Bonnie and Clyde in their youth. OK, not quite. Doug Howlett Image

As government agencies attempt to frame violence with guns as a “public health” issue and videos surface of a certain presidential candidate at one time saying the government can and will come into homes to inspect and verify safe storage laws are being met in her state, the 4th Amendment be damned, it’s clear we live in an era where more anti-gun bureaucrats feel it is their right to pry into our personal lives.

“Protecting children” is the guise these intrusions are masked under and on the surface, it might seem like a fair enough ask. If a child is being abused, most of us would like to think someone can step in and stop it. But even then, everyone, including the child, still have rights and at least at the time this was being written the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution was still fairly intact and people still have a right to be “secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures…” That said, increasingly schools and pediatricians are inquiring of children and parents during routine interactions, “Do you have firearms in your home?”

The immediate answer is, “None of your f’ing business,” unless you’re buddies with the doc or the principal and he wants to know what rifle you’re using on your next African safari (ok, I’ve never been on one but it is a dream) or which carry gun you prefer because he’s looking for recommendations on a new one for himself. But typically, there is no good purpose to such questions other than to use them as a pretense to offer an anti-gun, nanny-state lecturing on why guns are bad or for a more nefarious purpose, to begin tracking gun owners and building a database that can be used against them politically in the “possibly” no-too-distant future.

Either way, when asked such questions, or when such topics inevitably come up, you do still have rights, including your children, and when necessary, there are ways to legally ensure you and your child remain protected, whether the discussion is about toy guns (as you’ll see in the video) or real ones in the home. Virginia attorney Gilbert Ambler offers some legal insight into this matter in the following video posted on his YouTube channel, The Commonwealth’s Gun Rights.


  1. “Mass shooting” in birmingham ala last nught. Glock switches being blamed. Thought i may see something here about it. It may be of interest.

    • Notice how the anti-gun orgs are not jumping all over this.

      That’s for a reason. This was (according to police) a dedicated gang hit on one individual, and the others got caught in the crossfire.

      If its highlighted by them, it points out something interesting. And that is that the majority of their claimed ‘mass shootings’ in the GVA are regular gang related crime, mostly hits, and if those were separated from the GVA ‘mass shootings’ the number of ‘mass shooting’ the GVA numbers would drop by ~80%. One thing the anti-gunner do not like to do is point out that gang crime is the bulk of mass shooting as to do so would point out a huge flaw in their agenda that they have been targeting the wrong thing (e.g. the law abiding gun owner) while nothing is being done about the crime by going after the gangs responsible for the bulk of their claimed mass shootings.

      Now its true that mass shootings are carried out by mentally ill people and its the mental illness that drives them, those are the ones I and others have discussed here. But overall those numbers are actually a smaller percentage of the GVA numbers for mass shooting. This alone makes the GVA numbers bogus because intentional dedicated ‘business’ of crime by gangs is just that, crime, even though there are many more things that make the GVA bogus.

      This is the reason GVA uses their own definition of ‘mass shooting’ and the FBI numbers are much lower – its because the FBI differentiates between intentional dedicated ‘business’ of crime and the mentally ill ‘spree’ type killer the mentally ill mass shooters are even though both are a crime. The GVA definition gives anti-gun flexibility to basically deceptively paint a picture of ‘mass shooting’ being the result of guns when in reality it isn’t which is why anti-gun and the left wing media rely on touting the GVA numbers so much. The GVA created their definition for anti-gun org use.

      • This is also why we as a pro-gun pro-2A community should stop using the term ‘mass shooting’. We should use the terms ‘mass killing’ or ‘mass injury’ or ‘mass killing/injury’ and then categorize from there into crime ‘business’, mental illness crime, or just a depraved indifference crime (which is not necessarily a mental illness, for example, the majority of domestic ‘mass killing/injury’ is depraved indifference motivated type of crime and not motivated by mental illness or crime ‘business’)

        When the term ‘mass shooting’ is used the first thing people think of is a relationship between ‘shooting’ and ‘gun’. This invokes an emotional response to focus on the gun for most people and anti-gun use that to feed into it with ‘lets ban guns to stop it and the first thing we need to do is do it for the law abiding for without them guns would not be so ‘available’ from manufacturers’, its a false logic because in reality it would not stop ‘mass killing/injury’ because those that are going to do it will simply choose another means if they can not get a gun and indeed many of these have said they would use something else like an axe or knives or explosives if they could not get a gun, and (gang) crime ‘business’ doesn’t mind doing it in crowds and would not hesitate to hack away at a few others or even use explosives if they did not have guns, or just carry it out in smaller numbers for each incident to reach the same effect for numbers over time (like whats happening in the U.K. now with their knife thing where their knifing victim numbers are overall much higher gathered over time than all the victims of ‘mass killing/injury’ with a firearm in the US in the last 40 years. And the depraved indifference types would still do it anyway with anything they could get if they could not get a gun.

