The winner of last week’s contest was Paul C. This week’s prize is a pair of Bolle Tigersnake Polarized RealTree Xtra sunglasses courtesy Vista Outdoor. To win, enter the best caption for this photo (keep it clean, please) by Sunday at midnight. Good luck.


    • I don’t know if two entries are allowed but, just in case:

      Hey, I think I can see our old house from here.

  1. The last remaining Clinton Foundation operatives engaged in final prep for mission “CINC Wife Swap”.

  2. “What dumbass editor thought the SHOT show would be a bigger assignment than the inauguration? Hillary’s going to win anyway, he said…”

  3. –Let’s go.
    –We can’t.
    –Why not?
    –We’re waiting for Godot.
    (despairingly). Ah! (Pause.) You’re sure it was here?

  4. (Bill, watching the President and Mrs trump leave and then looking at Hillary)
    “There he goes with her and here I stand with….it”

  5. Imagine Ivan Trump’s surprise at SHOT show when his game of Candy Crush is interrupted by a errant text from Bill Clinton, “Let me know if you want to not have sexual relations. [winky face, eggplant emoji]”

  6. Hey, Ralph! Stop playing with your phone and check this out! This is the most realistic episode of Zombie Nation ever!

  7. ” In this corner, hailing from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at 20,000 lbs, ‘The Beast Limo!’ And in this corner, originally from the depths of Lucifer’s butt crack, at a combined weight of 300lbs, Bill and Hillary clinton! Place your bets!”

    • In that case you misspelled your name – it should end I-N-G.
      And good for the ladies, walking is healthy. It doesn’t help anything, except maybe burn some fat, but it doesn’t hurt anything either.

  8. My mom had the same look on her face that Hillary does when I told her I quit college …the second time.

  9. Hey Cal! You wont believe this but you know that old couple who stiffed us on their bar tab?
    Channel 6 news is reporting that those two con artist have just been put on the FBI’s top ten most wanted list!

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