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What I’m Carrying Now: A Customized M&P9 M2.0 Compact and a Rolex

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

What I'm Carrying Now EDC everyday carry
Courtesy Steve Sherridon

Steve Sherridon writes . . .

Here’s my daily carry setup (With some interesting tweeks to the holster- more about that later):

Gun: Smith & Wesson M&P9 M2.0 Compact. Internals: DPM enhanced recoil spring, stiff option. Apex Tactical flat forward faced trigger set (entire kit) set at around 3.5 lbs.(second lightest).

External: Shield RMSw red dot. Crimson Trace Rail Master green laser. (I added some black rubber band under the Rail Master (which you cannot see) to absorb recoil to keep it in zero.

The tall front sight for co-witness is taken from a S&W Performance Center full size C.O.R.E. I needed to add a couple of shims underneath to lock it in tight to the M2.0 Compact frame. (Green nail varnish for high viz- put it on months ago- still there!).

There’s skateboard tape under the trigger-guard for extra purchase from my support hand index finger. (Hey- that’s how I shoot!)

Here in Israel you can only own one gun so I slapped everything on it.

This gun has run over 15,000 rounds with around only four light strikes (that happened on the original striker spring after 7,000 rounds…no problems since changing the spring). Also one failure for slide to lock back on empty mag- when gun was brand new – but never happened since. One jam with a dirty mag, but that’s it- otherwise it runs like the Rolex. I clean it after every time I use it.

Holster: a DeSantis B2 for pocket carry. I carry concealed in my pocket. I had all my pants adjusted by a tailor with tough fabric and lengthened to fit the gun concealed and I have to wear suspenders.
I added a leather shroud to protect the RMSw, and interestingly on the side I added a piece of leather with a ‘pinch’ in it.

This was because I am left-handed, but like to carry the gun with the mag release on left side of gun (mag pops out easily with my middle finger of left hand). The problem was my magazine release button was activating inside my pocket, but this has never happened with the ‘pinched’ leather I added to the holster.

If you think my set-up in a pocket is slow, my fastest time drawing from concealment (i.e. from inside my pocket), racking slide, and firing 3 shots and 3 hits at 10 meters, with one round inside the dime sized x in the middle of the target- was 2.62 seconds. I activate the Rail Master as I rack the slide (it’s ‘Israeli carry’ here in Israel).

Flashlight: a Nitecore TIP – devastating 360 lumens (for half an hour on turbo mode) stuck to the magazine baseplate with removable velcro. Yes, I will have to fumble to change mags and flashlight in the dark. Why doesn’t someone make a baseplate mounted flashlight?

I sewed my own leather protector for the spare magazine. I just folded a square piece of leather in half. The shroud at the top protects the back of the top round, which is HST 124gr HP.

Watch: Well, you know.


[This post is part of our series, What I’m Carrying Now. If you’d like to submit a photo and description of the gun, holster and gear you’re carrying in the new world in which we live, send it to us at thetruthaboutguns@gmail.com with WICN in the subject field.]

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