auto or did I miss something? Is Ashton Kutcher gonna hop out and yell punked?

  6. Over thata way gents we’ll catch up to the stagecoach and grab every last one of those bumpfire stocks that turn your six shooters into gatling guns.

  7. Grabbers gotta grab, Billy boy Clinton knows all about that. Hoplophobes need fed. Bump fire stocks are not my thing. I thing MG’s should be legal. With more than 30 dangerous tools in my possession, I have an arsenal. Maybe a binary trigger but not a bumpee.

    Let them have more regs on those, such as a background check instead of off the shelf, keep them at least off the NFA. Which should be repealed. I hate compromise but the weasels on the Right side in congress are gonna let the media feed the trolls. So throw them some meat…or tofu as it may be. Put it into the Hearing Safe Act, bumps will require at least a 4473, because they were already ruled legal by O’s ATF in 2010.

    The NRA is not perfect but no other lobby group can match them for now.

    • “Maybe a binary trigger but not a bumpee.”

      What makes you think they’ll stop at bump stocks? I guarantee binary triggers will be next on the chopping block if they ban bump stocks. Eventually, they’re going to run out of accessories to come after, and start talking about banning all semiautomatics.

      You can’t appease these people. They won’t stop. You can’t “throw them a bone”, because that just gives them a taste for it, and they’ll come back for the rest of the skeleton.

  8. “the National Rifle Association is calling on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) to immediately review whether these devices comply with federal law. The NRA believes that devices designed to allow semi-automatic rifles to function like fully-automatic rifles should be subject to additional regulations.”

    Uh someone want to share this video with LaPierre Laval and Cox? They don’t seem to realize how laws are created. ATF has no power to regulate anything beyond declaring it an illegal machine gun conversion (which is a ban thanks to their acts in 1986).

  9. My vote is for a stainless Ruger GP100. The reason I say this is toughness. Pythons are delicate, going out of time relatively quick, and are hard to fix. Smiths are tougher, stay in time much longer, and are easier to fix. GP100’s are tanks, they don’t go out of time, and you don’t need to fix them, a bit clunky though as all Rugers

  10. For those of you willing to sacrifice a bumpstock, what else might help your rifle be a better automatic weapon? A 30-100 round magazine for continuous feed? A brake to help mitigate the recoil of automatic fire? An ergonomic grip for better impulse control?

    This infographic is probably the most honest piece of the leftist agenda you’ll ever see. It’s also why I’ll stand with a niche product that I think is a range toy at best and a complete waste of money at worst. It’s not about the stock. It’s the door you open by capitulating to this sh*t.

  11. “Breech loading muskets”?
    But to your question: if not tactically, then logistically, they are. The appetite for armed resistance may not need to be present in every gun owner, it just needs to be present to some real degree to keep the government guessing. Until it isn’t.

  12. Whenever the subject of gun restriction come up, the Left has their go-tos, which are banning magazines of a certain capacity and banning Modern Sporting Rifles.

    But how? I’m old enough that I was in my twenties during the first Assault Weapons Ban. I also bought two rifles during that time—a Bushmaster AR and a Norinco MAK-90. Both were so-called “Clinton era” guns. What did that mean? That meant my Bushmaster was missing a flash hider and a bayonet lug. The MAK-90 came with no flash hider or bayonet lug a hideous thumbhole stock,and a 5 round magazine. They were functionally exactly the same as the ones before the law, and a quick install of some US made parts allowed me to put a normal stock on it.

    Magazines? What size is the acceptable limit? Is it 10 rounds like back in the 90s? Well, how many of them can I have? Can I have 10 ten round mags? Then I have 100 rounds. TBH, it wasn’t difficult or expensive to get 30 round AK and AR mags back then. AK mags were always about 10 bucks, and GI mags for the AR weren’t much more.

    So let’s say the Left manages to pass their ideal law—ban and confiscation of MSRs and all the magazines. Who’s going to collect them?


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