Screen capture by Boch via Facebook.

Bad people with evil in their hearts pick the time and place of their attacks. We all know that the only thing that stops bad people (and lunatics) with evil in their hearts is a good person with a gun. Which is why prudent and responsible gun owners should carry everyday.

In a “should have been a defensive gun use” incident in Houston, a 12-year-old with near-zero self-control stabbed a 59-year-old woman. What possessed this young man to grab a knife following an argument with an adult and return to stab her? Because he was mad at the older woman. But he didn’t just stab her once, he stabbed her multiple times, leaving her in critical condition.

Thanks to a neighbors security cameras, cops had some nice video of the offender doing the deed.

Cops arrested the would-be killer. The local media tracked down the mother and she appeared on camera to say she was “sorry” for her kid’s actions. “He’s just a boy,” she said in the interview.

Then she tried to spin it that her stabby son “struggled” with some mental health issues.  But that he’s “just a boy.”

Is mom sorry for her 12-year-old’s uncivilized actions, or is she sorry he got caught?

KPRC has more details:

HARRIS COUNTY, Texas – A day after a 12-year-old boy was arrested for stabbing a woman in northwest Harris County, his mother is apologizing to the victim and her family.

The 12-year-old boy is accused of stabbing a 59-year-old woman outside of her April Valley Court home on Saturday afternoon. He is charged with aggravated assault.

According to investigators with the Harris County Sheriff’s Office, the woman, who suffers from a mental illness, got into a verbal argument with the 12-year-old and his younger brother, 7, around 2:00 p.m.

The boys rode off on their bikes but were then caught on camera returning approximately 12 minutes later. It’s in that video you see the boys rush up to the woman standing in her garage. The 12-year-old boy is accused of stabbing the woman several times in the abdomen.

Multiple stab wounds? That young man likely intended to kill that woman. But according to mom, “he’s just a boy.”

No, he’s not a boy. He’s a violent predator without self-discipline or control, and is a danger to society.

It’s too bad his victim didn’t practice home carry. But then again, mom would then be calling for a wrongful death lawsuit if the neighbor woman, facing a homicidal 12-year-old with a kitchen knife, had put the perp down like a rabid dog.

Yes, home carry stands as a tool in the toolbox when facing potential threats in and around the home. Sure, 99.99% of the time you’ll never need it, but you may never need a fire extinguisher or smoke detector in your home (unless you’re using the smoke detector as a cooking timer), but we still have them and keep them in working order.

Because things happen. It’s true that few of us would dream a 12-year-old neighborhood kid would try to stab you to death with a kitchen knife. Or that someone would climb into a second floor apartment and attack a homeowner. Most of us avoid bad places and bad people, but sometimes you might face a home invader with a hatchet.  Or a pair of guys in your wife’s car in front of the house.  Or getting clubbed to death with a log while trying to stack your firewood.

The possibilities we may need to defend ourselves against are endless.


  1. “Even a child is known by his doings”. If you do adult crime you do adult time. Quit treating young cretins with kid gloves. Chiraq has had a rash of “likely” teen gang boy’s robbing & plundering in the last few daze. And shooting victim’s in previously ok north side neighborhood’s. “He just a baby” doesn’t cut it🙄☹️

    • I’ll take, “Descriptive Details You’re Politically Not Allowed to Mention When Viewing A Crime Video” for $1000, Alex.

      We’re at the point where children are being taught by their local environment that this type of v!olent activity is acceptable.

  2. Mom of the year right there. She’s gonna be surprised when someone (the police, rival criminal or John Q Public) drops her son.

    “Mental issues?” Does she mean he’s a sociopath?

    Hoping the charges get escalated to attempted murder. Hoping the (actual) victim survives and recovers too.

    • the article states that the woman has “mental issues” as well. who knows what the physical/ verbal exchange was 12minutes earlier. respect your elders went hand in hand with certain comments bringing all bets were off.
      hell, screwing up the “puff, puff, pass” sequence can get you killed in some zip codes.

      • Mental issues is just another liberal progressive dog whistle to be used as an excuse for criminal and/or bad behavior. It has been indoctrinated into the minds of people as the go to excuse for anything bad that happens. ‘They’ must have a mental problem/illness. When in fact it’s nothing more than Evil behavior.

        • More like children who have never been disciplined in any way. “Free Range” children who society is expected to tolerate.

          The child needs to be spanked so hard he has to eat standing up and sleep face down for several weeks.

