Somebody picked the wrong script writer. And casting director. And voice coach (FPSRussia moonlighting.) And, and, and. Click here for a longer version but really, really? [h/t]
Somebody picked the wrong script writer. And casting director. And voice coach (FPSRussia moonlighting.) And, and, and. Click here for a longer version but really, really? [h/t]
My sentiments exactly.
Let’s see if they covered all the Marketing 101 points:
bad guy attack — check
policeman comes to the rescue — check
gun in scene — check
foot or car chase — check
pretty woman — check
I would really love to see some actual creativity in commercials. And I would love to know what product or service they are supposedly advertising versus a 2 second glimpse of a company logo at the end of the commercial.
Okay so it’s not very original. I still don’t see what there is to complain about.
@Sixpack70, and a G42 at that….double YAWN.
Now if Gunny, as a civilian out walking with his trophy and his dog, had drawn the Glock and stopped the robber, who was a home-grown low-life type, not some phony Euro, and then waited ten minutes until the police showed up to take custody and shook Gunny’s hand before sending him on his way…
My problem with every Glock commercial I’ve seen is that it always seems to be LEOs handling the hardware, not legally armed non-LEO citizens exercising their natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to self defense.
They have the law enforcement market pretty well tied up already, why keep pandering?
*Reasons why Glock has lost another customer to the S&W pool.
The extended version goes along with Glock’s standard “LEO”-fellating fare, in which rather than armed citizen, he’s a cop. It sends the wrong message, that only the cops can defend themselves.
It’s a moot point, since hardly no one will see these Glock ads, anyway.
There are other “wrong” Glock ads that depict citizens stopping criminals with guns
So it really isn’t a big deal to sometimes show cops using glocks to do it too. After all, Glock is pretty much America’s default pistol for the police
Yes, somewhere around 65% of LE carries a Glock. When you think of the variety of other service pistols on the market, that’s a pretty damn impressive number.
Not so impressive when you take into account the fact that Glock forces retailers to sell to “LEO”s at a steep discount, lest they lose their status as a Glock dealer.
So many things wrong with this video. Lets just say I hope someone lost their job over it. However, more likely, they got a bonus.
More police efficiency, professionalism, and heroism:
Police Nearly Get Peep Show After No-Knock, Late Night Raid on Wrong House
Cue the “but, there are good cops, too” crowd.
You’re really going to deny that there are?
I don’t think anyone can deny there are good cops.
But what does it bring to the discussion of what the bad example did wrong to mention it?
In regard to this specific ad, the point would be since there are good cops out there, there is nothing wrong with depicting one like they do here.
I’m not denying it; I have family members who are cops. My point is that every time – literally daily – ridiculous police behavior is pointed out, the apologists come out and say “hurr durr, there are good ones.
This just in: Lawsuit: Cops found nothing in raid, so they planted drugs to frame innocent woman
Well in this particular case I don’t see what the problem is. There are good cops out there and this ad depicts one. What’s wrong with that?
There are good Catholic priests as well. Does that mean the pedophiles get a pass?
No, but the point is there is nothing wrong with one ad that depicts one good cop.
You’re responding to the wrong issue here; the thread in which you’re writing all of these replies – and the subsequent person with the ubiquitous “good cops” comment – was in regards to cops battering open a door, terrifying children and a half-naked woman at gunpoint, in a botched “no knock” raid, at the wrong address.
What a shame. Let us assume this scene was in NY (I cannot read the license plate, but it isn’t a CA one)
Gunny lives in California. Shoot the commercial here and have it be a real taxi cab drive. Little known fact of CA law? Taxi cab drivers can carry concealed WITHOUT a permit as long as they are operating a cab (it is considered their place of business)
cf. People v. Marotta
Or better shoot it in Phoenix, or Houston, and have it be a regular joe not a cop.
Can someone please explain what’s wrong with this ad? I don’t get it.
It’s a little cheesy, but I didn’t see anything wrong with it.
I don’t understand any of the remarks. I didn’t see any cops in the “wrong cab” clip, and the link took me to some “Everytown” video called “Not Our Words” .
Watch the extended version of “Wrong Cab”; the driver is now a cop, who are the only ones who can be trusted with/allowed to defend themselves with guns.
Neither do I. I’ve seen much worse ads than this one.
It made the unforgivable sin of showing a police officer with a gun stopping a criminal. Also, its cheesy as F**k.
So a cop is undercover as a taxi driver…. wonder what genius cam up with this plot
Maybe he’s just moonlighting as a cabbie. A lot of cops have second jobs.
Nobody ordered the whoopass fajitas?
Most weak-ass knife disarm I’ve seen in, like, forever.
Extend the muzzle beyond the seat barrier? Not tactically sound from a retention perspective.
But the thing that really bugs me…why in hell is Gunny elbow-dropping the suspect? That guy is unarmed and running away from an armed attacker. Officer Taxi is lucky he didn’t get dropped himself.
Oy #2 – I just watched the extended version. More storyline wasn’t enough to save it.
Apparently gunny has a keen sense of being able to tell who the theatening people are in a fight…well other then private Pyle anyway.
Whole scene was too well lit for inside of a cab. The BG should have been suspicious about the camera man. That babe is way too hot for gunny, obviously a hooker. Come on guys, really? Put it on TV and other than people of the gun, who’s gonna see anything wrong? Laugh a bit. It makes you feel good.
It was lame enough to be a training film. By DHS.
The whole premise is unbelievable from the “git go.” No bad guy would spend the dough on a Spyderco!
I saw nothing wrong with the ad and it was nice to see Gunny doing a commercial with his grand daughter…. 🙂
Outstanding comment.
Trigger discipline.
Clearly Glock needs a new ad agency. This feels like an in-house produced ad with no budget. I like Gunny, but the production value and content is a near zero.
They could DOMINATE the gun ad space with the right ad team. Oh wait, they already dominate so I guess they figure there is no need to spend money on ads like this.
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