        • Correction for: “where their knifing victim”

          should have been..

          “…where their knifing and blunt object victim’

          • ugggg this darn site…. would not let me edit even though I selected the ’email me’ thing…/

            so to correct: “…now with their knife thing where their knifing victim…”

            should have been …

            “… now with their knife/blunt-object thing where their knifing and blunt-object victim…”

        • “the first thing people think of is a relationship between ‘shooting’ and ‘gun’.”

          Unbelievable, the cognitive dissonance is just so entertaining.

          Nope, no relationship between shooting and guns, no way.

          • Minor Intellect:

            It isn’t the guns it’s the Democrat’s culture that results in death. I for one have no problem with your pets and their genocidal campaign against members of their own dysfunctional antisocial community in fact I just wish they were better shots

        • We might be using the term “Gangster style’ shooting, or “gangland violence”, try gang related events.

    • I do lock up my arsenal.
      However; my children have known the combinations to my gun safes since they were teenagers. My only complaint is that the children and their friends shot off a feces load of ammunition which was expensive even back then.. However; I still have about a cubic meter of ammunition remaining in my stock pile. The expense is better than the kids amusing themselves by doing drugs or hanging out. They grew up to be responsible adults who get married and have children.

      • “They are your kids, right?“

        Wow, that’s a little harsh, to publicly question his kids parentage.

        It is important, considering Republicans have told us that people without children don’t know how to be humble.

        Considering over 60% of the currently serving United States military is childless, I’d say Sarah Huckabee Sanders perhaps owes them an apology.

        • MajorLiar,

          Once again, as MANY here on this site frequently note, you completely (conveniently, for your ‘holy narrative’) ignore. Yes, 60% of the current serving military is childless. And what percentage is under 25? And what percentage is unmarried? Overall, veterans tend to have a higher rate of parenthood, and a higher tendency to marriage.

          Take your LYING narrative, and stick up your bonus hole, you disgusting feces mustelid.

  2. If your children are asked about firearms being in your home, instruct them to tell the questioner it’s none of their ‘Damn’ business.

    • Any response other than No puts you on a watch list for further “evaluation”.

      Will school teachers and staff be classified as “government employees” and will it be a crime to not be fully truthful to “government employees”?

      • I’m already on so many lists it doesn’t even phase me anymore. You are likely on way more lists than you know just because you comment on firearms sites. Big Brother is always watching and the government has 10s of thousands of people on staff just watching and listening.

        • They don’t need that many govt people. They have social media sites doing most of the heavy lifting for them.

        • If someone of our persuasion ie. pro-2A isn’t on a government list by now they aren’t doing it right.

  3. None of their business!!! Home school if possible or a good private school. Your kid’s DON’T belong to the state🙄 They just started the weirdo crap as my son’s were finishing high school but there were some good teacher’s then. Last one graduated in 2013 so I have no idea now. Both are practically perfect.

    • I grew up understanding the children of the community are the children of the community. Let me be clear on what that means. It means they belong to all of community.

      • “It means they belong to all of community“

        More precisely, it means the community suffers the consequences of bad parenting and it is reasonable for the community to make sure children are being raised in a manner that will not negatively impact society.

        • Or truthfully its just a made up word salad ploy by Kamala trying to fill in space in the rest of her word salad to keep from actually explaining her ‘economic plan’ which was the subject, after she revealed accidentally she had lied about price gouging by entire industries as the source of higher prices by saying “very few” companies engage in price gouging. Its obvious now that biden-nomics is the reason prices are up. So she switched to the ‘think of the children’ deception, without ever really explaining her economic plan which is based on raising taxes executed in such a way that would have the effect of reducing long-term GDP by 2%, reducing wages by 1.2% (or greater for lower income) and resulting in the loss of a minimum of almost 800,000 jobs.

      • Que Mala (like the nic, BTW!),

        Unfortunately, the lying Leftist/fascists have (probably inadvertently) stumbled onto an actual truth – MOST conservatives/libertarians I know consider protecting ALL children a common, civic obligation. That does NOT translate into “I get to tell other parents how to raise their kids”.