        • i see your point, in cases like this.
          but the deranged can certainly bring interesting aspects to situations one might not have expected. join me for a stroll through uptown where all the dogs be whistlin’.

      • “who knows what the physical/ verbal exchange was 12minutes earlier“

        Yes, why don’t they show us that video?

        • “Victim blaming?“

          You are projecting, I never mentioned victim or anyone, I only asked why they didn’t show video of the initial confrontation.

          From your opposition to my comment I can only conclude that you agree with censorship in this regard.


        • miner. You sound like an old whore trying to pretend she’s still a virgin.

          About what we expect from a soros whore.

        • jwm,

          If someone is paying for MajorLiar to post his word-vomit here, no matter HOW little they pay, they are NOT getting their money’s worth. Of course, finding ANYONE competent on the Left, even puppets (and Leftists are trained to be puppets), is a fool’s errand. The Left abhors competency, just as it abhors rationality or facts.

  3. Wake me up when the NYT highlights this particular parent for teaching her children to use knives as “reasonable way to deal with anger or adversity.”

    Is this another feral child? Was this another example of broken families, poor role-models, and children left to their own devices? Should we (NYT crowd) ignore this particular story because there isn’t an easy ideological axe to grind?

    • I think you know. They have not been taught any morality (Though shalt not murder) and have been rewarded for lack of emotional restraint.

    • Certainly a lack of self-control and self-discipline. A culture that believes any “disrespect”, perceived or real, must be met with violence up to and including murder to regain that lost “respect” and gain more “street cred”.

  4. It’s always the mom talking about her little boy.
    Kids with fathers don’t generally do this kind of stuff.

  5. > No, he’s not a boy. He’s a violent predator without self-discipline or control, and is a danger to society.

    A 12 year old is generally considered a “boy”, yes. Not even a teen. And we generally still call young teenage males “boys”, too!

    But don’t let any of that prevent you from the racist dogwhistling, here, John.

    • I thought calling them “boy” was racist. Apparently calling them “young men” is now?

    • How does one hear a dog whistle?

      I’m glad you people always point them out because I don’t hear them.

      • “How does one hear a dog whistle?“

        Well of course, you realize it’s a metaphor, meaning a subtext to the conversation that is not immediately apparent to the listener, but strikes certain notes that some folks will recognize.

        Here’s an example where Donald Trump invokes the shadow of Nazi Germany, in order to pressure Georgia election officials. It occurred during Trump’s infamous intimidation phone call, when he is talking to Brad Raffensberger’s attorney, Ryan Germany:

        “Germany: We looked into that situation that you described.

        Trump: No, they were 100 percent for Biden. 100 percent. There wasn’t a Trump vote in the whole group. Why don’t you want to find this, Ryan? What’s wrong with you? I heard your lawyer is very difficult, actually, but I’m sure you’re a good lawyer. You have a nice last name.

        But, but I’m just curious why wouldn’t, why do you keep fighting this thing?“

        Notice how Trump couples his name, ‘Germany’ with the term ‘good lawyer’, subtly encouraging Ryan Germany to be a ‘good German’ and toe the Party line.

        Enough room to be deniable, but notice that Donald Trump did not complement anyone else’s name… It is obvious to the intended audience.

        I hope you find this enlightening.

    • jsled,

      I’m curious – do you even read and contemplate the absurd, Leftist/fascist bumper-sticker crap you post here, or is this just kind of typing Tourette’s that causes you to spit out stupid (and completely content-free) Leftist talking points and insults??

      Like MajorLiar and dacian the demented, you remain too stupid to insult.

      Have a nice day, brainless troll!

    • most kids are crazy screwballs until 25… and ageism really shouldn’t be a thing until 18yrs.
      i mean, what race are we even talking about? texans, maybe houstonians. so what?

      • The perp would make a good recruit to dacian, miner, and jsled’s antifa troop.

        Banjo recital night is getting more popular.

  6. LOLOL!


    Improve your life. Demographics matter. Choose where you live — wisely.

  7. They always think their little shit is an angel.
    It’s bad enough they have to endanger everyone else by having them and not training them but they go so far as to make excuses for them and ask the rest of us to pay to fund them either through school or prison.

    Fuck these breeders.

    • “these.”
      pay attention. blammo et all just imported milyunz of gonna be born heres.

    • “Fuck these breeders“

      Isn’t that actually the problem, I’m surprised you advocate for that sort of activity.

