Why Did the The Washington Post and The Trace Misrepresent the SIG P320’s Safety System in Their Hit Piece?


The Washington Post, a once-respected newspaper, and The Trace, one of Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun activist organizations, recently cranked out a “joint investigation” hit job on one of America’s most popular firearms, the SIG SAUER P320. The authors were Tom Jackman for the Post and Champe Barton for The Trace, and the article was published by both websites.

As perhaps the largest firearms and components manufacturer in the country and the winner of multiple large military contracts over the last few years — including the M17 variant of the P320 taking over as the standard-issue sidearm for all branches of the U.S. military — the “why” of targeting SIG SAUER is abundantly clear. The “how,” though, is what’s interesting, as is the writers’ decision to omit key details of how the P320 actually works.

There’s much more to consider in everything the WaPo and The Trace wrote about the gun, but I’m going to solely address the technical aspects of the P320’s action and internal safety mechanisms, and how reality differs from the misleading picture that was painted in the articles.

In attempting to claim that the P320 design is “uniquely dangerous,” the WaPo and Trace articles, available here and here, home in on the fact that, like dozens of other striker-fired handgun designs, the pistol lacks a manual safety. Trying to describe how the P320 works, the authors wrote the following on either side of an embedded video animation that I’ve also included below . . .

Civilian models of the P320 have two internal safeties, but neither can be controlled by the user. The primary internal safety is designed to catch the striker in the case of a malfunction. A second mechanism prevents the weapon from discharging when its slide is drawn backward.

The gun’s primary internal safety, called a safety lock tab, is designed to block the striker from springing forward to detonate a round. With minimal pressure to the trigger, this tab is pushed upward and out of the way of the striker. Some critics of the P320’s design have alleged that the ease with which this safety is disengaged makes the gun more vulnerable to unintentional discharges.

Put aside the fact that “some critics” means a gunsmith from one of SIG’s competitors (a paid witness for plaintiffs’ attorneys) who further destroyed his credibility by completely contradicting himself in a deposition and the fact that “minimal pressure” means nothing here as they don’t bother to quantify it (in reality, it’s the 5-plus-pound trigger pull weight needed to fire the gun). Most egregious is that the WaPo/Trace writers seemingly chose to entirely omit an important, third internal safety mechanism of the P320.

They correctly displayed the striker safety lock. This lever, which physically blocks the ability for the striker to impact the primer, lifts up during the trigger pull. Only near the end of the trigger pull has it moved far enough to allow the striker to pass it by.

Above is an image of the striker in its forward-most position should the striker safety lock not have been moved out of the way via a depressed trigger. It physically blocks the striker from going farther.

The WaPo/Trace articles and video also display and describe the disconnector safety, which pushes the trigger bar down when the slide isn’t fully in battery (fully closed). With the rear of the trigger bar pushed down, it’s no longer capable of contacting the sear, so a trigger pull can’t release the striker.

So, I suppose, good on the authors for admitting that SIG did build safety mechanisms into the P320. Then again, the earlier quote and video from the WaPo/Trace article is immediately followed by this gem . . .

According to an October report from James Tertin, a gunsmith at the Minnesota-based gun manufacturer Magnum Research, this is a highly unusual and “uniquely dangerous” configuration, which is found in only two models of SIG Sauer pistols. (Magnum Research is a subsidiary of the gunmaker Kahr Arms, which also produces pistols sold in the United States.)

This is either a bold-faced lie or this guy has no experience or knowledge of other striker-fired pistol designs. There are literally dozens of models of striker-fired guns dating back to the 1970s with this configuration, including many models that have fully-cocked strikers, as the P320 does, many with mostly- or partially-cocked strikers, and many with un-cocked strikers.

BUT…the WaPo/Trace article and Tertin’s quotes entirely neglect to acknowledge a third internal safety mechanism in the P320 which, to my knowledge, is actually unique to SIG SAUER in the world of striker-fired pistols.

The P320 has a secondary, back-up sear notch. Should the striker manage to slip off the top of the primary sear surface for some reason, it’s designed to be caught on a second, forward sear notch. The two springs applying upward pressure to the rear of the sear ensure it’s always rotated up against the striker, only rotating down to fire the striker at the very end of the trigger’s travel.

Until and unless the trigger is depressed nearly to the very rear of its available travel distance, the sear and both of its notches remain in place, holding the striker to the rear and providing a backup method of holding the striker to the rear. That’s in addition to, of course, the aforementioned striker safety lock lever.

