Welcome to the Gun Controlled State of Orefornia



      • Sorry, it was McConnell and Trump who packed the court already.

        McConnell abandoned his constitutional duty of ‘advise and consent’ by failing to hold a confirmation hearing for Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominee.

        Furthermore, the Republican senate majority leader approved Trump’s nominee Amy Coney-Barrett one week before the 2020 election, after repeatedly declaring that there should be no Supreme Court appointments during an election year, thus confirming the hypocrisy of the Republicans.

        As Justice Kavanaugh stated during his confirmation hearings, “What goes around, comes around!”

        • Hypocrisy? Maybe. Liar like all politicians? Absolutely! Personally I’m really happy we have more conservatives on the court than liberals. Sotomayor, Kagan, and Jackson have no intentions of following our Constitution being the partisan hacks that they are. Elections do have consequences.

      • I have long suspected that the pols in DC were brain dead. We now have actual proof of that suspicion. In addition, it would seem that a large number of voters in PA also suffer from that malaise.

  1. Let all gun haters in the nation move there and enjoy their utopia. Once there they can’t leave and contaminate the rest of the country.

    • With any luck after they move there, the big earthquake will hit and separate commifornia, oregon, and washington from the rest of the US.

      • Unfortunately the San Andreas runs off shore in Eureka, California. So we get stuck with Oregon, but lose everything from LA west. Not a bad trade. It would certainly change the demographic.

        • You and your family and friends miraculously survive Haz as do mine and all the rest of the right thinking Patriots! 😁

        • It won’t be “lost” nor “fall into the sea”; a sliver of CA along with Baja Ca will slide North.

        • I am not an earthquake authority, but I believe there is a fault that runs under coastal Oregon and Washington, in addition to the San Andreas that runs through Californicadia.

          Oregon was californicated years ago by all the californicators who, having screwed up Californicadia, moved on to oregonifornia to screw it up, just as they have nevadafornia and arizonifornia.

      • I’m in Washington, eastern Washington. Believe me, with that AG we got and that idiot governor Inslee and the RETARDS west of the cascades who’ll vote for any stupid ass thing that comes their way, ANYTHING is possible.

        Washington already has a new capacity ban law which is virtually ignored. The only thing it does is make it tough to buy them. For me, it’s a 10 mile drive to Idaho.

        • MLee,another Washington resident here. Unfortunately, I live west of the Cascades. I hope I am wrong , but 114 reads like something our rabidly anti 2A billionaires and millionaires could try to sell here to the idiots in Seattle/King county

        • Don’t forget to include the spaz insurance commissioner we have in WA with those other morons Inslee and Sideshow Bob

      • Oh governor Inslee would love to. Plenty of non-retards West of the Cascades. It’s the densely populated I-5 corridor where the problems are.

    • Use all might to fight these 2 states. There are many of us that have lived here for our full lives and families were here 150+ years ago. It is the refuse you other thrust upon us and the immigrants that have been forced on us that feel that way. Help us make the Pacific coast ours again.

        • Sometimes family circumstances prevent leaving. I have that situation. While it is easy to tell someone to just leave, sometimes the situation with a loved one prevents uprooting and leaving.

  2. As long as voting useful idiots who support Gun Control remain unaware they are supporting an agenda rooted in racism and genocide expect the cancer to continue to spread.

    Apparently what’s needed is one of the head clowns on ar15.comedy club with 40,000 incomplete sentence posts to define Gun Control by its confirmed history of rot. Perhaps then the club morons would stampede to make things “right” like they did over bump stock contraptions.

  3. It’s a liberal thing! Hopefully we’ll be able to move the Idaho border to show how seriously we want a divorce!


    Oregon Measure 114, Changes to Firearm Ownership and Purchase Requirements Initiative (2022)
    Oregon Measure 114
    Flag of Oregon.png
    Election date
    November 8, 2022
    On the ballot
    State statute Origin
    Oregon Measure 114, the Changes to Firearm Ownership and Purchase Requirements Initiative, was on the ballot in Oregon as an initiated state statute on November 8, 2022.