  8. Not only did it involve a 12 year old, he took his little brother along. What did he just learn? How did he feel about what big brother did? Was it just business as usual?…And down there hole they tumble.

  9. maybe this mom needs to charged with attempted murder as the couple in Michigan was charged for murder for allowing knife access to her son.

    • This would be a start to fixing the problem. Issue is can you prove she A. Provided the knife and B. Her son was begging for help days before because he wanted to kill people?

      Not defending either of these shit bags just pointing out the differance.

      If it can be proven she at least knew he was capable of acting out and left him unsupervised then yes charges most definitely are appropriate.

  10. 12 year olds are not infants (neither are 18-25 year olds).
    If they will attempt murder at this age (12) their parents & community have failed to inculcate any basic morality must be incarcerated till further notice.

  11. Perhaps now he can “struggle with mental health issues” in a secured mental health facility for several years.

  12. 12 year olds have a head full of mush. Whether today or kids from 50 years ago. They only know and imitate what they are taught or shown by example. If the kid acts out like this it is because they have had little to no discipline or guidance in the home.
    This is an example of why I have said for years that parents should be held accountable for their offsprings actions/crimes.

  13. The real question is where is the dad? Oh wait, the kid probably doesn’t have one in his life.

    • Mommy had a sperm donor while in a very drunken or drugged tryst.

      Fetal-alcohol syndrome or drugged baby?

  14. That was no “mistake”, it was premeditated attempted murder. This little monster took offense to some perceived slight, went home to retrieve a weapon, and returned to attack her. Police should just shoot him now and forego the suspense. You’ll hear more about this kid in the future, and it won’t be from the award ceremony in Oslo.

  15. She’s “sorry”? Put her ypunger kid in foster care. put the 12 year old in prison

  16. Victim had a mental illness, so was perhaps a prohibited person? Had she been armed, no doubt the media would have jumped on whatever history of mental illness to demonizing her for threatening/attacking that poor innocent boy armed with “only” a knife.

  17. Water runs downhill…12 year old educating 7 year old like the 12 year old had been previously educated on the streets. Charge him as an adult.

    One summer when I was a kid riding my scooter I thought I was a hell’s angel and could cut donuts in any old yard I wanted. Well I sassed a lady who was upset over her flattened flower bed. I bragged to an older big kid real-friend about how I handled her and the next thing I knew my big friend and I were standing at the lady’s door and I was apologizing followed by arranging flowers. It is crucial kids learn the rules of life’s road as soon as possible.

  18. Kids will be kids. I enjoyed stabbing pumpkins to death at Halloween. The shocked look on their face made it better.

  19. “The woman who suffers from mental health issues.”–
    Well she couldn’t have a gunm legally anyway, right?
    Lordy, 12 years old, stabbing “Get off my lawn” types, him and his brother. Just the kindsa kids I want in skool with my grandkids, yup yup.
    I wonder if mom has one of those My Kids An Honor Role Student bumper stickers on her car?

  20. If the victim had a gun that would be a problem as she had severe mental health issues and would not be able to legally have a gun. The kid us obviously a huge problem, but given the woman’s history, she would have shot someone else (like the yard crew she was attacking that day).

  21. Of course there’s no father in the home. Residents ought to run her and her criminally predisposed sprogs out of the neighborhood, let ’em live among the crimmigrants in a motel.

  22. Some of yall are some dumb asses with these fucking comments. While yes he is just a boy at the age of 12, he did do something horrible. Yall also know that parents can’t prevent their kids from doing shit unless they keep their kids locked up and away from society as I’m sure we all have done stupid shit that our parents didn’t approve of. Now we obviously ain’t do something this dumb, but I’m more than certain that we just ain’t get caught doing our stupid shit even some shit we could’ve went to jail for. You can’t blame the damn parents all the time as the kid “chose” to do that shit. It’s not like the mom told him to do it.

    • “It’s not like the mom told him to do it.”

      How do you know the mom didn’t tell him to do it?

      parents indirectly tell their kids to do lots of things, not just directly. They do it indirectly. mostly, by their ‘life style’ and/or lack of discipline and monitoring and/or the parents own lack of self-control or responsibility or discipline.

      So, how do you know the mom didn’t tell him to do it?

    • Well I’m glad yall got that outta yer system. Feel better now? Here drink this. Lie down.

  23. Violent criminal stabbing/slashing attacks with knives against victims happen (at current levels) ~ 2,900 times daily across the United States.

