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OK, we’ve seen a couple of these things before. And they’re still a bad idea — depending on where you choose to carry one. But these eBay babies are probably the most realistic yet. What, a Totes won’t work?

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  1. I want one of these just for shits and giggles!!! Leave it by the door and watch the expressions on the neighbors face when they see it!! They are pro gun but would find this funny!!

  2. How about an umbrella attachment for an actual rifle? My invention! Crap… The idea was mentioned in “The Strand Magazine” in 1893.

    • Thats what I thought when I first read the headline. I might pay that for a mosin umbrella even if it was de-miled.

      In a world not run by the squemish and overly sensative, I think it could be potentialy classy.

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