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What Could Possibly Go Wrong: Tac Force TF-662 Edition

Robert Farago - comments No comments

Tac Force TF-662 Assisted Opening Folding Knife (courtesy amazon.com)

One-click ordering with Amazon is like those experiments where a rat gets a line of cocaine when it hits a bar. The rat ends-up tap dancing on the damn thing, long after the money’s run out. So there I was, looking at blades for my personal collection editorial coverage for The Truth About Knives when I came upon this little beauty. Not only is the 1911-shaped Tac Force TF-662 perfect for airplane journeys (YMMV) but it’s also an assisted folding knife. Which makes it fast opening and ridiculous. Still, the TAC Force TF-662 was $18.41 (the year President William Henry Harrison prattled on and on at his inauguration, caught a cold and died after one month in office). The Speedster Series variant is now $7.08. Such a deal! And that skeletonized trigger? Schwing!

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “What Could Possibly Go Wrong: Tac Force TF-662 Edition”

  1. It’s all ridiculous. They say “no resistance” because they want to save face for something they wouldn’t do (resist). When in fact, they are cowards unwilling to put up a fight, unwilling to prepare for the fight, and unwilling to accept that those around them putting up fights is the right thing to do – simply due to cowardice.

    The bottom line – Obama, Bloomberg, Schumer, Feinstein, etc are cowards in the face of an attacker who would use physical force and intimidation with a weapon to obtain what they wanted. They would rather live in an idealistic make-believe world filled with unicorns and rainbows where guns didn’t exist and if they were bothered by an antagonist they need only call the police and file a complaint. They live detached from reality and from what the rest of us “real-world” people must experience everyday.

    They remind me of those people with bright colored hair and purple lipstick on the hunger games.

  2. This is the best quote Manchin could come up with? We’ve not yet begun to fight? He could have gone with something like “was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!?”

    At least he didn’t start crying this time.

  3. Weelll… I can see a bayonet on a handgun.

    I cannot, however, see a use for this thing. Thanks for playing; go home now.


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