    A “yes” vote supported this ballot initiative to:

    require permits issued by local law enforcement to buy a firearm;
    require photo ID, fingerprints, safety training, criminal background check, and fee payment to apply for a permit; and
    prohibit manufacturing, importing, purchasing, selling, possessing, using, or transferring ammunition magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds and make violations a class A misdemeanor.
    A “no” vote opposed this ballot initiative thereby maintaining no limit on the capacity of ammunition magazines, except for hunting, and the existing law, which requires a seller/transferor to request a background check before firearm purchase.

    Election results
    Oregon Measure 114

    Result Votes Percentage
    Yes 870,184 50.94%
    No 838,095 49.06%


    • Let’s see what the court does in response. Naturally you approve. ss/antifa will always approve of tyranny. But as we have come to realize around here your opinion ain’t worth the time to read it.

    • Please define “illegal gun”, big dummy.

      Oh, hell, I’ll do it for you. An illegal gun is any gun that some asswipe disapproves of. Asswipes like you, like Pelosi, like Biden, like that queer bitch in Chicago, and a thousand other asswipes in positions of power.

      That is the ONLY meaningful definition of “illegal gun”.

      I got news for you. The constitution says we don’t need any asswipe’s approval to keep and bear arms.

        What in the world is illegal guns? Why does Chicago have all that gun violence? Because all the red states around it that have lax gun laws? Then why don’t those states have the same gun violence as Chicago? Almost like you are stupid and wrong.

    • They didn’t trash Bruen. Their case has not even been decided against Bruen yet, so can’t have been trashed by this unconstitutional law.

      Seriously dacian, you need to learn what words mean.

      114 barely passed, that’s a pretty lack luster performance showing it catered to the lowest common denominator. It is blatantly unconstitutional, and in many respects what it contains was already included in Bruen as being unconstitutional. In effect, its going to be trashed by Bruen when it gets finished in the court system, and was nothing more than a ‘fu%k you, we lost, but fu%k you’ from anti-gun that deceived and used the lowest common denominator voter. So what got trashed with 114 so far is the democratic process by an anti-gun group driving 114 and the use of a private organization agenda to interfere in a vote by padding the votes with the lowest common denominator voter by deceiving them.

    • What your describing doesn’t ‘trash Bruen’ or anything else. The only thing that any of that might indicate is a political divide that’s almost in the middle between those that uphold law and those that don’t. But we know this already.

    • Ah yes, Dacian. The usual lies about buying guns in other states. That has been banned since 1968. Along with having to be 18 to buy long guns and 21 to buy handguns. Illegal to sell to someone from another state (except the street thugs who sell stolen weapons are glad to do so).

      Oregon has had background checks for many years (prior to 2014 when I moved here). They want to make you buy a permit for a constitutionally protected freedom. (Dems always want more money, and none of it goes to the application they promise). How about they pass a law requiring a permit to get pregnant or to have an abortion (just an example)? Or to buy a car (Soviet Union did)?

      I would be OK with Safety training classes for those with no military or LEO experience. But the STATE would have to provide the funds to build an indoor shooting range (at least 10 lane) with a classroom in EVERY county, plus the funds to hire two full time Sheriffs deputies to do the work. No Sheriffs department has the budget to do this.

      Is the state going to purchase all 11+ round magazines from the many dealers? Or violate the federal “taking clause”? How will this affect any shootings? (Hint: zero possibility).

      The Dems actual (and often stated) goal is the elimination of privately owned weapons (Biden, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Feinstein, Beto, etc have all clearly stated this fact).

      Biden (who, like most Dems in government, is 100% firearms ignorant, but why let facts get in your agenda’s way) wants to ban and confiscate every semiauto pistol and every modern semiauto sporting rifle (AR10 and AR15 class). OK, replace my three 9mm pistols and 20+ magazines with .357 Mag and .44 Magnum 6-shot revolvers. Won’t need 3-6 shots fired from the fairly weak 9mm to stop a perp. One .44 round does the trick. Just watch the backfield to prevent innocent casualties (collateral damage as they say).

  5. Believe me people: It’s only the so called,Metro Area, Multnomah, Clackamas, Washington county’s, that control the whole state. The I-5 corridor.
    The rest of the state gets screwed BIGGILLY.
    Thanks to the corrupt mail in voting they have in OREGONE.

