When You’re Pissing Off Cori Bush You’re Doing Something Right


The mystery of the lapel pins has now been solved. Republican Rep. Andrew Clyde from Georgia owns a gun store and has now taken responsibility for handing them out.

“I hear that this little pin I’ve been giving out on the House floor has been triggering some of my Democrat colleagues,” he said in a video posted to Twitter. “Well, I give it out to remind people of the Second Amendment of the Constitution and how important it is in preserving our liberties.”

He also invited other representatives who wanted a pin to stop by his office.

The congressman owns Clyde Armory in Athens, which makes millions selling military-style rifles, body armor, ammunition, and other weapon accessories. …

Democratic Rep. Cori Bush noted that lawmakers wore the pins during National Gun Violence Survivors Week.

Other Democratic lawmakers also commented on the pins, with Rep. Dina Titus tweeting: “Weapons of war have no place on our streets, much less on our lapels.”

— Alia Shoaib in This is why some members of Congress have been seen wearing lapel pins resembling miniature AR-15 rifles


    • Gun Control just does not stop with Guns. Give it the chance and Gun Control rules Free Speech too just like it is intended to rule every aspect of your life. No real surprise…It’s expected from an agenda rooted in racism and genocide.

    • She’s the wench who wants to defund police, take your guns, but spends millions on her own personal security team, paid for with tax dollars.

      I don’t know anything else about her, except she hates America.

    • She’s now considered part of “The Squad.”
      Too bad it’s not the receiving end of a firing squad.

      • I know who she is and I know that she wants to disarm us. She is a democrat /communist/traitor. It’s a given. She will not get anywhere with it.

  1. My moral compass came with a manual. Near the end of the manual, there is an observation:

    “When in doubt, just think about a progressive. Whatever will piss off that progressive most, is probably the right thing to do.”

  2. Of course they chose a picture of George Santos; craven fools can’t promote a cogent argument so they just sling mud.

    • If they kicked everyone out of Congress for embellishing the “TRUTH”?!? 🙃🙂🙄 Dim heal thy self…

      • Compare and contrast George’s lies with the Puppet’s. It’s hilarious how the dems are focusing on some no name representative while they ignore the guy occupying the White House. Why isn’t the press following that senile fool around demanding an apology?

        Raised in the Latino community?
        Used to attend a black church? Really? Which one? I assume it was Catholic since you’re Catholic?
        They would say that was offensive if a Republican said it.

    • George Santos is the most principled member of congress.

      Nobody cares that Liz Warren pretended to a be an Indian. But everyone flips when George Santos pretends to be “Jew-ish”.

      I stand with George Santos.

      • She didn’t just pretend to be an Indian. She used that lie to further her career. Harvard bragged that they had an Indian on staff.

        Isn’t it funny how some white people will pretend not to be white so they can have more privilege? It’s almost like that whole “white privilege” thing is a lie.

        • She checked the Indian box to get ahead at Harvard, then 😭 when knee-pads Kalama got picked for VP.
          Why was KH picked?
          JUST because…..wait for it……..knee-pads KH checked MORE boxes.🤣
          The progtards always get consumed by their own, and always cry when the VERY same BS games they play lead to THEIR demise. 🤣

          Truly a Masterclass in hypocrisy.
          Bravo progtard, Bravo 👏👏👏👏👏👏!

          “I’m gonna go get me a beer” 🤔
          Spoken like a true Harvard professor. 🤪
          Pander like a pathetic 🤡 much Elizabeth W?

        • Dude, Don’t you receive that extra cash delivered in a black briefcase every month? Do you even know the secret hand signal that triggers the discounted price while checking out? Bruh, I mean Dude, CMON Man. You don’t know Jack. Not hyperbole, true story.

  3. Rep. Dina Titus tweeting: “Weapons of war have no place on our streets, much less on our lapels.”

    Well, considering there are no ‘weapons of war’ in the civilian grade AR-15 MSR or in the pins and your falsehood is juts pure BS … But you are correct … they belong on our hips, under our clothing, on our shoulders, in our cars, in our homes, in our hands and in our use – ya know that thing called ‘we the people’ applies to gun owners to and its not ‘we the democrats’ or ‘me Dina Titus’. And besides, no self respecting gun owner leaves their guns on the street, they might get run over by one of those drivers contributing to that annual over 2 million (collectively) injuries and death car accidents.

    • It’s a lie anyways. What they mean is “Weapons of war don’t belong on our streets, except in the hands of agents of the government.” Hence, there’s always a carve put so that law enforcement can still have their weapons “designed only to kill as many people as quickly as possible.” Either they’re being dishonest or have a truly warped view of the proper role of law enforcement (or both).

