Call of Duty cover


TTAG reader RockyMountain9 emailed us this image of the Call of Duty Advanced Warfare box. Notice anything ass-backwards? RH did. Make the jump for the reveal.

Call of Duty Advnaced Warfare cover close-up

It’s a bit reminiscent of the HK catalog with the backwards cartridges in the magazine. To which the only possible response is D’oh!


  1. I just find it ridiculous that you give a soldier strength enhancing armor, but leave his hands exposed. So he’s strong enough to punch through a brick wall, but it would leave his hands a bloody smear if he attempted it. Poor design, really.

    • I bet the crotch is unprotected too. PMN’s will be deployed. 93% Superman ain’t Superman.

  2. Well it’s a fictional design so it doesn’t really matter which way it folds, but what is that thing sticking up behind the front sight? I don’t see an underbarrel launcher of any kind.

    • Thanks for the HQ link. Ejection port is clearly visible looking at your pic. There ARE two front sight posts and I also noticed that the muzzle brake is 90* off (chambers are pointing up and down instead of left and right).

  3. The ‘scope’ is in line with the front site. Seems to me that the front sight might block the ‘scope’.

    • This ^^^

      Talking about video games on a site with a title like TTAG dilutes the whole point of the blog. I honestly don’t care what some graphic artist involved in the production of some video game, TV show or movie gets wrong about guns as long as it doesn’t impact anything about the RTKABA or any aspect of any real guns.

      • I think there is room on the internet and TTAG for some lighter articles about gun-related, and even gun-adjacent subjects that may only appeal to part of TTAG’s audience. These lighter articles can be a breath of fresh air between all the Rights infringement and dog shooting cop stories. SO relax a bit. TTAG has other readers besides yourself.,

  4. Q. What’s wrong with this picture?

    A. It’s Call of Duty. That’s what’s wrong with this picture.

  5. Looks like a left handed gun for a right handed shooter. That’s what I deduce from the lack of visible ejection port.

  6. I dunno but it gives me an interesting idea….. Could a semi-auto or even pump be built with dual barrels(drillings style?) in different calibers with a canted rail for each barrel/caliber? Scoped .308 barrel on one side – 12ga. with flip ups on the other.

    Sort of the idea behind the UTAS/KSG versatility only with 2 distinct calibers done WAAAAY better than the Crossfire MK2 I had the misfortune of owning once upon a time.

  7. We should write an action movie. It would be boring as shit but absolutely 100% real world firearms accurate.
    -shotguns that never need to be racked because they keep one in the chamber already….
    -people going deaf every time they shoot in confined space

  8. Jokes on us; the entire point of this article is to find out who has such terrible eyesight that they can’t see the rectangular hint of an ejection port (which is fully visible in Jo Mamma’s link).

    For those that apply: Get some glasses, seriously.

    • It’s COD trying to be Titanfall and leaving out the giant robots. Post PC COD was aimed at a demo besides the xbox twitch shooter kiddies? These aren’t your ARMA players and this isn’t ARMA.

  9. well, first off anyone looking to CoD for realism is thoroughly confused by reality. Secondly, that game is tailor made for kids so…

  10. I 2nd the fact this is a post. My $15 android can’t sharpen/enlarge enough. BTW I’ve been getting SECURITY certificates popping up. And the site is buggy on android.

  11. Much of the image is a photoshop chop-job. The weapon alone has at least 3 different perspective angles on the borrowed pieces. This piece of art was probably thrown together of an internal style guide, and then the marketing team got a hold of it – OR, the marketing team actually generated the image, rather than one of the team’s concept artist. It happens ALL THE TIME….sadly. One of the grimmer realities of working in the video game business, is seeing art that was never intended for mass consumption make its way out to the public. Unmysteriously, this almost always happens because of the marketing department, and not the development team.

  12. Well considering in the last game they called magazines “clips”, I don’t find it unrealistic that the guys who designed and made the game know more about graphics and software than firearms.

  13. I submitted this due to the simultaneously folded/raised front sight. Guess I should’ve zoomed in more on the second picture! Oh well…

  14. Very small image, and zooming only makes it worse – but it looks like the trigger housing is attached to the magwell, instead of to the grip ?

  15. I tell you what. As a gun owner and a hardcore gamer, I will be damned if I will stand (sit) here and let a bunch of gun nuts tell me what’s wrong with COD. NOTHING’S wrong with that game jacket. It’s awesome’s what it is. You wanna pick apart a game jacket? Try Where’s Waldo instead. Lighten up and lay off man…

  16. RockyMountain9 says it was submitted because of the simultaneously raised and lowered front sight.

    I thought it was because it had .30 cal mystery rounds loaded into a shotgun.


    It was a fun “Where’s Waldo” type of thingy.

  17. I think Call Of Duty needs to do a game set in WWI. That era is really vey fertile and over looked ground for game developers.

    • What if ww1 never ended? Now combine all the guns from the world wars and vietnam, add in chemicals and radiation, mix in a bit of apocalypse, and you end up with a frontline war with a fallout new vegas main character.

      And while they’re at it, they might as well get those DNA enhancement shots from bioshock and give them to the special forces.

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