springfield armory xd-s mod.2

John S. writes . . .

I carry:

Springfield Amory XD-S Mod.2 SC with a reload
Tagua holster
Streamlight flashlight
Leatherman Crater
Casio most of the time, Citizen when I get dressed up

I thought about getting the SIG P365, but better is the enemy of good enough. I can put holes where they need to be with the XD so why spend the money?

I see a knife as a work tool so the Crater works for me. A blade, flathead and Phillips screwdrivers can get you through most of life.


This post is part of our series,Β What I’m Carrying Now. If you’d like to submit a photo and description of the gun, holster and gear you’re carrying in the new world in which we live, send it to us atΒ [email protected]Β withΒ WICNΒ in the subject field.]


  1. That mod 2.0 fits my hand like a broken-in thin leather motorcycle glove. You post makes me want to pick one up after all of this craziness dies down.
    Funny story about that gun: I treated a gunshot wound to a man’s leg from one of those. It went off when he was pulling up his pants in his restroom at home. He was carrying hot with no holster. I can verify those guns work. Bullet path went from the top of the calf and lodged at the bottom of his foot.
    Still, I like those Springfields.

  2. Not Springfield fan…but pretty nice kit.

    The knife look useful.

    And I see you have a backup watch….keep your priorities in order.


    • And cheap, at 25 bucks.

      You won’t cry when it gets lost when clipped in your pocket…

    • And it’s got that cool carabiner thingy.

      Perfect for hanging on my seatback storage.

      Or my get-home pack….or ..well you know.

    • I know nothing about knives so, honest question: what looks particularly useful about it? I see knives in here with different sizes and shapes but it’s all lost on me

      • Jerms, they don’t know! Some of these guys just like to act like they’re experts, so they post random “technical” stuff weekly.

      • It’s really personal preference.

        When you have used a knife, what do you wish it could do, or what feature would have been useful to you?

        For their price point, Gerbers are a decent value for money spent for what you get…

        • i’d have a fastball.
          the problem with multitools is everything is a bottle opener, but only the sak’s have corkscrews. a phillips is handy. gerber’s shard could not be cheaper…

      • Jerms
        Decent blade shape with a point form poking and prying as well as cutting.

        Decent sized screwdrivers position so you can get some leverage.

        Looks useful for stuff I normally do.

        Evidently people in KY need to told what is useful for them as they cant discern for themselves.

        Best way to become expert in what you think a knife/tool should do is use one.

        What is lacking becomes apparent quickly.


    • You are 100% correct. From the photo, the 2 shiny pins above the trigger area are the giveaway. The XD-S only has 1. All the others in Springfield’s ‘XD’ line have 2 pins above the trigger.

  3. Springfield Armory: making millions off treachery since whenever it was crapped into existence.

    • ” I miss my XD, but the daughter loves it.”

      Kudos, you raise your girl right!

      • Thank you. She has a full-size duty pistol and a CC. Maybe I will get her an AR for her birthday (or give her mine and upgrade).

  4. Not a fan of subcompacts. If you are going small might as well go for a pocket pistol but I like the simplicity.

  5. Covers the basics.

    Whatever you carry on your person consider adding additional weaponry in your vehicle. These days my every day carry of a Ruger SR9 is supplemented by a Ruger PC Carbine in the vehicle and a bunch of magazines.

    • I have up gunned to my full sized APX for capacity. Still at THREATCON BRAVO so I just have an AR with magazine inserted at home. I don’t see a need to have it at the ready yet.

      • “At the ready” I am not doing either. In that respect what I carry every day has not changed. When I cannot carry openly I have a pocket .380. When I can carry openly I have the SR9 plus two magazines on the belt.

        That much is normal. The PO Carbine and the extra magazines are out of sight but easy to get to. The reason isn’t just recent rioting, looting and arson, but the realization that terrorists happen anyplace and their attacks are not necessarily brief seconds in length.

        So, I’m a little more prepared on that score when I am driving about.

        It also covers the current unpleasantness πŸ™‚

  6. I wouldn’t give ten cents for a battery run watch.,,,,I’m chisel plowing a field wirh a 24 ft chisel,getting paid by the hour, been at it since sunup, last I looked it was 23:30. running out of coffee and smokes,hungry About a hundred and twenty acres to go, I’m guessing, and my damned watch quits. If I’d a had a wind up I coulda at least kept track of the hours. Oh and by the way your gun and screw drivers suck too.

    • Neither watch is powered by a simple battery. They both are continuously charged by a solar cell.

      And I think you folksy routine sucks.

      • yup, , but it’s still a battery and what if you wear long sleeves all the time ( farmers used to) and and and the sun goes down, what then?

        • Well if you had 2 watches like him, you wouldn’t have anything to worry about…

        • If you bothered to read the article you would note that one is for everyday wear and the other is for when I fulfill my role as a suit but you would have to own a suit to understand.

          The capacitors are good for more months. They are fully charged in about five minutes in bright sunlight.

        • Possums aren’t known for a lengthy attention span.

          Watch out scurrying across the road, marsupial one. He might change lanes so he hit ya… πŸ˜‰

    • I don’t think you can tell time, so what does it matter? Chisel plowing since sunup, approx 0630, the last time you looked at your watch it was 2330. You’ve been plowing for over 18 hours or your watch died at least a night ago. Chisel plowing in June, little late aren’t you?

      • It seems that a calendar watch would also be useless for you. You should have a hour meter in your tractor or if you have a cell phone, instead of confusing yourself with the numbers on the face, if you know someone that can tell time, call them and ask for the time. Then again after plowing for 18 hours maybe if no one has called you, then you might just forget that. How about the radio, maybe you can get someone to tune it for you. With that the radio usually gives the time evey hour on the hour and half hour. If all that fails, we have about a 15 hour daylight day with sunset around 830 or for you since you like the 24 clock 2030. How many saddle tanks of fuel do you have strapped on to your rig? That’s a lot of fuel running continuous for 18 + hours.
        So, do you even own a gun and a knife other than a $25. Case Sod Buster?

      • “Chisel plowing in June, little late aren’t you?”

        He could be just now recovering from a wicked hangover.

        And, 90 and 100 day corn seed is available…

    • Pack a lunch (or dinner) and ride the clock for those precious hours. Who cares what time it is?

  7. Don’t feed the trolls, guys lol.
    Everyone knows possums are dumb as shit anyways πŸ˜‰

  8. Gun, Spare Mag, Flashlight and Knife checks the boxes. Watch choice is a whole ‘nother subject. For the price, Casios are hard to beat. I prefer the EQSA500B-1AV as it’s a mechanical motion rather than battery.

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