    • The same here in Commierado. Denvergrad and its surrounding Communes control the State. I’ve not spoken to anyone that supported the psychedelic mushroom decriminalization, yet Denvee managed to pass it.
      The outlying communities and rural Coloradoans are fooked.

  6. A national divorce does not have to be a violent one. We can just go our separate ways. In the new state of Orefornia they can engage in the public sex acts they choose. They can urinate and defecate in public free from arrest. They can shoot up crystal meth in public to improve their sexual experience. And not just in the coastal areas. They can do so in the conservative rural areas as well.

    No one can stop them. They want the adults to have sex with children. And give the children drugs and sex change operations without their parents knowledge or consent. And having grown up in California in the 1970s, and had Libertarians liberals and left say these things to my face. I have always known this was a future for California. I just wasn’t sure how long it would take before it actually became as fact.

    Well over a century ago another part of the United States decided to disobey the federal courts. However this time around there will be no large military formations, traveling to California to enforce federal laws. And there will be no FBI agents used as they were used in the 19 60s. When they traveled to the Southern States to enforce and investigate the violations of federal law.

    No, you are on your own. As you always have been. It’s just that you never thought it would happen to you and your lifetime.

    I’m so glad that I retired to a state with constitutional carry, a strong castle doctrine, and the right to openly Carry long guns. All that instead of returning to the slave state of California where I was born and raised.

    Good luck to you who are still there. Who have decided that the beaches, and the mountains, and the forests, are worth staying for in California.

    “How California Laws Makes California Less Safe” | Douglas Eckenrod video 29 min long

    • “A national divorce does not have to be a violent one.”

      It does have to be but it likely will be. There is too much passion on the left to kill anyone that doesn’t join them and too much on the right to preserve the American way of life.

      It is becoming more and more obvious that the ballot box is in perpetual stalemate. Occasionally tipping just slightly to one side or the other. Both sides will eventually decide they’ve had enough. The only question is how long that will take. At some point, something somewhere has to give.

  7. @Chris T.”
    …A national divorce does not have to be a violent one….”

    You don’t seriously believe that do you? Do you actually think that Washington would let anyone leave without a bloody war?

    Some parts of the country will remain unharmed, but others it will be bloody as hell. Violence the like few have seen. Disease, starvation, ect. 7% of the population died from 1860-1864 (roughly, don’t quote me)

    It will be much more when this thing kicks off.

    • The fascist left cannot let us go. They would starve to death. Can you imagine dacian having to get off the dole and actually be productive?

      Peaceful separation is not possible. They need slaves to make the country work.

      • Just as the tyrant Lincoln could perceive, a divided North America was not in the interests of his backers. It is even now more so. Can you imagine two separate nations living here, each with it’s own ambitions, treaty’s, economy, military ect? Imagine sharing a border with those you consider the enemy?

        “Politics is war without blood, while war is politics with blood.”
        ― Mao Tse-tung

        • “the tyrant Lincoln”

          And there you have it, for all to see.
          I am constantly amazed by what passes for ‘patriotism’ with today’s ‘conservatives’.

          They worship Donald Trump and hate Abraham Lincoln…

          And they fantasized about the ‘Red Wave’ and releasing the ‘Kraken’.

          Apparently, it was just a hermit crab caught in a used tampon.

        • About 750,000 died during the war between the states. And every one of them was an American.

          No other President managed to kill as many Americans as Lincoln did. Gee, that Lincoln guy was a great President, wasn’t he?

  8. “Calgon” is more elegant. Maybe “Mule Train” to point to the element of thickheadedness, but those are both taken. Would “Calgone” infringe on trademarks? There’s a message in that one.

  9. I have Family in both California and Oregon,,,as a short-hand moniker I refer to the area as “CALIFOREGON”.

  10. WTF all sounds good to me, ban them gunms and gunm assessories,10, 30, 40, 75 do I hear a hundred. Sold
    Now up for bid we have a 30rnd, that’s right I said 30 round megazine for an AR.
    Do I hear 150, 150150150155heymeheyme165now going 170, it’s a pro mag boys, owned by a little old lady in Pasadena 170170170, 175,only used on sundays 175, 180now I gotta 185.
    Next up, WHY LOOKY LOOKY HERE one complete crate of full metal jacket 9mm target loads.
    We’re starting this bid off at $3500, now 4.
    Damn straight ban them gunms and gunm assesories.