    Violent criminal attacks with hand-feet/blunt objects against victims happen (at current levels) ~ 4,200 times daily across the United States.

    Violent criminal attacks using any non-firearm ‘weapon’ (including hand/feet) for purposes of ‘sexual assault’ (either with or without rape) against victims (at current levels) is ~5,600 times daily across the United States.

    Violent criminal ‘trans-on-trans’ or ‘trans-on-gay’ or ‘trans-on-straight’ (collectively) attacks using any non-firearm ‘weapon’ (including hand/feet) for any purpose (including ‘sexual assault’ either with or without rape) against victims (at current levels) is ~4,700 times daily across the United States.

    • Clarification for :

      “Violent criminal stabbing/slashing attacks with knives against victims happen (at current levels) ~ 2,900 times daily across the United States.

      Violent criminal attacks with hand-feet/blunt objects against victims happen (at current levels) ~ 4,200 times daily across the United States.”

      These are not for purposes of ‘sexual assault’. They are things such as, for example, robbery or domestic abuse assault or other assaults or home invasion or attacks on students or school staff in schools.

    • Criminal medical malpractice inflicting (collectively) serious injury or death upon victims (at current rates) happens ~1,100 times daily across the United States.

    • Source for this claimed 1.7 million violent non-firearm attacks committed by trans people each year???

      • police reports.

        Its the annual research contract from the NIH my wife and others she works with get each year. She gets access to systems with data bases that show police reporting.

        • “numbers you’re citing would mean that roughly 70% of all non-firearm attacks are committed by trans people“

          Well, it ‘feels’ like 70% of all non-firearms attacks are committed by them so that’s just as good as facts, right?

          For people who are so afraid of LGTB, in their minds the danger is all encompassing.

        • well Serpent…

          heres the thing about your ‘stats’…they are driven by sources that only count numbers based on arrests AND prosecutions….in most of these, of all I listed and not just trans, the offender is never caught thus not arrested thus no arrest AND prosecution.

          for example New York city has a big problem with women be punched in the face by an attacker running down the sidewalk. And the offender is never arrested because of the nature if the attack and the offender running away immediately after punching. So there is no arrest AND prosecution for over 98% of these. This alone happens a couple hundred times a month in New York city. its a criminal attack assault. Now think of all the others that don’t get arrested AND prosecuted because either they can’t be found or, for example, their victims decide to not proceed because they fear retribution or due to the ‘justice reform’ policies of the left wing.

          there are millions of non-firearm weapons crime instances not accounted for in ‘stats’ simply because the offenders are not arrested AND prosecuted. but let a gun be used and its all over the media, democrat politicians screaming about gun control, and web sites and organizations dedicated to taking away the 2A and tracking their use in crimes.

        • MajorLiar,

          “For people who are so afraid of LGTB, in their minds the danger is all encompassing.”

          Or, just PERHAPS (hear me out, now) . . . the rest of us can absorb the reality that a “trans” person is, by definition, bereft of a connection with reality, and likely has moderate to severe mental problems. How’s that for an analysis for ya, MajorMistake???

          An adult human sporting and XY chromosome pair is a MAN. And adult human sporting an XX chromosome pair is a WOMAN. Said man, or said woman, may “identify” as any goddamn thing they want, including as a pastel unicorn. I have exactly ZERO obligation to “acknowledge” or “respect” their delusions. And I CERTAINLY have no obligation to alter my language or behavior to accommodate their mental condition.

          Am I “afraid” of these sad, sick puppies? Not in the slightest. Do I feel some basic human sympathy? Sure, a little . . . depending on how far they are attempting to push their lunacy.

          Words have MEANINGS, MajorIdiot . . . it would behoove you to learn a few. My reality is not altered by your delusions (elst I’d be less resistant to your Marxist economic idiocy). Y’all don’t want to learn reality, that’s between you and your God (in your case, collectivism, in the form of the Almighty Gummint), but . . . I didn’t buy a ticket, I choose not to play.

          Amazing how you Leftist/fascist delusionals can’t be “happy” unless you are constantly “validated” by having those around you “respect” your deluded worldview. I KNOW you don’t respect MY worldview, MajorIdiot . . . and that means slightly less to me than when my dog farts. As far as my “respecting your worldview”? I am torn between “introduce me to the part worthy of respect” and “fat f**king chance, loser”. And if that upsets your mental equilibrium? GOOD!!

