As the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday began oral arguments in a challenge to a Tennessee law banning trans treatments such as puberty blockers and hormones for people under age 18, various pro-transgender groups have weighed in on the matter.
Interestingly, while it seems way out of their wheelhouse, three gun-ban groups have also become involved in the case, filing an amicus brief in support of the federal government’s challenge to a lower court ruling affirming the law. Brady, Giffords Law Center and March for Our Lives—all groups usually focused on imposing stricter gun laws on Americans—jumped into the transgender fray on Wednesday, distributing a news release explaining their activism.
Notably, while all three groups have long held a blame-the-gun view of mass murder and criminal violence—what they call “gun violence”—they’re now scrambling to point out the importance of mental health as it relates to gun violence and suicide.
“As Justice Sotomayor highlighted at today’s oral argument, this case is a grim reminder of the devastating impacts this heinous piece of legislation would have on the mental and physical wellbeing of transgender youth—heightening the risk of gun violence for young people in Tennessee,” Shira Feldman, Brady’s director of constitutional litigation, said in the release. “Brady is committed to addressing the core drivers of gun violence through a public health approach. That starts with protecting the dignity, freedom, and mental well-being of Tennessee’s young people—a simple act that we know can reduce the risk of gun violence—just as much as other policies like enhanced background checks and extreme risk laws.”
Billy Clark, senior litigation attorney at Giffords Law Center, chimed in with some similar reasoning.
“Laws that deny gender-affirming medical care endanger youth and put them at risk of suffering from gun violence, including suicide,” Clark said. “At oral argument today, Justice Sotomayor highlighted this suffering with examples of the harm children may suffer when denied this medical care. We urge the Justices to support trans youth and to strike down bans on gender-affirming medical care.”
Sarayu Bethamcherla, judicial advocacy associate for March for Our Lives, also made a similar point.
“The Supreme Court is hearing today a case on whether to withhold lifesaving medical care to children,” Bethamcherla said. “It’s that simple. When people receive gender-affirming care, the likelihood that they attempt suicide drops dramatically.”
Opponents of the law before the Supreme Court like to describe it as banning life-saving medical care, yet the law actually only bans transition-related treatments for children who are not yet legal adults. Neither the Tennessee law—nor the impending Supreme Court decision—have anything to do with such treatments for legal adults 18 years of age and older.
While the real reason the gun-ban groups have suddenly weighed in so heavily on the trans issue is not certain (I conjecture it has to do with future funding and appearance of wokeness), one thing is very interesting about Wednesday’s input from the groups. Apparently, they are finally in agreement with our side of the Second Amendment debate on the fact that guns don’t cause criminal violence and suicide—mental illness plays a role. It will be interesting to see if that reshapes their anti-gun arguments in any way moving forward.
Trans stuff is weird as all can be. But there is an upside to transing the kids.
Support the group MISS
The horrifying truth is that the mentally ill adults are sterilizing troubled kids instead of helping them.
State sanctioned grooming paired with chemical castration and mutilation. Strangely NY isn’t the worst with this yet but we had some new bullshit laws passed so we will probably catch up soon
For teachers, having “trans” students is a status symbol. More trans kids in the class, the more woke they are.
Virtue signaling parents with rewarded behavior for destroying their children is the tandem for that feedback loop.
These “Child-Trans-Activist” trash are just sterilizing (AKA, Castrating!!!) the next generation so they can’t reproduce.
It’s the Universal Negative Eugenics Movement (human population reduction advocates) repackaged, rebranded, and re-emerged in The West under a new mask.
That’s indeed a big part of it.
Hints of Weimar but yeah Malthus abounds.
Following the money – new class of courtesan and workfare for surgeons and associated professionals. To include lawyers.
Enabling and supporting absolutely not sure about leading.
They’re still pushing that “life-saving medical care” myth even after several big studies across universities and nations demonstrated it’s bullshit?
Why not? They keep pushing “very fine people”, “no.1 killer of children”, “Russian agent” and other conspiracy myths to suit their worldview.
Let’s keep sterilizing/mutilating kids and sentencing them to a lifetime of big pharma bills because otherwise they might demonstrate a statistically insignificant desire to harm themselves.
We’ve passed clown world where shit is simply ridiculous and have entered demon world where Mengele level evil rules the day. Funnel all the money you want from mental patients to big pharma but at the end of the day you’re still what your chromosomes dictate and you will never pass.
