Scott E. writes . . .
This Smith & Wesson Model 649 has been a nearly constant companion since the 80s. When I don’t just put it in a jacket pocket, I use an old Strong holster or a Sparks Summer Special.
I’m still carrying 125 grain +P Nyclads. The knife is a Benchmade Mini Barrage which has performed very well for me.
My favorite light is the little Fenix E05 that is always with me on my keyring. I also have a larger Fenix or a Surefire depending on the circumstances.
The Buddha is reminding me to ‘be here now’, mindfully present, and is just another way of following Jeff Cooper’s suggestion to ‘live in yellow’.
[This post is part of our series, What I’m Carrying Now. If you’d like to submit a photo and description of the gun, holster and gear you’re carrying in the new world in which we live, send it to us at thetruthaboutguns@gmail.com with WICN in the subject field.]