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In case you can’t read the watermark, the rifle umbrella is available at Somehow I don’t think “bravado” is the right word for anyone who carriesĀ his this suicide-by-cop-enabler in an urban area. Especially Boston, New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago or Trenton. Especially Trenton. Sad, but true.

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  1. I volunteer to carry this on the DC Metro, and on my walk through downtown DC getting to my building in the morning, then home during peak rush-hour… All in the name of science, and stupidity. T&E models available? Does it come with an insurance policy?

      • I live nearby, I could drop off a file in a cake. Assuming I can figure out where the jail is in DC and a way to get there from just across the Potomac.

    • Hmmm… The watermark says, and that site has not only the umbrella shown, but a saber umbrella and a samurai sword umbrella. As well as this: “Metal Hot Shoe Adapter With Female Threaded Screw Adapter and Direction Knob”. I am not sure what that is, but it sounds either seriously kinky or a sexist joke. (Just search for umbrella at

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