They’re still pushing that “life-saving medical care” myth
What’s interesting is that now they’re on the record, from this case, admitting that they have no proof of this lie they’re basing everything on. As a matter of fact, the *opposite* is true based on actual research which was cited during this case. It isn’t denying “tranzition*” that can lead to an increased chance of suicide. It’s being among the lgbtq group that increases their chance of suicide.
The Left literally just made up their talking points to push this crusade of theirs to tranz* the children. “Gender-affirming care” is a silly propaganda term that low IQ journos unthinkingly repeat. The reality is that it is literally gender-denying “care.”
Let’s go with the tranz* theory. Let’s say you’re a good lib or an unthinking parent who has been fooled by this propaganda. Let’s say you want your child to be “who they really are.” Okay, fine. Let them be who they really are. Why do you need to put them on powerful, permanently life-altering drugs for that? Why do you need to chop off your teenage daughter’s perfectly healthy breasts in order for her to be “who she really is?” Why are you letting a child decide that they never want children of their own someday? Why do you need to physically and chemically alter them so they can be “who they really are?” When you step back and think about this logically, it would seem pretty stupid, if it weren’t so cruel and evil. We’ll look back on this someday like we currently look back on the old practice of lobotomies. We’ll wonder how people could be so stupid and evil.
*avoiding moderation
Technical difficulties with this site. It’s saying duplicate, but I don’t see the other comment. Please delete if duplicate.
Good comment.
I will build on your analogy at the end of your comment. We will look back on this some day like blood-letting.
Outstanding comment.
I believe that evil is pushing this recent tranz hysteria. Unwitting people may be supporting it. Nevertheless, I don’t believe that the people pushing it hard are unwitting.
Some of the people pushing this hard aren’t stopping to think about it. Some of them are just religious zealots pushing their beliefs on everyone. Their religion is progressivism.
Follow the money. Pimps, doctors, lawyers and professional activists.
Nothing new about vaginoplasty, BTW.
Problem – never deep enough for average guys. Used to be routine for babies with “ambiguous genitalia “.
Problem – about half of those unfortunates were really boys. Many of them knew it by the time they were 13.
Note – these kids were NOT trans. They were the victims of arrogant assholes. And they were told from birth that they were born girls. Sometimes, even the parents did not know.
But when they started dressing like boys, and using the boys bathroom, because they really were boys born with a physical defect, trounle ensued. And arrogant assholes started talking about “gender dysphoria”. Presto, the trans mythos was born.
Note – I am not saying that there aren’t really boys who think they are girls, and vice versa. I talking about a little known, commonly misunderstood class of malpractice victims. Whose legal troubles (Imo) form the basis of trans law, but weren’t trans at all. .
And how many children are born with ambiguous genitalia? Maybe one for every 10,000 children born? That is a totally different situation from the current tranz hysteria where as many as 25% of children in a classroom claim that they are tranz.
I think what he’s saying is that this tiny percentage is what gives them cover for the tranz movement. Notice how lefties often defend their positions. They use the 1% excuse to justify the 99%. They do this because they have no real logical argument.
Another example is abortion.
Leftist: “We must have legal abortion because rape.”
Me (not getting into life argument): “Okay. How about we make abortion illegal except for rape?”
Leftist: “Nooooooo!!!!”
Ah, very good points all around. I concur.
Because they see the supposed “trans” kids get extra attention from the teacher as well as other benefits. Most are jumping on the bandwagon for self-interest.
I agree with you
People still refuse to face the truth. H-o.m,os.ex-u-als have been in the leadership of the anti-civil rights movement historically in this country.
They are in their p0lit.ic@l 0ri.e.nt@ tion. They are atheistic in their nature. They have never supported the 1st amendment.
But the do support po-rn og.raphy and hunting. With the permission o’f the government. Both of which have nothing to do with the 1st or 2nd amendment.
H’ have always used children as a fig leaf. To distract people from their true agenda.
“When people receive gender-affirming care, the likelihood that they attempt suicide drops dramatically.”
So, if your three year-old wants a cupcake and starts holding her breath when you say, “no,” should you give in to ensure that she does not die from asphyxiation?
If your eight year-old child wants a certain toy and puts a knife to his throat when you say, “no,” should you give him the toy to ensure that he does not kill himself?
Children who threaten and may even seriously contemplate suicide when they don’t get what they want need serious intervention. And effective intervention does NOT come in the form of chemically or surgically mutilating them.
