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At long last, the true cause of the decline of the British Empire is revealed.


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  1. What could possibly go wrong? Well, aside from sounding like someone stepped on a cat’s tail, nothing. The blurb says that the rifle’s bolt has been removed. Without a bolt, a rifle might as well be a trumpet.

  2. Great, now the UK’s going to ban bugles since it might encourage people to put dangerous hollow objects up to their mouths.

  3. Ever hear of a guy by the name of Professor Peter Schickele? He’s better known by his alter-ego, P.D.Q. Bach. He invented an instrument called the “tromboon” – a trombone with an oboe mouthpiece, as he puts it “combining the worst features of both instruments.”

  4. Mark,First off thanks for your poascdt, listen to it all the time. I am so glad that the NRA finally allowed the NRA news program to be poascdt. I cant wait for the new site, I looked around and I dont see any preview links to it, do you happen to have the URL or to the Podcast rss?ThanksVinceNRA-Life Member, RSOMember ARPC, TopGun, IDPA (RO), USPSA, GSSFCertified Instructor, Armorer, Engineer,& Professional

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