  11. They won’t unite literally but in case you haven’t been paying attention they’ve already started doing what Kalifornia wants in terms of green laws as are several other states. This is the way of the future by having agreements they will subvert the Fed system. Well until Kamala resigns and Newsome takes her spot then Brandon’s.

    • You’re right.. They’re united Ideologically, and for the most part it will be no different living in one to the other.

  12. Overr night:

    Senate: Dems gained 1 seat. This brings is to 50 for the Democrats and 49 for the republicans. But this is only for called races.

    This is with 34 of 35 races called. Alaska has not been called yet but the winner of that race is for a fact Republican. The reason it is for a fact Republican is because of Alaska’s ranked-choice voting system which went to an automatic run off between two Republican candidates so one of those will win. The GOP tally includes Alaska, which a Republican will win via ranked choice voting.

    The two republican candidates in the Alaska race are Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R) and Republican Kelly Tshibaka. Murkowski is incumbent senator seeking re-election.

    Georgia went to a run off and we will not know the results of that until some time in Decermber.

    Should an equal number (50/50) of senators caucus with each party, Democrats will control the senate due to Kamala Harris’ tie breaking vote.

    In the house, Democrats made a few gains over night, but Republicans are still in the lead. As it stands now Democrats have 203 seats and Republicans have 211 seats. 414 of 435 races called.

    As a side note; Exit polling has indicated over 76% of voters (all parties) do not want Biden to run for president in 2024. Even though their voting in midterms reflected primarily inflation (economy) and Abortion driving them in their decisions in votes, over 76% of voters (all parties) do not want Biden to run for president in 2024.

    • Until the GOP achieves at least parity with the Dems on early/mail-in voting don’t expect results much different than the midterms – take Pennsylvania for an example, in the rational, pre-pandemic political world Fetterman’s debate performance would’ve been a career-killer, not now since hundreds of thousands of people voted a MONTH before that “debate” ever happened. The Florida GOP has it figured out – getting party people out early to canvas and ensure those early and mail-in votes happen is the key to winning in the current world. Whether it’s right, wrong or otherwise really doesn’t matter – it’s the way elections work now and it will be nearly impossible to change. The leftist/statist/fascist saw an opportunity during the pandemic and exploited that opportunity to the hilt – took down a (admittedly flawed) president, reshaped the way people view government, and maximized their access to winning elections. When the dust settles the pandemic response will be viewed as a watershed event – sadly.

      • The duh mass GOP needs to get out of the 80’s. Fight with the tools that you have. Ballot harvest where legal and get out the early vote. Dems are doing it with great success.

    • In effect, barring any recounts or verification’s in Republicans favor, the Democrats barely hung onto control of the senate by a very narrow win in Nevada by Democrat Catherine Cortez Masto. The democrat showing for senate was not as good as its touted to be, they only ended up defending what they already had and barely succeeded at that. Its very likely in two years they will loose that control of the senate.

      • Again, only if the GOP actually learns the right lessons – it was a golden opportunity to gain control of Congress that was squandered by: “novelty” candidates, old-fashioned adherence to outmoded election techniques and (sorry, it’s true – not fair, maybe not right, but true) a continuing obsession with a highly damaged former President Trump. Re-fighting the last war is a sure fire way to lose the next one. We owe Donald Trump big-time for refocusing the GOP on what used to be called Reagan Democrats – working class folk who’ve been marginalized by the Left’s elitist “credentializm” and identity politics – those voters are critical for the GOP moving forward. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no GOP fanboy – if there was a viable conservative alternative I’d be on it like a duck on a June bug – I’ve had my heart broken by center-left (and supposedly right-leaning) Repubs more times than I care to count. But the GOP is all we have to fight the Left – so be it. We have a primary coming in a short year, hopefully winning candidates will emerge and we can slow the ongoing mutation of the US into a socialist “democracy” – Heaven help us I hope so.