The recent transgender push is nothing more than hysteria run amok without proper parenting and without proper physical, mental, and spiritual healthcare. The evidence of this is simple and glaring: there was no such hysteria 80 years ago–there were no large numbers of inexplicable youth suicides. And we must absolutely leave firearms out of the transgender hysteria.
If there is an issue with suicide, it’s because the so-called adults have confused the children with all the sex crap in schools. We never had this problem until just recently. Why is that? Could it be because they used to teach just the three Rs in school, instead of on onslaught of sexual garbage?
This “gender affirming” language is tiresome. If, according to these people, the junk you were born with does not identify your gender, then how does removing it affirm it?
Gipper’s Ghost,
That is an outstanding logical defect in tranz rationale.
Of course you realize that their “position” is not logical in the first place and based solely on feelings. That being the case, demonstrating the obvious contradiction in their position will not persuade them in any way because facts (including contradictory facts) are unimportant when feelings are paramount.
While the real reason the gun-ban groups have suddenly weighed in so heavily on the trans issue is not certain…
Why is the face of the climate crisis movement (Greta Thunberg) prominently marching for Palestinians? Welcome to the world of intersectionality.
“Racism road crosses with the streets of colonialism and patriarchy, and ‘crashes’ occur at the intersections…Where the roads intersect, there is a double, triple, multiple, and many-layered blanket of oppression.” -Kimberlé Crenshaw, activist lawyer who coined intersectionality term in 1989.
Oooh. You hit the nail on the head. The tranz movement is just another way to implement the oppressor-verses-oppressed dynamic that so many people love to exploit.
For the uninitiated, people who claim “oppressed” status position themselves for massive gains (physically, psychologically, monetarily) as well as positioning themselves to become the actual oppressors themselves.
I am beginning to think that what motivates these people is virtue signaling. Both trans-gender and anti-gun ideology (theology?) are simple solutions to very complex problems that people can get behind to show how virtuous they are. They do not have to face the difficulty of actually solving the problem. It costs them nothing to be virtuous and they can allows criticize the results as not being “woke”. like they intended. Good intentions are the only things that count. Results? Well, that will be the next battle to correct the mistakes of others who did not follow the simple “common sense” solutions to very difficult problems.
Menard, yes it was an easy, winning issue for them to virtue signal at first. They used the same type of bully tactic they used for everything else their opponents clashed with them on: you’re a homophobe, tranzphobe, racist, sexist, xenophobe, climate denier, etc. They got away with it for awhile because people don’t want to think of themselves as intolerant, rude, etc. But they pushed too far and their insults began to mean less and less.
*avoiding moderation
“They got away with it for awhile because people don’t want to think of themselves as intolerant, rude, etc”
Correct, Butt there comes a time when those who know better need to speak up immediately and save all the niceties for another day. And there are some people whom being nice to is a waste of time. I am not suggesting one should be ugly, but tell these people in as nice a way as possible their opinions are trash.
The radical trans supporters and the gun control groups share several qualities. For a start, they are evil. They aim to sterilize and mutilate children as a part of their anti-human, anti-life, and anti-God worldview. They also want everyone to be weak and helpless (hence the gun control). They are basically totalitarian.
I encourage you all to read the book, Lost in Transnation. It’s a very well-written book by an experienced psychiatrist that hasn’t bought into this cult. And that’s what it boils down to: it’s a cult. Same exact behaviors. The problem with all of this is that activists took over and pushed their agenda based upon shoddy science, making most major medical organizations adopt their “consensus” statements (it’s a Castro consensus). They push these kids into this fantasy, and make tons of money exploiting them. They never treat them for the underlying mental illness (or the very high association with autism). Kids cannot give informed consent (and they are not even doing that). Plenty of kids have detransitioned (or desisted), and plenty more have found that chopping their genitalia off and sterilizing themselves didn’t help their mental illness. Then they quite frequently will off themselves. But those failures are never counted in the statistics. It horrific, it’s unethical, and it’s immoral. As a physician, I absolutely stand against this garbage.
Not unlike the wave of satanic panic pushing therapists, psychologists and academics during the 80s raking in cash separating children from their families and convincing them theyre actually victims of ritual satanic abuse requiring years od therapy.
Many of those involved are still working at hospitals and universities despite guilty pleas and lawsuit payouts meanwhile the families they broke in pursuit of money and peer adulation are still broken.
Pattern recognition is a bitch at times. Not that there weren’t cults willing to abuse children or adults (had a big one here in Albany for over a decade largely supported by Bronfman money).
What the hell is gender affirming care?