Speaking from my personal firearm design and testing experience, there are multiple aspects of this sear system that I find to be extremely smart.

• The trigger bar doesn’t even begin to contact the sear until the the trigger has been pulled an appreciable distance rearward. I can’t accurately quantify that distance (in inches or in percentage of trigger pull) based solely on these mechanical animations, but suffice it to say that the trigger appears to move at least halfway through its travel before the sear receives first contact to begin its rotation. This is inherently safer than designs with a similar amount of sear/striker overlap that begin to disengage immediately, which I believe is the norm.

• The rotating sear is capable of moving farther upwards than necessary and is held down at the proper height by the striker itself. This “extra” range of travel combined with the constant upward pressure provided by dual sear springs at the rear ensures 100-percent sear engagement in effectively any scenario. Not only does this greatly alleviate the necessity of holding extremely tight tolerances on dozens of components, but it automatically accounts for potential dimensional changes caused by wear, coatings (e.g. Cerakote, anodizing, etc.), foreign debris, and more. Furthermore, a sear that’s pushing up on and “following” the striker provides extra insurance against striker release due to impact on the firearm.

• It appears to me that considerations have been intentionally made to avoid and/or cancel out potential inertia-driven movement of internal components. For instance, the trigger shoe moves rearward while the connected trigger bar moves forward (the mass of one will tend to counteract the mass of the other during an impact to the front or rear of the firearm), the captive safety lever rotates around a central pin and appears to be inertia-balanced (correctly balanced, an impact in any orientation will impart no rotation to the lever), and the sear rotates downward to release the striker while the striker safety lock rotates upward to release the striker (should a violent impact manage to disengage one, that same impact would more firmly engage the other). Perhaps there is more, but these are the ones that jumped out at me while examining the fire control unit.

An animation of the firing process and related internal safety mechanisms of the P320 series of pistols can be found HERE.

(click to be redirected to SIG SAUER-provided animation)

The SIG video linked above includes all of the key safety functions of the gun. No doubt you’ll be shocked to learn that SIG SAUER provided that very same video to the WaPo/Trace authors in response to their questions before the article was published.

Rather than using SIG’s animation, WaPo/Trace went to the expense of producing their own animation that somehow left out one of the P320’s multiple, key safety features engineered to prevent exactly the kind of “un-commanded discharges” plaintiffs have claimed caused their P320’s to “just go off.” They excluded a safety feature in a handgun the authors criticized for not being safe and lacking…a safety.

Think how embarrassed Jackman and Barton must to learn that they “forgot” to mention some of the P320’s industry-leading safety features in their big piece of investigative journalisming.

The reality of the P320’s design is far different from what Jackman and Barton presented in their articles. From a design and engineering perspective, the P320 appears to be an exceedingly safe firearm design with many mechanisms in place to physically prevent a discharge without a trigger pull. That may not make for splashy “journalism,” but it’s the truth about this gun design.

VERDICT: In the case of WaPo/Trace vs. SIG SAUER, in the court of TTAG, we rule in favor of SIG. The authors, intent on making the case that the P320 design is inherently unsafe and should have a manual safety (models with manual safeties are available, by the way), ignored the information provided by SIG that demonstrates the extent to which the company designed redundant safeties into the P320’s fire control group.



    • I’m rather fond of my P-228. Back when I bought it over 30 years ago, it was considered a compact pistol. LOL

  1. well of course they ‘misrepresented’, they ‘misrepresent’ and lie all the time. its what anti-gun freaks do.

  2. Breaking news. The C ommunist N ews N etwork has announced the firing of Liberal/progressive sycophant Don Lemon-head.

    • And FOX has fired Tucker Carlson.

      Guess it’s “Heads Roll” Monday in the media world…

      • Consolidating the message.
        Lots of ducks to get into a row before WWIII, the next recession, food shortages, next plandemic or some combination thereof.

    • Not surprised at
      Tucker. He basically cost FOX 787mil. Now there’s NO REASON to ever watch FOX🙄 Well mebbe Gutfeld for chits & giggles. Why do so many believe Sig is infallible???

      • Wouldn’t say infallible especially as the drop test was a blatant fail years ago re 320 and there were issues with early 365 models. Most of my criticism would be more in how they handled the recalls (voluntary upgrade you pay for) vs them ever needing one. As best as I can tell the current options are good but wouldn’t temp fate breaking safety rules around them any more than anything else I own.