        • Bryan,
          Well said. I love President Trump but his time is done. He’s already showing how divisive he can be attacking Desantis. Hopefully he doesn’t completely screw us over.

        • I agree. The GOP lost me as a member because there’s far too many RINO’s controlling the party.
          I like what Trump did for the most part, but it’s time to let him go and move forward, and I admit I’m disappointed he’s chosen to run again. With the various ways Democrats are manipulating the Elections, he won’t win, and if the DNC keeps McSniffy Schitz-His-Pants, we’re in for four more years of Hell.
          Hell, with the way things are going with the Demented Idiot at the helm, we may be in a Civil War by the time 2024 gets here.

        • awaiting moderation”…no idea why…

          maybe its cause ya democrat.


          who knows, WordPress is a strange this.

          if the democrats are able to prevail in a year in the primaries then in the election ..the United States as a free republic will cease to exist as it will devolve into the anacro-tyranny the democrats are trying to put into place with essentially one-party rule like they are acting now.

        • the ‘red wave’ term idea was stupid to begin with.

          and to be fair, a factor diminishing the Republicans efforts was Trump. there were races where voters clearly indicated and said their voting decision was based upon their negative perception of Trump so they voted Democrat instead of republican.

        • @ .40 Cal Booger

          That’s what I mean. A very large number of people do NOT care if they vote for socialism/communism/chaos as long as they don’t vote for a great America. A large enough group that key elections end up so tight that they are ‘too close to call’.

    • “As a side note; Exit polling has indicated over 76% of voters (all parties) do not want Biden to run for president in 2024.”

      That’s interesting considering how many voters seem VERY interested in keeping him powerful enough to do whatever he wants while he IS in office.

      You can put all the faith you want in “exit polls”. For me, they are meaningless.

      • I don’t put faith in exit polls, but they are a good indicator of the overall sentiment of voters who just participated in an election by voting. This one indicates they are not yet decided fully on democrat policies, but are absolutly decided on Biden.

        It isn’t voters that want Biden in power, he just happens to come with the ‘i feelz’ and ‘for me and us what we want and for you nothing’ liberal sentiment the democrats were able to take advantage of.

        • Every vote for any Democrat in this last election is a vote to continue letting Biden do what he wants. Voters making sure that Dems continue in control of is an agreement that they don’t have such a problem with Biden. The way to stop him is by voting Republican. Any voter that has a problem with him and doesn’t vote Republican either doesn’t see it as all that big of a problem or doesn’t care enough. I know many will vote out of ignorance and that happens on both sides. But you cannot say no to Biden by voting for O’Rourke.

    • “Remember the first rule of politics. The ballots don’t make the results, the counters make the results. The counters. Keep counting.”

      Boss Tweed in “Gangs of New York”

  13. ALMOST PERFECT: Iowa Passes Gun Rights Amendment but with a TWIST… > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8F-GGsmHPY

    “IOWA enacted a constitutional amendment affirming the individual constitutional right to keep and bear arms. GREAT NEWS. But it also added language about Strict Scrutiny to the amendment. Was that smart? We discuss this twist in this video.”

  14. Let’s do this. In fact, let’s add Washington State as well.

    Since a state can only have two senators, this would reduce the number of D-state senators by two (or four if Washington goes in as well). If nothing else, it’d be a way to offset the push to make Washington, D.C. a state.

  15. Its interesting to note that when Connecticut passed a waiting period that suicides went down by 33% and gun homicides when down 28% proving that “waiting periods save lives” contrary to Far Right paranoid propaganda that screams the opposite nonsense.

    Between 2019 and 2020, gun homicides jumped by nearly 35% to 19,384, the largest one-year increase ever recorded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. New provisional CDC data finds that gun homicides continued to increase in 2021. Gun suicides also reached an all-time high of 26,322, increasing 8% from 2020 to 2021. Our analysis of this CDC provisional data found that this was the largest one-year increase ever recorded.