It’s when your significant other tells you she’s going to put that naughty nurse Halloween costume to good use.
Oh damn I’m glad I was only phone and not in front of the keyboard! Too funny Dude. :0)
“What the hell is gender affirming care?”
Its a made up pseudo science term used to mask the mutilation, chemical destruction, mental health, and lives devastation of children.
Elective cosmetic surgery by any other name is still elective cosmetic surgery.
Following the money – new class of courtesan, and workfare for doctors, et al…
The tranz agenda was recently at SCOTUS against the Tennessee law – the tranz side arguments were, at best, unhinged and most everything they argued has already been debunked by actual medical science. Then justices Brown and Sotomayor jumped in and tried to make it about race. Then the ‘immutable’ question came and that’s what did the tranz side in. So overall though, judging by the arguments and the other justices, the Tranz agenda went down in flames. But a decision is due, I think by June 2025
Do Radical Gender Theorists Realize How INSANE They Sound?
h ttps://
For the above:
The Supreme Court of the United States heard oral arguments surrounding a case that could decide the future progressive gender ideology in the country. Justices Alito and Thomas did an INCREDIBLE job debunking the insanity of their entire argument. The liberals on the court, however, turned out to be JUST as insane as we thought.
Missouri also recently had a case, the trans agenda for ‘gender affirming care’ went down in flames there too.
Missouri Judge Allows State To Protect Children From Trans Mutilation.
h ttps://
“In a 74-page ruling, Judge R. Craig Carter ruled that the law, passed in 2023, was constitutional in the face of a challenge from three teenagers who claim to be a gender different from their biological sex, some medical professionals, and gay lobbying groups:
‘Gender dysphoria is classified as a mental disorder. Generally, western medicine treats mental disorders by actually treating the mental aspect, like prescribing Zoloft to treat depression. However, the gender dysphoria treatment prohibited by Missouri uses drugs and surgeries to either inhibit normal healthy human growth or surgically remove and replace healthy human organs. Such an approach to treatment is well outside normal medicine, and medical ethicists are unable to agree on the propriety thereof.
Furthermore, the credible evidence shows that a vast majority of children who are diagnosed with gender dysphoria outgrow the condition. The Endocrine Society guidelines state that approximately 85% of gender dysphoria-diagnosed prepubertal children did not remain gender incongruent later in life. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual holds that around 98% of these children do not remain gender incongruent. Essentially, it seems that all of this untested, non-emergency, possibly unethical, possibly unnecessary care would be performed on children and adolescents when the vast majority of minors would simply outgrow the condition by the time they reach adulthood.’
Carter also highlighted the experimental nature of the medical interventions, noting the ‘almost total lack of consensus as to the medical ethics’ and a ‘disagreement as to whether adolescent gender dysphoria and surgical treatment was ethical at all.’ “
The whole ‘gender affirming care’ and ‘trans agenda’ thing for kids is shady, and either borderline criminal or actually criminal, and the cruel and abusive nature of it is hidden and they try to downplay or hide the dangerous disastrous effects.
For example: The Biden-Harris NIH would not publish a tax payer funded grant study examining the effects of puberty blockers. Olson-Kennedy and colleagues were asked by the NIH to study the effects of puberty blockers. Kids with gender dysphoria on puberty blockers took part in the study. Although the findings of that work have yet to be published, Olson-Kennedy revealed publicly in interviews that puberty blockers did not improve the mental health of the children with ‘gender dysphoria’. This is contrary to that claimed by the ‘gender affirming care’ and ‘trans agenda’ crowd. An investigation has been launched into this by senate republicans… the democrats didn’t mind the study was intentionally not published, headed by the same same democrats that pushed for DEI and trans ideology in government and for government funding of ‘gender affirming care’ for kids using puberty blockers and surgery.
Study’s in other countries have revealed that puberty blockers and other ‘gender affirming care’ (including surgery) did not actually improve the mental health of the vast majority of children with ‘gender dysphoria’ and even makes their mental health worse leading to suicide or suicide attempts or on-going suicide ideation. These study’s, the trans and ‘gender affirming care’ community crowd tried to suppress, have also shown has shown that more than 87% of children with ‘gender dysphoria’ actually grew out of it as its a normal part of children growing up to experience a period of ‘gender confusion’ and if during this period a gender opposite their birth gender is forced or coerced or ‘affirmed’ on them by trans ideology and authority figures such as, for example, teachers and parents and doctors it actually damages their mental health. And other countries, who initially followed the same path of being infected with trans ideology in government and politics and public as whats happening here in in the U.S. now in the ‘gender affirming care’ trans movement are starting to restrict or ban ‘gender affirming care’ for kids after the reality of its horrors and the hidden nature of it is coming to light.
