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Where Do You Keep Your Home Defense Gun at Night?

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

As a recent Pew poll revealed, almost three-quarters of people who own guns own them primarily for personal protection. But no matter how “operator” you may be, you probably don’t sleep with your gun.

Still, you want to be ready in case you hear that proverbial bump in the night. But that raises the question as to where your gun will slumber when you do.

Lots of gun owners, having done their duty to perpetuate the species, have little future gun owners living under their roof. These are curious, clever miniature humans around whom we’re not comfortable leaving a firearm unattended.

The good news is, you are not without options. You could keep a handgun in a small safe in a drawer. You could mount one on your bedframe. Or you could keep one in something secure and lockable in a nearby closet. We all make our choices as to our preferred home defense gun, along with how and where to secure it.

So…what’s your bump-in-the-night gun and where do you keep it?

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