    WHAT IS EVEN MORE STUNNING IS THAT SUICIDES’ THAT “DID NOT” INVOLVE FIREARMS WENT THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION AND FELL BY 8%. Homicides without using a gun only increased 6% compared to the gun homicides that went up 33%

    What is even more troubling is that in the last several years the boom in gun sales by people who “never owned a gun” went up 7.5 million which exposes the people in their households (11 million) to accidents with firearms and it is the children who will die in the greatest numbers from them by suicide and by accidents.

    For the full story read this link proving how right wing lies and propaganda about gun ownership does not jive with reality or the truth.

    • @dacina

      overall false narrative ya got going there.

      1. “ts interesting to note that when Connecticut passed a waiting period that suicides went down by 33% and gun homicides when down 28% proving that “waiting periods save lives” contrary to Far Right paranoid propaganda that screams the opposite nonsense.”


      These numbers are a result of a study that faked the results by using a ‘composite state’ model. In that they combined numbers from 5 different states and averaged together then proportioned the results out based upon an average trend of all suicide methods for each state to show a trend of decrease coinciding with Connecticut passing a waiting period. In reality the number of suicides did not decrease or increase for that period.

      2. “Between 2019 and 2020, gun homicides jumped by nearly 35% to 19,384, the largest one-year increase ever recorded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. New provisional CDC data finds that gun homicides continued to increase in 2021. Gun suicides also reached an all-time high of 26,322, increasing 8% from 2020 to 2021. Our analysis of this CDC provisional data found that this was the largest one-year increase ever recorded.”

      False in your invented context.

      Yes, homicides increased. You need to understand that the word “homicide” does not mean ‘murder’ as your context implies. Over 60% of the ‘homicides’ during that period were ‘justifiable homicide’ or in other words legal valid self-defense by DGU against criminal activity. In other words what those stats really represent is an increase in criminal attacks against victims who employed legal valid self-defense by DGU. So yes, homicides increased by self-defense. Seriously dacian, learn what words mean.

      3. “WHAT IS EVEN MORE STUNNING IS THAT SUICIDES’ THAT “DID NOT” INVOLVE FIREARMS WENT THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION AND FELL BY 8%. Homicides without using a gun only increased 6% compared to the gun homicides that went up 33%”

      100% false

      drug overdose suicides remained at or over or approaching ~100,000 per year in the same sample periods. Hanging suicides followed a close second.

      Once again, that word ‘homicide’ – homicides went up because justified homicides (AKA legal valid self defense) went up and it went up because criminal attacks increased.

      4. “What is even more troubling is that in the last several years the boom in gun sales by people who “never owned a gun” went up 7.5 million which exposes the people in their households (11 million) to accidents with firearms and it is the children who will die in the greatest numbers from them by suicide and by accidents.”


      (numbers include children)

      An average of 168,000 children are treated in the emergency department each year for toy-related injuries (SafeKids.org).

      Each year, an average of 29.5 million injuries and deaths can be attributed to defective products ( Consumer Product Safety Commission ).

      Defective products kill more than 22,000 people every year in the United States ( Consumer Product Safety Commission ).

      And for other non-firearm products not defective, for example,

      Over 2,000,000 (collectively) seriously injured or killed annually in car accidents and over 90,000 of them are kids under the age of 12. (CDC) (a combined total of about 1.2 million will die later as a result of complications from car accident injury – these are not included in car accident deaths stats)

      Stairs, Ramps, Landings, Floors result (collectively) in serious injury or death to over 2,700,000 million annually. (NSC)

      Beds, Pillows, Mattresses result in (collectively) serious injury or death to over 824,000 annually. (NSC)

      Chairs, Sofas, Sofa Beds result in (collectively) serious injury or death to over 558,000 annually. (NSC)

      Just injury alone, normal household non-firearm consumer product injuries totaled ~12,000,000 in 2021.

      Drug overdoses result in over 100,000 suicide deaths annually (CDC)

      Heck, the list goes on and on for literally multi-millions of products/things annually. Even without a complete list and all the numbers, just using these few examples, its easy to see, even with some third grade math for your liberals and democrats, that (collectively) injury and death from everything sold or thing that is not firearm greatly outnumbers any injury and death as a result of firearm use.