          I hope it frickin’ gives you ulcers.

        • @Serpent_Vision

          “For comparison, Statista 2022 data show 2.4 million assaults besides those listing a firearm. So, numbers you’re citing would mean that roughly 70% of all non-firearm attacks are committed by trans people. Seems perhaps a bit high.”

          No, its not a bit high at all… because what you are seeing in your link, which is not a basis for comparison by the way, is not reality. Its what they got after all other factors from the sources from which their numbers come.

          First, my “(at current levels)” is in the current level research calendar which with what I posted runs Dec 1 of the previous year 2023 to April 1 2024. This is because it takes a while for reporting to show up in the data bases aggregate, its not instant.

          Second, your link is 2022 numbers which only includes, due to the sources from which their numbers are derived, those which were arrested AND prosecuted for the actual crime they committed. Many such crimes as I outlined, violent criminal attacks, are ultimately pleaded down to either misdemeanor non-assault charges or the prosecutor simply does not pursue them for prosecution (in democrat run cities where over 80% of these happen), or are dismissed because the victim out of fear of retribution does not want to proceed, or because the crime was committed with threat of force by using a non-firearm weapon of a type that can’t be determined was used and it can’t be prosecuted (for example, this is common in simple robbery and coercion based crimes, and rape, and random infrequent domestic abuse cases – the criminal attacker threatens to use hand/feet and physical strength as the weapon to force compliance but it can’t be proven that it actually happened because it looks consensual in some way because there was no other weapon used and it comes down to she-said-he-said). Then there is the thing where the attacker can’t be found thus is never arrested so is never prosecuted. Then there is the thing where police take a report and simply do not look for the offender (which is mostly a democrat run city thing), thus no arrest and prosecution. Plus, your link is only for ‘assault’ and does not show some crimes, for example, robbery or coercion based crimes, so its not a basis for comparison to what I posted.

          Third, just about anyone can identify as ‘trans’. ‘trans’ is an adjective used to describe someone whose GENDER IDENTITY differs from the biological sex-gender they were born.

          No, not assigned. No one gave them a ‘task’ to be a certain gender. Human natural biology dictated chromosome pairs, these determine if a person is biologically male or female. There are two biological gender chromosomes, X and Y chromosomes, these pair biologically starting on the molecular level to determine if a person is either male or female. Its is not an ‘assignment’ … its biological, scientifically proven, natural, evolutionary, natural intended human development fact. No one at a (future) ‘trans’ persons birth ‘assigned’ anything gender at birth, it just was because that’s the way it is. There is no such thing as a ? gender chromosome or a ‘I feel’ gender chromosome. Humans are born biologically either male or female gender. There has never been one ‘transitioned’ person who biologically was without the gender chromosomes opposite the gender they ‘transitioned to’. In other words, a person who is born with XY chromosomes pairs is for a fact a biological male and a person born with XX chromosomes pairs is biologically female. There are sometimes abnormalities, but these are extremely rare – however, it is not a ‘new gender’ or ‘opposite gender’ or ‘dual gender’ or ‘no gender’ but rather a physical or biological defect or anomaly.

          So ‘trans’ is an identity and not a gender. There is no requirement that a person actually transition to be ‘trans’. 70% of the people who claim to be trans and live as trans identify with pronouns for a gender that is neither male or female in gender expression. In other words most ‘trans’ people do not apply ‘gender expression’ (e.g. male looking female) in their lives and their ‘gender identity’ is not outwardly visible to others in an expressive sense of acting as the opposite gender they were born but still identify as ‘trans’.

          Now why have I explained all this. Its because in the ‘trans’ crimes I stated above, this also include those types so they are sprinkled among the other categories I stated as well.

          Violent criminal ‘trans-on-trans’ or ‘trans-on-gay’ or ‘trans-on-straight’ (collectively) attacks using any non-firearm ‘weapon’ (including hand/feet) for any purpose (including ‘sexual assault’ either with or without rape) against victims (at current levels) is ~4,700 times daily across the United States.

          but in the categories of:

          “Violent criminal stabbing/slashing attacks with knives against victims happen (at current levels) ~ 2,900 times daily across the United States.

          Violent criminal attacks with hand-feet/blunt objects against victims happen (at current levels) ~ 4,200 times daily across the United States.”

