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Brian Jensen reports on his trip to the Royal Hawaiian Shooting Club for “There are some idiosyncrasies that may seem a little odd to you,” Brian writes. “Because the range is a rental setup, and because some of their customers have never shot before and may have only a rudimentary understanding of range safety, the guns are all tethered in their booth with the barrels secured so that they point in only one direction, downrange. This prevents the shooter from having too much freedom with the gun and unintentionally ‘lasering’ someone with the muzzle. It also keeps the guns secure right where they are.”

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  1. That sounds like a pretty reasonable idea to me, actually. I know a lot of us here were taught to shoot before we were teenagers and therefore have the rules hardwired into our brains. For an adult just starting to learn I think some form of “training wheels” makes sense.

  2. At least they have a range. I’m assuming the range in the article was on Oahu. Here on Kaua’i there is no longer a range. The local Garden Island Shooting Club used to have the use of the National Guard range several days a week. However, shortly after our new Governor (Dem – did you really have to ask?) was read in, the Guard kicked the club out. Could be just a co-incidence of timing, but I know what side of the issue he’d be on if he did get a say ….

    The reason given was they needed to convert the 400 yd range to a 75m range. So apparently everything I’ve been seeing from A-stan was wrong and firefights are not happening at longer distances. Either that or they think they may be engaged in urban warfare in the near future.

  3. great ideal… do they only get one bullet at a time like barney? all joking aside it’s not a bad ideal…

  4. I first shot .22 rilfes at shooting galleries when I was a wee sprout, and all the rifles were tethered in this manner.

  5. I surprised that those dumb ass no good COMMIES allow a gun range in their silly state.

  6. This setup is mostly geared towards foreigners. Especially Japanese. Go to Guam. Well, back in the day when I was in the Navy and passed through Guam regularly, Guam was full of shooting galleries on the main drag there. Its a big tourist thing for the Japanese to do. Oahu has no shortage of Japanese tourists either.

    I went in to one of the galleries out of curiosity. Talked with the owner. He said that most of the Japanese ideas about gun handling come from movies and TV shows, so careful attention to how the clients were handling the weapons was paramount by the staff.

  7. Been there. Think Japanese tourists. Lots of Japanese tourists.

    And they all want to fire a real gun on vacation. It’s an amazing sight to see.

    Strikes me that the chains, etc are a GOOD thing.

    • And the PRICES they charge! Oh my! I saw an ad for them on the hotel TV the last time I was in Hawai’i, and I couldn’t believe it. First they chain up the guns like some kind of rabid attack dog, and then they charge $50 for one mag from a AR-15!

      I’m in the wrong line of work…

    • There’s a good business out here in the wild, wild west in gun tourism. Scottsdale Gun Club has their “machine gun adventures” both on their range and out in the desert. The desert trips are something else: They’ll take your party out into the middle of nowhere in a couple of Humvees along with M2HB’s, a Dillon minigun, and (faint) an H+K auto grenade launcher. I’ve also seen people up at the Rio Salado range with a half-dozen full auto guns and a dozen tourists sending rounds downrange.

      Not a bad way to recoup your investment in NFA guns…

  8. I spent ten weeks of my junior year of high school in Israel. Part of a our program was participating in five days of mock military training which prepares Israeli high schoolers for service. Part of the course is you learn how to fire an M16 and for the overwhelming majority of people there, this was the first firearm they have seen outside of Hollywood.
    At the range, there were little ropes stretched between two stakes and the barrel had to stay under the ropes and you fired form the prone position. If the barrel came out from under the string, I imagine a team of commandos jumped down from the rafters and turned you into human felafel. Worked pretty well. Everybody that shot hit the target at least once (out of eleven shots).

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