        As usual, Lefties f*ckk EVERYTHING up! They take a common, and noble, sentiment, and translate it into their Commie, communal, Leftist garbage that the State somehow ‘owns’ your kids (and your guns, and your car (you drive an EV, amirite????), and your stove, and your refrigerator, and what type of lawn you plant, and the ability to dictate (with police enforcement, in some benighted states) what gay porn your kid is REQUIRED to read in school.

        Nice job on the takedown, though!!

    • former water walker,

      Your kid’s DON’T belong to the state.

      Don’t let the government hear you say that: they will label you a domestic terr0ri$t or some such nonsense.

  4. Its come up here before in the past from ‘left wing’ teachers and school administrators trying to make it an issue.

    I’m serious, they would actually have a test question on a, say, vocabulary test of “Do you have guns in your home?” and if the kids answered “Yes” or didn’t check an answer they would call the parents wanting them to come in for a ‘conference’ and notified CPS (who kinda laughed at them and did nothing), and the kid would get an ‘F’ on the test even though they answered correctly all of the questions for the subject and be ‘sequestered’ in a separate room ‘as a disciplinary problem and possibly violent’ where they just sat the rest of the school day and every school day until the parents came in for the conference. And if the kid answered “No” the parents were sent a literature package about ‘guns in the home’ that was supplied by some anti-gun org unless the ‘teacher’ thought the kid was lying (because they had been talking and overheard about going hunting or using guns on the range) and if they did the kids would be treated as the “Yes’ or not-answering kids. Well, eventually enough parents had enough of this so parents stopped attending these ‘conferences’ and instead would go to the school and get their kid, blasted the schools for this, got the police involved with charges of ‘unlawful detention’ of their kids, and people voted to get rid of the all left wing school board. So since the left wing school board was ousted, its not been a thing for a long time. We used to have a large ‘anti-gun’ sector here in the past.

    Have your kids do what the kids around here been trained to do if it comes up (exactly in line with the constitutional and legal rights that minors do have… if asked if there are guns in the home….

    “Sir …” (or Ma’am) …” that’s none of your business. I need my parents here before you continue asking me questions and they will speak for me.”

  5. While walking in a local park, a guy stopped me to talk about Trump. My InfoWars t-shirt and the Ulta-Maga button on my cowboy hat seemed to have tipped him off that we may be of like mind.

    Turns out, he is a substitute teacher for many subjects, including math and history. He said that when he walks into a class, he explains to the students that he is going to ask some questions just to get a sense of where they are. Invariably, he said, most of them cannot calculate the change in a cash transaction. They do not know what the US Constitution is, and cannot tell him what the Civil was was about. I asked if he taught grade school. “No”, he said, “Mostly juniors and seniors”. He related his frustration that most of the faculty spends class hours talking about social justice issues. When he escalated to the principal, he was told the focus on social justice was at his direction. This was, by the way, a private school for which parents were paying around $40k per year.

    Home school if you can. Our educational system has been poisoned.

    • Of course. People who can afford $40k per year high schools love to focus on social justice issues. They can afford to. Unchecked immigration isn’t impacting them, and neither is insane inflation. You’re practically an outcast if one of your children isn’t something other than “hetero-cis.” They feel the need to virtue signal because actual virtue is absent in their lives. They’re trying to fill a void while also trying to fit in with the world.

    • That’s exactly why our republican controlled legislature passed a law requiring schools to teach about the declaration of independence and the constitution/bill of rights including the how and why it was written and how it was intended to be used. It also requires teaching about the revolutionary war, the civil war and slavery, WWI, WWII. a Korea and Vietnam. Seniors are also required to pass a civics test to graduate similar to the ones taken by people wishing to become U.S. citizens. That’s why votes matter if we are to save our nation from the liberal progressive educational indoctrination system that has been dumbing children down for the last 30 years and teaching them to only believe their ideology and agendas.

  6. Fortunately; I sent my kids to a gun friendly private school. At the request of some of the teachers, I even hosted shooting lessons on my rural property. I taught quite a few kids who were going to enter the military, male and female, how to shoot. All of them went on to be the top shooters in their units.

  7. “Safety Measures” brought to you by the same sacks of perverted garbage who gave schools violence inviting Gun Free Zone Signs.