      • ““designed only to kill as many people as quickly as possible.””
        If their cars did that only as often as AR 15s did that, they’d start an investigation into what’s wrong with cars immediately.

  4. Why is it that socialist-democrats view an American flag pin or a firearms pin the way a vampire views a crucfix?.

    Is liberty and salvation an anathema to them?

    • 99 Luft Balloons

      Nena…who would have thought back in 1984 that a single song – in two languages – would be so longlasting?

      • “Nena…who would have thought back in 1984 that a single song – in two languages – would be so longlasting?”

        Discussion of that made it into the comment section of “The War Zone” coverage of the China spy balloon shoot-down :

        “For the Gen Xers here and those partial to earworms.

        I didn’t realise how predominant the gated reverb on the drums was on this song.”

        And someone replied :

        “The Phil Collins is strong in this one. I remember how everybody was running to duplicate that sound after “Intruder” and especially “In the Air Tonight”.”


        “Whatever you say about Collins’ singing/music (I actually don’t mind it the way others do, and think there’s a lot of resentment at play there) he radically reshaped drumming in the 80s.”

        He nailed it. *Everybody* in pop music started to record the drum kit through an aggressively-profiled compressor and noise gate after ‘In the Air Tonight’. It added an instant ‘hard’ edge to the sound envelope.


        (I got to play rock bar band sound man in the mid-80s for awhile, the sound board was fun, and my beer was *free*…)

        • And, how I never got a DUI back then, I will never know, but I’m grateful today… 🙁

  5. The pins are cool. They irritate the leftists who hate our Constitution. But wearing a decoration does not convince me a politician supports our Republic. It does not even convince me a politician will staunchly, irrevocably, and ferociously defend us from encroachment and infringement across our Bill of Rights.

    Decorations are not commitments.
    Decorations do not convey effective action.
    Decorations are often used to cover flaws.
    Decorations can be deceptive.

    Still, there is value in triggering the leftists and in demonstrating the influence of the 2A community.

    • Correct. Most members of congress have been observed wearing lapel pins of the US flag. Maybe all. That doesn’t change the fact that a lot of them are treasonous bastids.

  6. Why is it that socialist-democrats view an American flag pin or a firearms pin the way a vampire views a crucfix?.

    Is liberty and salvation an anathema to them? 🤔

    • Sure. but first he’d have to REALLY want to because for hm to wear it would cause himpain
      second he’d have toget help. Someone else would have tp pin it on… poking holes in his nice possum suit and leaking a little bit of red stuff.

    • Verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry carefully!

      Style hint: If you gift possum a camo bandana, he could pin it to that and never have to “poke a possum” Hey?…..nevermind🤐

    • My wife does sometimes when she open carries. Nice T-shirt, fits her ‘exquisite form’ well 😁

      • You are a lucky man .40, I wore my “This is a tool “(AR image on front) “I AM THE WEAPON” (on back) today @ Wallace-World w/ my new Rossi stainless wheel gun….. got some interesting looks, a few catching flies stares but ALOT of thumbs up’s! I noticed I wasn’t alone in the strapped dept either. Even in “cactus Junction” It gave me hope. Now if wally vorld sold BULK-ROPE that would be icing on the chi-charone.

    • I don’t and have a very cool “I Plead The Second T-Shirt” with an AR on it.
      It bothers a shocking amount of people but I have a 1st amendment right to wear it.

      I don’t carry when wearing it, it’s more of a around the house shirt.
      God knows that if something went down then it would be used against me.
      I do the whole gray man thing, concealed means unnoticed.

      • I’ve been told the Ruger LCR in its ‘Sneaky Pete’ holster in my front pocket does print somewhat, but I don’t mind, because I can draw so damn fast with it in there. The knowing nods with a slight smile I occasionally get brightens my day.

        Oddly enough, the NAA .22lr tucked into my offhand rear pocket just kinda disappears when I slide that one in there…

        • Got an AMT HardBaller Micro Stainless in 45ACP that fits in a pocket holster. Never prints but the damn thing weighs a lot. If I’m not careful to keep my pants belted tight it drags it down. But, as you say, it draws like lightning and it’s 45 ACP. One shot does the trick.

        • I had the tiny AMT backup in .380. Neat little gun, I think I want me another one. Very reliable, but slide bite a part of the bargain…

        • always gets me when someone says front pocket carry is slow. i’m out much faster than @ 3:30.
          .380 backup may not be happy eating hp’s. i’d look for a p238 if you need that tiny incremental size diff from the 938. in a recluse, it does not print.