        • SIG definitely messed up with the initial design. The article doesn’t discuss what the gun initially looked like inside. I bought mine in 2019 and did a LOT of research to understand the mechanics of the gun and what the drop issue was and to understand how it was fixed.

          In it’s initial format, the gun did not have the disconnector, and it did not have the half-cock notch/secondary sear. It also had a safety lever reset spring that could bind up and hold the safety lever in the upright, disengaged, position. The original striker was not skeletonized, and had enough inertia hop off the sear on impact. The trigger also weighed enough that it could move rearward under impact. The original sear also retained the sear springs in a different manner that permitted them to be unseated under impact. When this occurred they could become entangled and this would reduce their length/strength and thus potentially cause the sear to have reduced engagement and less pressure holding it in place. They also reduced mass from the trigger bar.

          While I like the gun and I am reasonably confident in it’s current safety relative to the industry norm, I’m much less confident in sig’s business practices regarding design and how they approach updates. The amount of rolling updates to the platform is a bit shocking, and IMO there should have been a recall. Given that almost all these rolling updates have been safety related, there should also be an update program where you can just send the gun in and get it brought entirely up to date on their dime.

          Among those rolling updates is also apparently a change in how much support the barrel has, in case you have been following the claims of kabooms.

      • 1st, there is none who are infallible including WW.
        2nd, for young water walker to hint that there are some manufacturers or even that there is one manufacturer which is infallible stains his credibility.

        • “2nd, for young water walker to hint…”

          ‘Young’ water walker?

          You’re new ’round here, aren’t you, Frederick?

          That doesn’t exactly enhance your now (non-existent) ‘credibility’… 🙂

      • Tucker wasn’t the only one to say things about Dominion…they just shot themselves in the foot…and you thought the bud lite people were stupid?

  3. 320 is a lot of fun all around especially when you fully embrace the silliness of gun control laws and conceal a 357 sig full length slide and barrel on a subcompact grip to stay in the 10 round limit while maximizing ammo for space used.

    • That whole 10 round limit thing really backfired on their asses.

      Thanks to that, the tiny sub-compact Glocks in 9 and.40, even more concealable, were introduced…

      • Not to mention the techniques used to make those high capacity sub compacts translated into even higher capacity options for free states. And ammo costs are continuing to go down as availability goes up so friendly reminder for newer shooters to stockpile a bit before the next election as there will probably be yet another panic buying (and price rising) season soon.

  4. Rube Goldberg would be so proud- that’s a whole lot of complexity necessitated by having a firing pin under spring pressure while “at rest”. Sure makes needing only an inertial firing pin safety seem like a no-brainer, don’t it- due to a firing pin NOT being under spring pressure while at rest. K. I. S. S.

    • Don’t fall into the trap of thinking these claims by the anti-gun media are correct and these guns are actually “going off” on their own. They are not. These are imminently safe firearms by all accounts.

      A striker or hammer that isn’t cocked is obviously one way to design a gun. But every bolt-action rifle has a fully-cocked striker and every other single-action firearm is fully cocked all the time (ARs, 1911s, etc), as are, I believe, the majority of striker-fired pistols designed in the last decade or so. That crisp, clean trigger is what the market wants and demands. It’s a big reason the P320 won the military contract in the first place. A partially-cocked or 0% cocked striker doesn’t prevent negligent discharges, which is what’s actually happening here that triggered the lawsuits. The guns are NOT firing on their own. People are pulling the triggers. The 12-lb trigger in New York City’s GLOCKs didn’t do much of anything to prevent them from having one of the highest ND rates in the country. Turns out if a stupid person is going to pull the trigger when they shouldn’t, they’re going to do it when they shouldn’t. A lot of these claimed P320 incidents are within the same department, indicating a training and gear issue (one dept apparently modified P226 holsters with a dremel to make them fit their P320s) rather than a gun issue as this “issue” has never been reproduced even once, despite MASSIVE efforts to do so. We all know how embarrassing and stigmatizing an ND is/can be, which is made abundantly clear at the end of the WaPo/Trace article, and it’s quite clear to me that these lawsuits are from people who negligently discharged their weapons and are embarrassed as well as trying to save their careers. Which is why so many of them were simply thrown out by the judge before entering trial and why a jury unanimously cleared SIG in one that made it to trial. There’s no there, there.