This intentional ‘slaughter’ of childhood, and in some cases the deaths of children, in the name of made up psuedo-science ‘gender affirming care’ and ‘trans’ has got to end. Biden-Harris had the power to stop it, instead they invited it and promoted it, even invited it to the white house and gave it its own ‘holiday’ called ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’.
If adults want to do that, that’s up to them. But leave the children alone and keep the trans ideology and trans lawfare away from them and away from those trying to protect those kids.
It’s hardly life-affirming care when trans kids are at much higher risk than the general population of committing suicide. With guns at times. The ban is more likely to save lives than cause deaths.
depends…That is the most ignorant line of demoCrap yet. Here you are falling on swords for the freedom of the confused to butcher their bodies all while stooping like a sicko to deny citizens a Constitutional Right. Bottom line…get help twerp, mental help.
Reread the last sentence then sit in the corner until it makes sense retard.
It’s work fare for pimps, doctors, lawyers and activists.
Debbie, I think you misread.
“It’s hardly life-affirming care when trans kids are at much higher risk than the general population of committing suicide.”
Actually, it turns out in reality that SOME ‘trans kids’ are at a higher risk than the general population of committing suicide because they are bombarded with trans ideology that corrupts their developing sense of self and self esteem.
Transforming, I See no problem with that.
Looking for compassionate acceptance among the liberal left wanting to adjoin the mentality ill to show real seriousness of the blatant obviousness and importance of this critical societal divisional critical pivotal democracy crisis that is an impending breakdown of social structure! Nah! Just the idiots trying to act normal.
“While the real reason the gun-ban groups have suddenly weighed in so heavily on the trans issue is not certain”
Expands the donation base.
I do not agree with the idea of this trans thing but if it keeps them from having kids I think I am okay with that. The Democrats will cease to exist in a generation or two.
When it is adults sure, they guide children playing make believe to this madness.
I know people joke about it, but that’s not necessarily how it works. I come from a family of the staunchest of staunch democrats. Think highly politically involved – working on local, state, and national campaigns, presidential delegate, employee for a US senator’s office, etc. Do I sound like a democrat? Then there’s the whole tranz child abuse angle. (It’s not okay to sterilize, mutilate, exploit, groom, or emotionally abuse children.)
The answer by the ACLU’s trans attorney to a question from justice Alito put the nail in the coffin of the ACLU’s 14th Amendment argument. Do some individuals who “Transition” later transition back to their biological sex? Mr Stangio answered YES. Therefore a Trans is not an immutable characteristic like male, female or race. Only discriminatory laws or treatment that discriminated based on immutable characteristics violate the 14th amendments equal protection clause. The amicus briefs filed by the anti 2A non profits are irrelevant to calling the outcome of the case; because, they are only a plea to justices’ compassion. The chief justice and the 5 others in the majority opinions in constitutional questions are only based on the text plus historical tradition.
Imagine an alternate universe where Hillary won in 2016. We’d have a SCOTUS makeup that was back to discovering invisible ink in the Constitution.
Coming soon – boys who seek vaginoplasty/breast implants/ hormones so they can be lesbians. Not kidding, Probably already happening. Don’t know if they have a special name yet.
As the old saying goes, “don’t accept their premise”. First of all, they are NOT “gun ban” groups – they are Leftist/fascists, and all their actions should properly be viewed through that lens. It is NOT “gun control”, it is “CONTROL”. Part of that control is controlling our very language – “gender affirming care” is anything but, it is (like the infamous “assault weapons”) a made-up term to relable an objectively insane policy to make it sound “moral”. Oh, and to give Child Protective Services the ability to remove my child if I refuse to “transition” a heatlhy MINOR child who happens to be suffering from gender dysphoria (which, up until about a year or so ago, was a DIAGNOSABLE mental condition). And to make determinations about my ability to protect myself, my family and my friends. In the Leftist/fascist narrative, I’m only allowed to do what THEY approve of.
Don’t ever mistake their position on ANY issue for a principled policy position on that issue – it is all part and parcel of their overall agenda to CONTROL as many aspects of our lives as possible. The subject hardly matters; it is the principle of CONTROL that is paramount.
Their goal is to break down
Equal Justice Under Law.
Where? $$
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