        • Front pocket carry is blazingly fast and if you get a reliable laser (I have a CT that has NEVER lost zero) it’s pretty much Doc Holliday from Tombstone with the gun behind his back quick. I carry a .380 in the summer when wearing shorts and a T shirt which is often in July and August. You “draw” and where the dot is, the bullet goes. There is no presentation or low ready, it’s shoot from the hip with accurate aiming from the laser. From the hand to pocket to the shot it’s less then a second with some practice.

          If your .380 does not like HPs (my TCPs love XTPs, I bought a 2nd one for $149 when they were blowing them out for the Spectrum) then get Xtreme Defenders from Underwood. My TCPs have no problems with XTPs or Xtreme Defenders in +P and either should a Sig. My TCPs are both the blued SS ones and are the E series with MecGar magazines. (the one in the CT TCP has a pinky extension) Holsters are for the 1st gen LCP, one for no laser and one for the laser. The TCPs are the same exact size and fit the holsters perfectly.

          There are people who will say Xtreme Defenders are a gimmick or the .380 is weak for SD. They are not and do a substantial amount of damage. The +Ps are pushing 300ft lbs @ 1260 ftps which is a light 9mm. 7 of those will definitely get someones attention. You actually want the Xtreme Defenders to hit bone, they are going to break them and not deform. The +Ps are a bit snappy but you will not print at all. A can of whoop-ass in 10.2 oz.


        • Especially w/o a holster (which I have) and if you are morbidly obese and untrained or especially NRA trained.
          Pretty much like yourself, do they make shorts for 500lb people?
          Keep your finger off of the trigger, pretty simple.
          Your opinions bore me.
          What would I do w/o my stalker?

        • Rob S, Oh, but you see, I am well trained. As a matter of fact,I’m in instructor certified in eight (8) disciplines.
          An “inside the pocket holster” is a poor excuse for concealment. You see, there is something in every pocket that even your “holster” doesn’t protect the gun from. It’s called LINT. Have up ever heard of it? For your edification ( and you need a lot of it) lint causes a gun to JAM and “gums up the works”. What are your quals? None? Anyone who says they don’t need training is someone to stay far, far away from on the range or anywhere.
          If my “opinions” bore you so much, why do you respond? Or is it a matter of your ego?

        • OK Waldo, whatever you say, you are just a slob.
          A big huge 500lb slob who can barely walk.

          I guess everyone who wrote about pocket carry is wrong.
          No lint in my holsters or guns but I actually own guns, do you?

          Is one the eight (8) disciplines eating?
          I know the NRA is teaching some weird stuff now.
          You probably watched it on YouTube.
          You probably eat LINT so enjoy the thought.
          “Anyone who says they don’t need training”
          Who said that? You are losing it and are becoming unhinged.
          Plus at 500 pounds so do you even have a front pocket?
          I didn’t think so, big boy sweats for you, lots of lint.

        • Rob S (for STUPID) The only thing here that is 500 lbs is the air pocket in your head. Not everyone is wrong, but “pocket carry” is a good way to get shot or killed. I’ve never heard of someone who “pocket carry”s ever was able to get the gun out and fire in a real live gun fight. Your holster may not have lint, but your pocket does. And lint like water has a tendency to get into everything. When you draw your gun from your pocket, does the holster come out with it? LOL.
          Have you ever taken an NRA course? I didn’t think so. You might learn something.
          Have a good day with your Sewer Business. What is it, Roto-Router?

  7. About twenty years ago, Mr. Clyde sold me a couple of my grenade launchers. He was very pleasant to do business with and his political views seem unchanged. He’ll do great in Congress, I believe!

  8. Article said Clyde is from Georgia. Why is anyone suprised he’s supporting the Second Amendment? After the way Georgia was treated by the federal government when all they wanted was to be left alone.

  9. I like my Midsouth Shooters caps. Unlearned don’t know it’s about hand loading, think I’m on a shooting team

  10. The handed out AR-15 lapel pins are certainly nicer than the tyranny sh*t the democrats are handing out.

    • They kneel in the halls of Congress wearing African garb.
      They think it sends a message, but it’s just a circus side show.

      • It sent a message all right. But the morons that voted for them once will do it again. Brain dead idiots that see a “D” behind their names and blindly pull the lever.

    • oh I certanly DO care.. a lot. I am SO HAPPY they are upset. I wish they would get SO upset they’d leave Congress out of spite.