      FYI many of the pistols with partially-cocked strikers, where the trigger pull finishes cocking the striker, still have enough spring tension on it when “at rest” to fire a chambered round should the sear fail. The only way to eliminate that possibility entirely is to have a striker or hammer that’s completely at rest with no force on it until the trigger is pulled and the trigger pull cocks the spring from 0 to 100. That’s called a double action and there are plenty of those out there. Then again, if you want to be TOTALLY safe you could just remove the firing pin from your gun entirely, or carry pepper spray.

      • “These are imminently safe firearms by all accounts.”

        Sure, if you ignore the widespread and thoroughly corroborated reports of first gen P320s firing themselves as a result of an impact on the slide. They‘ve always been perfectly safe as long as they’re not jarred, but luckily police and military work (you know, the primary intended customers for this pistol) are famously gentle and low impact

      • “Don’t fall into the trap of thinking these claims by the anti-gun media are correct and these guns are actually “going off” on their own. They are not.”

        That doesn’t change the fact that these guns are *considerably* more complex than the far simpler designs like the Glock.

        If I recall correctly, you are a collage degree mechanical engineer, are you not? Mechanism failures rise as the number of moving parts increases, do they not?

    • Yes for the win. Why couldnt/didnt they design more like Glock where the firing pin is spring loaded when the trigger is pulled?

  5. Well when you get comfortable with a firearm you get fat and lazy and trust gizmos and gadgets to do what you should always do just in case things do not go as planned.

    I see lame brain u-tube firearm reviewers who’ll be the first to bad mouth Sig complain about a manual safety striker fired firearm as if to appease and pander to their Rambo wannabe viewers…Instead of getting the nuts and bolts about a firearm you get a clown show.

    Firearms are a discipline that does not allow one to ever become comfortable with firearms. You want to be comfortable lock up your firearms, sit in a recliner and smoke a pipe.

  6. The title to the article may have been a rhetorical question, but I’m going to answer it anyway. Because they lie.

  7. So, since the WaPo/Trace are found guilty in the court of TTAG, how about a sentence? I suggest 30 days in the electric chair.

    No plea bargains.

  8. Their goal is to disarm the civilian population. If the police and or the military, are forced to give up their Sig guns???
    That is just “acceptable collateral damage” to the gun grabbers. Then they can claim that civilians with this gun, are not safe gun owners. And then let the propaganda War begin. Only it will be reinforced.

    Being dishonest about guns in any form is just what they do.

  9. If SIG is smart they drop a billion dollar libel lawsuit on The Trace and WAPO by end of the week. Lawfare can work both ways.

  10. Actually, publishing this now may be a smart play, at least in leftist land. All the good gun lawyers/firms are busy with lawsuits and appeals, in attempts to enforce Bruen. Now’s the time to publish a hit piece that may be actionable, because they can strike a blow without getting much response for awhile. Remember, it’s always Opposite Day in leftist land.

  11. So what then, explains the various complaints of unintentional discharges described in the story that suggest no interaction with the trigger that could cause the gun to discharge? Lies, traumatic misrecollections, an actual defect? Inquiring minds would like to see the denouement.

    • Spurious claims with no evidence of proof. Incidentally, all but a couple I know of come from the LEO community. Funny that, don’t you think? Being there are a literal order of magnitude more in MIL & citizen hands and yet a truly microscopic amount are claimed from those arenas. They (LEO) are well known for playing with their f!rearms regularly, and less than competently. Several were found with holsters not designed for it, amongst them being known problem children, a.k.a. BH Serpa’s which have long had issues with unintentionally discharging.

      Professional liars lying to cover up their negligence and protect their jobs? Naw, that never happens…

      One from a competition shooter that occurred after holstering during a run on video. No visual inspection afterwards to see if something was in the holster, or if the holster was made for the model in question, badly molded, or not. Disappeared the moment everyone started querying and never replied further. Very suspect.

      The other vid clips were edited too short to determine with any confidence one way or the other. Why would you do that in the first place? No uncut inspection of the items in question either. Seem a little strange to you? At bare minimum, proper skepticism in investigations or scientific method should be applied.

      A lot of what your seeing is parroting of something they heard or read from someone else’s hearsay, quite a lot being verifiable falsehoods. Don’t assume, fact check for yourself. From what I’ve seen, there is a dedicated character assassination campaign afoot with huge payouts being the end goal, but that’s only my own assessment.