      It is, overall, literally 1,500 times safer around a firearm in the hands or home of a law abiding person than around any other non-firearm thing found in the home or out in public or that can sold or bought.

      • Just faulty glass table tops alone result in millions of injuries annually – about 2.5 million. Mostly kids under age 7 and young adults in their early 20’s. Injuries range from minor abrasions and damage to major organs and vessels, to death. 50% of the injured suffer injuries to their deep organs, upper torso, abdomen or joint cavities and required surgery; 8% of the injured die within a month of injury (about 100,000, deaths from complications of injury). Yes, more people including kids, are injured and die annually due to faulty glass table tops than firearms.

        clarification for car accident deaths I noted previously: About 1.2 million people die annually as a result of complications from injuries from a car accident, a lot more than die as a result of firearms usage (e.g. accident, suicide, accident, murder).

        It has to do with the way causes of death are listed. In the stats you see various causes, those only represent what directly caused the death, for example, heart failure. But when you begin digging in the records you find the exact cause listed was a result of complications from past car accident injury.

        Unless the person died proximate or within a short period of time from the car accident they do not make it into the stats as a car accident death. Those who may die later as a result of complications from injury in a car accident are not shown in stats as car accident deaths but none the less they still died as a result of the car accident.

        There are many things that injure or kill people either directly or indirectly annually in numbers very greatly more than firearms.

        Clarification for : “Over 60% of the ‘homicides’ during that period were ‘justifiable homicide’ or in other words legal valid self-defense by DGU against criminal activity.”

        This 60% includes police shootings also.

        These don’t appear in crime stats because the perpetrator is dead and can’t be charged or prosecuted. Perpetrators who are killed in the commission of a crime or killed after the crime by police or killed while trying to carry out the crime do not appear in crime stats because they are dead and can’t be charged and prosecuted.

        66% of deaths initially ruled suicide (by firearm) and appear in stats as (firearm) suicide are later found to have been accidents or murders staged“. These are never removed from the suicide stats, which means the suicide stats are greatly over inflated.

      • quote———-Yes, homicides increased. You need to understand that the word “homicide” does not mean ‘murder’ as your context implies. Over 60% of the ‘homicides’ during that period were ‘justifiable homicide’ or in other words legal valid self-defense by DGU against criminal activity. In other words what those stats really represent is an increase in criminal attacks against victims who employed legal valid self-defense by DGU. So yes, homicides increased by self-defense. Seriously dacian, learn what words mean.———quote

        False: Its right wing lies and propaganda. The study did not include homicides in self defense situations. Even a retarded penguin would know that would make the study inaccurate.

        And your long rants about other accidents with non-firearms is totally Non-Sequitur and used as a deflection away from the truth about firearms accidents and deaths. You made no point at all except to say that gun deaths “can never be too high” and that we should “do nothing” about preventing them.

        • @dacian

          stop it with your false stuff.

          Ok, you got caught posting stupid and false again so don’t try to defend it. Just accept it and move on and learn what words mean and research really is instead of relying on this copy-n-paste agenda of false crap you post.

  16. .40 cal Booger — What you’re telling us is is good info but could you give us how to verify what you’re telling us? Your information would be very valuable if it can be verified — which is important when dealing with elected officials.

  17. According to the Oregon Catalist, 187,000 registered republican voters DID NOT vote . BS 114 passed by aprox 33,000 votes . tina kotex only won the governorship by aprox 60,000 votes . you do the math . who says your vote don’t count ? bad politicians and bad laws are elected by people who don’t vote . stupid people playing stupid games get stupid prizes !!! Enjoy your freedom or what’s left of it . . .

  18. “Old Lefty November 16, 2022 At 14:10
    Sometimes family circumstances prevent leaving. I have that situation. While it is easy to tell someone to just leave, sometimes the situation with a loved one prevents uprooting and leaving.”

    That is their problem. Too few people in that situation to be the majority. I have no sympathy for those stuck in CA. They should’ve done more about the increasing number of lunatics in their miserable failed state long ago. They’ve made their bed so they can stay in it. They do nothing now but inconvenience the rest of the nation with them yet there’s surely nothing special enough about them to afford them any exceptions.

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