          These are not for purposes of ‘sexual assault’. They are things such as, for example, robbery or domestic abuse assault or other assaults or home invasion or attacks on students or school staff in schools. These categories contain ‘trans’ people, but do not include ‘sexual assault’. However, when sexual assault is included…

          Violent criminal ‘trans-on-trans’ or ‘trans-on-gay’ or ‘trans-on-straight’ (collectively) attacks using any non-firearm ‘weapon’ (including hand/feet) for any purpose (including ‘sexual assault’ either with or without rape) against victims (at current levels) is ~4,700 times daily across the United States.

          And this is because a lot of ‘trans’ people do commit a lot of crimes of ‘sexual assault either with or without rape’ AND other crimes – thus, overall, ‘trans-on-trans’ or ‘trans-on-gay’ or ‘trans-on-straight’ violent crimes committed by ‘trans’ … or in other words like I said …. Violent criminal ‘trans-on-trans’ or ‘trans-on-gay’ or ‘trans-on-straight’ (collectively) attacks using any non-firearm ‘weapon’ (including hand/feet) for any purpose (including ‘sexual assault’ either with or without rape) against victims (at current levels) is ~4,700 times daily across the United States.

          So in reality, in the current level research calendar which runs Dec 1 of the previous year 2023 to April 1 2024. ‘trans’ did commit a bit over 60% of the violent criminal attacks, and its not high at all and in fact is just a little above ‘normal’. Its present in your own link numbers also, you just don’t know it contains ‘trans’ offenders also. This is not a new thing, its been happening for many many years – each years stats that you see contains ‘trans’ offenders that were arrested AND prosecuted… … … but does not contain all crime that happened, ‘trans’ offender or not, because the majority of non-firearm weapon criminal attacks the offenders for those are less likely to be arrested AND prosecuted (but some are) … where in a crime with a firearm the offender is more likely to be arrested and prosecuted so the majority of non-firearm crime never makes it into stats or even the FBI numbers – but they still exist in police reports across the nation and its those reports from where I am getting the information I presented thus like I told you when you asked….

          “police reports.

          Its the annual research contract from the NIH my wife and others she works with get each year. She gets access to systems with data bases that show police reporting.”

          Thus, in reality, we have actually vastly more violent crime committed with non-firearm weapons in the millions of offenses each year than we do firearm weapons violent crimes. Its just that violent crime offenders using non-firearm weapons are less likely to be arrested AND prosecuted.

          Say, for example, to keep the math simple, an average of 30,000 crimes with guns in a year but there were 1,000,000 non-firearm weapon crimes in a year, a total of 1,030,000 violent crimes where a weapon was used, of the total of crimes, the firearm weapon crimes are only 3% … or in other words 97% of the violent crimes were committed with non-firearm weapons.

          there are literally millions of non-firearm violent crimes that happen every year that never appear in stats.

        • @Serpent_Vision

          clarification for: “First, my ‘(at current levels)’ is in the current level research calendar which with what I posted runs Dec 1 of the previous year 2023 to April 1 2024. This is because it takes a while for reporting to show up in the data bases aggregate, its not instant.”

          The period Dec 1 of the previous year to April 1 of the current year (in this case Dec 1 2023 to April 1 2024), is when the aggregation in databases of police reports across the nation happen from the previous year. This is the “at current levels” in the research. So the information I gave represents violent criminal attacks with non-firearm weapons that happened in 2023, and the numbers I gave represent those available in that aggregate on the date I posted which was 28 March 2024 so its probably going to be a little different (greater) by the end of the aggregation period on 1 April 2024.

        • This secret NIH database reliably reports on whether or not the attacker identified as trans? No arguing with that, i guess.

        • @Serpent_Vision

          “Simplistic binary XX=woman, XY=man isn’t even accurate for determining biological sex, let alone what gender a person is.”

          It is accurate for biological – you seem to be focused on the visible physical – it is for a 100% scientific fact that biological human males have XY chromosomes and biological human females have XX chromosomes. And if you want to do it on a pronoun level…then for biological human males “he/him/his/male/man/boy” and biological human females “she/her/hers/female/woman/girl”.

          If one wants to ‘identify’ as a gender opposite what they were born, that’s not a biological gender fact they are actually the opposite biological gender of what they were born. “I feelz” is not a human species chromosomes pair nor does it exist in any creature in nature as a chromosomes pair.