      • I wish they were so upset that they blindly ran into the street screeching and pulling their hair while getting run over by a bus full of illegals transported to DC by Desantis.

        • Yep, I would buy tickets to see that! Of course you have to realize that I wouldn’t waste urine to put out a member of the Squad if they were on fire.

  11. The Great Seal of the United States doesn’t contain some passive Corgi domestic pet. It contains an Eagle, lord of the skies with fearsome talons clutching arrows in one and an olive branch in the other. We back peace with strength and keep arms always to hand.

    If you see a problem with that, you ought not be sitting in Congress funding the defense of the Ukraine, “Corgi” Bush.

      • This wench feeds off the taxpayers tit. This monstrosity will continue to do so until it becomes a Jerry Nadler lookalike, hideous beyond belief, with a front butt and a mouth larger than any bass you have ever seen.

  12. I agree, weapons of war don’t belong on the street. So tell that, or better yet make it a felony, for my local PD to show up in my neighborhood recently arriving in three MRAPs.

  13. Why is it that socialist-democrats view an American flag pin or a firearms pin the way a vampire views a crucfix?.

    Is liberty and salvation an anathema to them? 🤔🤔

    • “Why is it that socialist-democrats view an American flag pin or a firearms pin the way a vampire views a crucfix?.”

      How strong the reaction is, is a direct reflection of the degree of their brainwashing…

    • They (DemonCraps) can color it red, green, and black. That way it can stand for all the gear that was left for the Taliban. It’ll be two years in August. I hope that sh!te comes up again when he’s trying to run for re-election. But most media will give him a pass, of course.

  14. If you enjoyed the assault weapon pins on the House floor then read the book “Arguing About Slavery”. John Quincy Adams tweeted the noses of the southern reps (probably Democrats even that long ago). It is hellacious.

  15. Been seeing some pretty significant salt on social media from leftoids over those pins. It’s pretty fun.

    The best thing about of the new and upcoming generation of right wing politicians is their willingness to troll the left. Watching leftoids cope and seethe about the fact that they don’t just rolling over like he neo-cons is the greatest reality TV show.

    • “Been seeing some pretty significant salt on social media from leftoids over those pins. It’s pretty fun.”

      Damn straight.

      Just wait for the reaction when the courts declare semi-auto magazine-fed firearms can’t be banned, via the 2A…

      • This is one of the sickest things the Republicans have ever done.

        And the Scalia decision specifically stated that the ban on Machine guns was legal because they were deemed by them to be a danger to the public. So if the courts wanted too they could class semi-auto assault rifles as also a danger to the public and ban them too but more than likely they will just let the lower courts ban them and then refuse to hear the case.

        • No, that’s a lie, dacian.

          “In District of Columbia v. Heller (2008), the U.S. Supreme Court held that the Second Amendment protects “arms ‘in common use at the time’ for lawful purposes like self-defense” and arms that are “typically possessed by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes.” Such arms are “chosen by American society,” not the government.”


        • dacian the DUNDERHEAD. WRONG! Scalia did not say that at all. What he did say is that government can make reasonable regulations. Bans in violation of the 2nd A are not “reasonable” except to you anti-gun radicals.

        • Yaaawwwwnnn!

          Yet ripping the unborn limb from limb out of the womb is A OK with you Sick F*cks, and the Taxpayers should foot the bill.

          There’s a Great Divide between the Right and Left’s definition of Sick.

        • Remember the Bonus Army that MacArthur, Patton and Eisenhower torched their encampment, Killed a number of and Wounded many more. Someone high up realized that had those Great War Veterans been armed, the results of that illegal action would have gone differently. That was one of the seeds from which the blatantly Infringing NFS sprang.

  16. What if one of those M16 pins accidently fires all of its clipazines? C’mon man, you have to be careful.

    • I hear if you wear it “upside down” it only shoots Leftards! 8 bullets per round !, It just went off by itself ! right Alec???? and that POS is coming back here to finish that shitty movie? Please, please, please let me be the replacement Armorer!!!!! Let the fireworx begin! ARGH!

  17. Contact Mr: Steven William if you want to be a member of illuminati and become rich and famous and wealthy his email is [email protected] you will never regret being a member is free .

  18. Thanks for the Link Dan, I’m going to order a couple as soon as my pension check arrives.

    Titus sounds like a typical Lefty Tw*t. Bush is as stupid as she is ignorant. Wonder how many Affirmative Action Points she was given when she took her State Board’s for Nursing? She’s too dumb to have passed without that aid.

    Thank the Good Lord I live in a county where you rarely don’t see someone carrying.

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