      Now, in the interest of full disclosure; I am not employed by S!g, & I do not work in the industry. I own three of the models in question. All with modified tr!gger groups, all @ 3lb. All have proper fitted h0lsters. And, while my sample size is so small as to be irrelevant, no incidents of the like have occurred, nor with anyone I know personally. No further vested interests. My only association with them at all is having had a few conversations at length with their former marketing manager who did aftermarket product testing as well several years ago. That’s it. Bupkis.

      Just like nearly a million others. Disclaimer: I have no idea what the current count is, simply a back of the napkin estimate that is near accurate.

      • The biggest problem with the Serpa holsters were the half-wit instructors at the FBI training center and their witless students.

      • “Now, in the interest of full disclosure; I am not employed by S!g… “

        Well, that is the question.

        Was Jeremy S. Paid to write this article?

        Who provided the nifty animated illustrations for this article?

        Was TTAG paid to run this article?

        • Jeremy was paid by TTAG to write this article as he has been for years. He doesn’t work for free. SIG provided the animation after we asked them about it. It’s the same animation they provided to the writers at WaPo and Trace. And TTAG wasn’t paid by anyone to write this article. Not one thin dime.

          But you go ahead and cook up some other conspiracy theory to try to explain Jackman and Barton misrepresenting how the P320’s safety system works. You’re nothing if not creative.

    • Negligence. They pulled the trigger or a foreign object pulled the trigger. As the end of the article makes so extremely clear, a negligent discharge is both extremely embarrassing and career ending. These people are saving face and/or saving their jobs, and/or they honestly believe the gun “just went off,” when, in fact, a piece of clothing or gear or other object depressed the trigger. Something pulled the trigger.

      The vast majority of these suits that have made it far enough have been dismissed pre-trial. The person shot his hand when press checking it, the person had his finger inside of the trigger guard when holstering it, etc etc. One that went through a trial was a unanimous decision in SIG’s favor. Not one single person or entity has been able to reproduce the claim despite massive resources behind trying to do so for the past few years.

      NDs happen. They aren’t happening more with P320s than other, striker-fired pistols despite what WaPo attempts to suggest. More info on that is coming out soon thanks to FOIA requests.

      • You mind approving my post that’s trapped like many others in moderation hell? I go into depth along the same lines.

  12. Headline – MSM purposely misrepresents the facts (known to folks who haven’t gone to journalism school as lying) about firearms. In other news water is wet…

  13. But it is confirmed the military adopted the pistol (without following test protocol) and then found it was not drop safe. They continued with the SIG contract, the P320 then failed the DoD indepth testing of which they shared their own findings with the US military. The US military shrugged off the information. Beretta attempt a law suit, Glock tried to file a complaint. Both legal actions didn’t see the light of day.
    Now the military has given the NGSW rifle contract to SIG…again without any proper testing. Also they neglected to examination any other manufacturers who have submitted their designs even despite competitors being significant better than the SIG submission.

    • Not as clear on the NGSW issues but wasn’t sig the only pistol entry that met the modular part of the contract flaws or no?

    • It turned out that the original model was susceptible to the trigger being pulled via inertia when dropped sufficiently hard onto a hard surface at a pretty darn specific angle. That was fixed. The claims related to this WaPo/Trace stuff and lawsuits over the last few years are entirely different and are about the gun “just going off” on its own. It simply doesn’t do this. It has also been imminently drop safe to a degree way, way above and beyond how other guns are tested since that original fix back when the P320 was quite new.

    • There were seven rifles submitted for the NGSW trials in addition to the Sig XM7.
      LoneStar Future Weapons & Beretta USA – RM-277AR
      PCP Tactical – DesertTech MDR
      FN- America- HAMR
      Textron Systems – Textron CT Systems
      VK Integrated Systems – XR-68
      Cobalt Kinetics- MARS Inc.
      Makes one wonder about where you get your “facts”.

      • There was a decent amount of NSGW rifle submissions but NONE of them were tested as required by military written requirements before the contract was awarded.

  14. Think how embarrassed Jackman and Barton must to learn that they “forgot” to mention some of the P320’s industry-leading safety features in their big piece of investigative journalisming.

    I think that they won’t experience the slightest bit of embarrassment.

    At least, not until the libel trial.