          There is to date not one shred of actual scientific evidence that a human being naturally and actually is, or can be, a biological gender opposite the biological gender of what they were born. Even in the transitioning ‘pseudo science’ after a person transition with the drugs and surgery, they are still biologically the gender they were born even if their physical parts have been sliced-n-diced to look like their desired opposite gender physical parts and their hormone and chemical structures altered with drugs, but their body’s are always trying to correct in some way to return to its born biological gender state – I guess you could say ‘ya can’t fool mother nature’.

          “Gonadal dysgenesis” is a congenital developmental disorder of the reproductive system, not a gender determining thing. Differentiation of the gonads due to a congenital developmental disorder does not determine biological gender.

          “Gonadal dysgenesis” (among others) is one of those things I was alluding to when I posted…

          “There are sometimes abnormalities, but these are extremely rare – however, it is not a ‘new gender’ or ‘opposite gender’ or ‘dual gender’ or ‘no gender’ but rather a physical or biological defect or anomaly.”

        • @Serpent_Vision

          “This secret NIH database reliably reports on whether or not the attacker identified as trans? No arguing with that, i guess.”

          Its not a secret, its just not public access. Its aggregated through NIH contractors. You’ve see it used before by anti-gun in some of their studies they tout, they just didn’t include the whole picture and cherry picked what fit their bias.

          No, the database doesn’t report whether or not the attacker identified as trans. Ya gotta dig through the aggregate with filtering to find it in the reports.

        • Lamprey says…
          “the rest of us can absorb the reality that a “trans” person is, by definition, bereft of a connection with reality, and likely has moderate to severe mental problems“

          Well, the rest of us can absorb the reality that a person who believes a human can split the moon in half, or talking snakes, is, by definition, bereft of a connection with reality, and likely has moderate to severe mental problems.

        • “Its not a secret, its just not public access“

          40oz is just full of these secret information sources, available only to him apparently.

          Just like your claims about the AR15 being designed as a civilian rifle, proven only by your secret information that is contrary to ArmaLite Corps’s own public statements.

          Tell me, do you use your Cap’n Crunch secret decoder ring to access this info?

        • One only needs to look at the numbers of rape and sexual assault each year in the United States to begin to understand that violent criminal attacks are carried out in vastly more numbers with non-firearm weapons than they are with firearm weapons.

          For example (… “On average, there are 463,634 victims (age 12 or older) of rape and sexual assault each year in the United States.”

          Ya think all of these were carried out because the criminal attacker used a firearm?

          ( “Personal weapons—such as hands, feet or teeth—are used against victims of sexual violence in about 2 out of 3 cases.” …. in 11% of cases of these attacks a firearm was used 6% of the time, a knife used 4% of the time, and other weapons 1% of the time…but about 66% of the time “Personal weapons—such as hands, feet or teeth” were used. Or in other words, there are annually over ~300,000 criminal assaults for purposes of rape and sexual assault where the perpetrator used a non-firearm weapon.

          That’s just for rape and sexual assault. When all the other forms of violent crime are considered, and I could break it down by those too to show the context more clearly, but its easy to see that vastly more criminal attacks are conducted with non-firearm weapons than with firearms. And even though you don’t have access to that I was able to see you can see it in other forms (for example, like the link I provided above uses the aggregate to derive and track their numbers, its where their annual average of over 400,000 victims of rape and sexual assault comes from).

          and stop lying Miner49er, and learn what context means.

        • heck, violent criminal attacks upon children with non-firearn weapons for abuse happened ~500,000 times last year.

          ~ half a million victims of violent criminal attack with non-firearm weapons in just a single demographic for a single crime type. now think about all the other crime types and victim demographic s.

          did ya think crime was only what you see reported in MSM or in your ‘stats’. did ya think violent crime only happened if a gun was used? Did ya think violent crime only existed in robberies or murders?

          Violent criminal offenders are all over the place. In an urban environment a person will encounter them at least 38 times daily in ‘public places’ (encounter in some manner…e.g. passing them in traffic, they in the same restruant you are in, in the same park, at the concert, in the grocery store, etc…)

          where do you think all these special interest ‘organizations’ for things like, for example, rape and child abuse and sexual-partner violence and domestic abuse, and human trafficking violence, get their numbers ? they are eventually derived from the aggregated police reports in the systems my wife gets contract access to.

      • The best part about these gashes getting clocked while walking around in a stupor glued to their phone is that they voted for it, they voted with their Va-Jay-Jay and are now reaping their rewards. NYC is awash in Larry Hogues’ and Andrew Goldsteins’ and I just don’t care.

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