    And of course on this site you now have to connect the h to view a pertinent, educational vid…
    h ttps://

    • Firearms safety is liberal progressive democrat NEWSPEAK for gun control. Just like when ranting about global warming caused by humans failed then it became human caused climate change and once that failed is became just climate change. NEWSPEAK has been a weapon of democrats for more than 60 years. Changing the name of something or redefining its meaning to support their ideologies and agendas. George Orwell warned of this and other tyrannical tactics in his book ‘1984’. The democrat party took ‘1984’ and turned it into their playbook to transform society into the beginnings of what we are witnessing now.

    • “And of course on this site you now have to connect the h to view a pertinent, educational vid…”

      Yeah, that’s sad really. It was safer privacy and tracking wise to be able to view it here – when you go to the youtube site and view it there you get all the tracking and privacy collection stuff from youtube – when you viewed it here you didn’t get all that stuff.

  8. tried the “not going to answer” at the doctors office and they just kept asking and it was annoying. now i just say “no” and move on. it’s not about rights, the doctor is a private business.

    • When I was asked several years ago I told the nurse it was none of her business and when the doctor came in I told him the same thing and don’t bother to ask again. He’s still my doctors all these years later and has never asked again.

    • Next time tell them that this question is a “medical boundary violation” and is a serious ethical issue that will be reported to your state’s medical board if it ever happens again. Take your phone out and log the time, the date and the exact wording of the boundary violation. Every doctor has their credentials posted at their office. Take photo of that too, while you are at it. This shuts them right up.

    • fppf,

      Yes, the doctor has a “right” to ask . . . once. And I have the right to say “none of your damn business” – conversation over. If the doctor persists? Time to find a new doctor. (I am reminded of a friend of my dear daddy who loved to tell the story about the doctor who was treating him for his heart issues telling him to “lose waight”, . . . . while puffing away on cancer sticks.

      But, seriously, given the rates of heart disease, hypertension, high blood pressure, type II diabetes, etc. (ALL of which are primarily based on lifestyle choices), in what sense is gun ownership a legitimate health issue?? Do those doctors also ask you if you drive, use ladders, have a swimming pool, drink ‘adult beverages’, etc.? If not, they are Leftist hypocrites. If so, they are effed up Karens who need to get a life.

  9. If you are sending your kids to these government indoctrination day-camps then there really isn’t much hope for you at this point. Your kids are going to be brainwashed Marxists by the time they graduate. Congratulations, you got played.

  10. When I lifted my shirt during an examination the doctor saw my carry gun at 4:00
    He asked what type it was and I told him it’s a SIG P365
    He said that’s a lot bigger grip than mine, is that the X-Macro?
    I confirmed his diagnosis and we continued with the business I was there for
    We get along just fine

    • It’s just easier and safer to move the CCW to an off-body bag when you go into the doctor or any medical /therapy professional situation where someone is likely to be laying hands physically on your body. I don’t want any firearms unqualified person’s hands anywhere near my loaded weapon.

  11. Evidently the 4th Amendment doesn’t exist in Comrade Kamala land … Kamala Harris Threatens To Come In Your Home To Check On Your Firearms!

    h ttps://

  12. The FBI says Iran hacked Trump campaign and gave the info to the Biden campaign but they pinky promise not to use the info.

    h ttps://

  13. BREAKING LEAK: BIDEN WH Says “MORE Executive Orders AGAINST Gun Rights IMMINENT”!!! In today’s episode, we dive into the new leak from the White House that promises MORE executive orders against Gun Rights is coming soon.

    h ttps://

  14. Did Kamala illegally acquire the pistol she claims she owns?

    h ttps://

  15. Well, She’s at Least Willing to Raid Your Home for This.

    h ttps://

  16. For the Candians… $67 Million Spent On Mandatory Gun Buy Backs, Not One Gun Collected.

    h ttps://

    • I read that many local law enforcement agencies are refusing to participate, and contractors the government has approached are not interested either. Apparently it’s so unpopular that they are having real trouble even getting started.

      • Well, if they began their confiscation scheme with that Rider/Shooter fella, I can see how they would rethink it. He didn’t seem to have much give in him…makes me wonder…

        • Outside chance he was a glowie plant trying to see what chatter they could stir up but there are more than a few Canadians that fit that description in general.

  17. If your doctor, teacher, or principal asks, “Do you own guns?”
    reply with a personal question of your own, such as “How often does your wife m***ur*bate?”
    When he says, “None of your d**n business,”
    you reply, “My point exactly!”

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