    • “theBiden has investments in these companies“

      It seems it is actually a privately owned corporation, held by another delusional religion:

      “Kahr Arms was founded by Justin Moon, who is CEO and president. He is the son of Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church[1][2] and brother to Hyung Jin Moon, pastor of the World Peace and Unification Sanctuary Church, which is known to hold blessing ceremonies for AR-15 rifles.“

      “Wikipedia states that the company is owned by the Saeilo Corporation, which in turn is owned by the Tongil Group, a holding company founded by Unification Church founder Sun Myung Moon. On the Tongil Group’s website they have published an New York Times article, written by Choe Sang-Hun, which states that the church owns Kahr Arms …

      The church owns the Washington Times newspaper and the New Yorker Hotel in Manhattan, as well as the New York-based gun manufacturer Kahr Arms.“


  15. And so when does Sig file the libel and slander case? Seems to be well warranted especially if they intentionally left out the 3rd safety mechanism? Hope they can sue and put both out of business!!

  16. The 320 doesn’t have two sears, it’s one sear with two notches. I took a 320 armorer’s class and when you see how it works with your own eyes and hands, it is impossible to not understand that it simply cannot fire unless you use it as it was intended. Because of a few other things besides those internal safeties, it is safer than many other strikers.

    I’m also an ex-journalist. These people lie, they are that stupid and did I say they lie? Oh yeah. They lie. This story would be an embarrassment except they do not have a conscience.

    • Thanks, I edited the text for clarity in that regard. I get a little “quick” sometimes and tend to say “sear” to mean just the actual friction surface but will also use that word to mean the entire component, when relevant. Which isn’t weird, of course, for example in an AR-15 where the “trigger” is the part you put your finger on and the “sear” is the friction surface that holds and releases the hammer, even though they’re just different spots on the same piece of metal. So that’s how I get into a situation where I say that there are two sears on the sear (which there are) LOL.

      Please subscribe to my TED Talk for more pedantic, semantic rabbit holes 😉

  17. The media misrepresented the level of danger associated with dual fuel tanks on Chevy trucks too. I owned one for many years. Drove it just about to the point of the wheels falling off.

    They’ve been doing this for a very long time.

  18. Why Did the The Washington Post and The Trace Misrepresent the SIG P320’s Safety System in Their Hit Piece?

    Hmm, could have something to do with the entire Dem-Left Media Complex being filthy liars and lazy hacks who are bereft of morals, character, integrity, honor, honesty, and all around worthless individuals who contribute zero to society. It’s what empty and soulless people do. And they most likely get some hefty amounts of cash from leftist groups to spew their nonsense. These people aren’t even qualified or worthy enough to be lint trap cleaners in a 24/7 laundry mat.

  19. You actually have people here calling for executions, in jest or not. That is how irrational and emotional some people get about guns.

  20. I’m not going to take anything the Washington Post says on guns as fact- or even intelligent discourse- but I’m also not going to implicitly trust a firearm and maker that somehow managed to release a duty gun that was not only NOT drop safe, but failed in such a way that it was easily tested and repeated.

    I’m not sure which is worse- that they failed to design a drop safe gun or failed to find the fault before end-users did. In any case, it makes me willing to think there may be another, less replicable flaw.

  21. the mainstream media only runs 3 basic stories:
    1 stories that shower democrat people/things/polices with glowing praise
    2 hit pieces that attack anybody and anything conservative in nature and
    3 janitorial stories that mop up the puke off the floor when any democrat person/thing/policy vomits in the hallway and makes all democrat people/things/policies look and smell bad

    the sig story is #2

  22. You can fit everything anyone at the WaPo and anyone associated with Bloomberg knows about guns into an empty tuna fish can. The limit of their knowledge is that guns are loud, scary, and kill people of their own accord. The people who regularly read anything put out by either group are only slightly smarter, and that’s only because some of us occasionally read a WaPo article which increases the average IQ of the readership. Liberals facilitate their gun control agenda by trying to create fear, the same tactic they used with the Covid lockdowns and vaccine agenda. They try to instill fear so they can use it as a weapon against their enemies…everyone who doesn’t think like them. If I’m researching before buying a new gun, gun control freaks of any flavor are the last people I will seek out for accurate information. My wife and I were never vaccinated for Covid and have never caught it, unlike our relatives and friends who were vaccinated and have all had it multiple times. Likewise, I carry a .45 ACP Sig P320 Compact and it has never randomly shot me. Some people might say I’m rolling the dice, but I prefer not to be led around by the nose.

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