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Why Hunter Biden’s Pardon is So Infuriating

Larry Keane - comments 89 comments

Despite over the past six months repeatedly and adamantly pronouncing he would not, President Joe Biden on Sunday announced that was issuing a full pardon for his son, Hunter Biden. The younger Biden was convicted in June of 3 felony charges related to his purchase of a revolver in 2018 after he lied on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Firearms Transaction Form, known as an ATF Form 4473, to purchase the firearm by saying he was not illegally using or addicted to drugs, as reported by the Associated Press at the time.

The convictions were clear cut and Hunter Biden was found guilty by a jury of his peers for lying to a federal firearms licensee (FFL), making a false statement on the Form 4473 by asserting he was not a current illicit drug user and illegally possessing the firearm for 11 days after the purchase. The penalty for committing the crimes during his purchase and illegal possession of the firearm could have landed him in prison for up to 25 years.

Instead, he will serve no time. There will be no accountability.

Pardoning his son for the gun crimes is infuriating. NSSF, as The Firearm Industry Trade Association, takes firearm ownership and the legal requirements to purchase and possess a gun seriously. No one who is prohibited from possessing a firearm should be allowed to do so. Additionally, no one is above the law and crimes committed in the process of purchasing a firearm are often not victimless. Afterall, Hunter Biden’s then-girlfriend Hallie threw the gun away into a trash dumpster near an elementary school. Who knows what could have happened if it ended up in the wrong hands instead of being retrieved shortly after.

The President’s pardon sends the exact wrong message.

‘Willful’ Violation

Hunter Biden lied on the Form 4473. He willfully chose to provide knowingly false information when he checked “No” on the form’s question that asks gun buyers, “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?”

That was a false statement. Biden admitted in his memoir that he was a crack addict at the time he purchased his revolver in 2018.

The pardon for Hunter Biden’s willful decision to lie on the federal form is in direct contrast with how the Biden administration uses their whole-of-government approach to punish and suffocate the lawful and highly-regulated firearm industry.

The administration continues to use the ATF to shutter firearm retailers at a blistering pace over minor clerical errors with a policy called “zero-tolerance,” and has had devastating effects on small businesses and the ability for law-abiding citizens to exercise their Second Amendment rights by freely approaching a firearm retailer for a lawful purchase.

When questioned at his U.S. Senate confirmation hearing, ATF Director Steven Dettelbach was grilled about the administration’s “zero-tolerance” policy and how he would continue to implement it. After being questioned by Republican Ranking Member U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) about it, Director Dettelbach had some relevant words in his answer.

“The key to enforcement programs, it has to be fair, it has to be consistent, and it has to be effective,” he said.

While putting record numbers of FFLs out of business for minor bookkeeping errors or non-willful violations, the president has shown he is just fine with letting off on the privileged easy street an extremely serious and willful violator instead.

‘Don’t Lie’ Campaign

The firearm industry takes lying on the background check form and illegal straw purchasing of guns seriously. It’s why we’ve invested heavily in combatting that serious crime for nearly 25 years with the Don’t Lie for the Other Guy campaign. It’s to remind the public that there are stiff penalties in store for those who lie on the background check form to purchase a firearm for someone who is not able to do so on their own, likely because they themselves are prohibited. NSSF partners with ATF, the Department of Justice (DOJ) and local law enforcement to educate the public in several cities across the country each year on the seriousness of these crimes.

In fact, at the Don’t Lie public awareness campaign launch event in Las Vegas earlier this year, ATF Director Dettelbach urged would-be straw purchasers to think again, not do it and to understand how these are not victimless crimes.

“Any successful strategy to reduce gun violence requires preventing the diversion of lawful firearms into unlawful commerce,” Steven Dettelbach said at the time. “Once there, these firearms end up in the hands of people who are sometimes violent criminals and intend to do harm to the people with whom we live, the innocent people who are victims and survivors of gun violence.”

If convicted of the crime of lying on the background check form, the Don’t Lie campaign reminds the public they could face up to 15 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. It’s even possible there could be an additional 15 years in prison if the “straw purchase” firearm crosses state lines.

President Biden has called the firearm industry “the enemy” before and has done all he can in office to punish it. At the same time, while continually reiterating his stance that “no one is above the law” and there “are not two tiers in the justice system,” in a clear case where a serious crime was committed involving the illegal purchase of a firearm, he instead demonstrated the opposite. He pardoned a convicted criminal who actually put the public safety at risk.

89 thoughts on “Why Hunter Biden’s Pardon is So Infuriating”

  1. The pardon was primarily to cover up the Ukrainian bribes when Biden was VP.

    The firearms part of it was to deflect the attention away from the big money deals.
    Not Fooled.

    • In the very near future, Joe is going to have some sort of “medical emergency” that will invoke the 25th amendment clause, putting The Cackling Loser at the helm. One of her last official acts before January 20th will be a full pardon of any and all charges and investigations against Joe Biden dating back to his conception, and a Congressional MOU while they’re still in control that also pardons herself, going back as far as her mother’s conception.
      And no one will be wearing their shocked faces.

      • “In the very near future, Joe is going to have some sort of “medical emergency”

        Hilarious, I remember when everyone said he was going to resign or have a “medical emergency” in the first six months and make Kamala Harris president… Then I remember everyone saying “no, it will happen two years in”.

        Now it seems he will finish his term… But really, I would love nothing better than for him to resign next week and make Kamala Harris President of the United States of America.

        • Of course you would want the loser of the election to be crowned president.

          Just like you wanted her to advance to the election without having won a single primary election from her party.

          Selected, not elected. Same as what happened to Bernie Sanders.

          This is why dems lost. You still don’t get it.

          • “Of course you would want the loser of the election to be crowned president“

            No way, the king of the United States has already been crowned, President Musk and vice president Ramaswamy are already meeting with the Republican senators to discuss cuts to your Social Security and Medicare:

            “GOP senators ‘very impressed’ with Musk, Ramaswamy DOGE framework amid meetings on Capitol Hill
            The Senate DOGE Caucus held a meeting with the Trump appointees in DC on Thursday
            By Aubrie Spady , Elizabeth Elkind , Charles Creitz Fox News
            Published December 5, 2024 12:20pm EST

            Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa., chair of the Senate’s DOGE Caucus, led a meeting with senators Thursday to unveil a 60-page cost-cutting proposal. Ramawasy was present at the meeting, while Musk simultaneously sat down with incoming Senate Majority Leader Sen. John Thune of South Dakota.

            While senators who attended the meeting would not reveal specifically where DOGE intends to cut costs, they all agreed that the conversation was productive.“

            Yep, you folks will soon get exactly what you voted for, good and hard.

            “senators who attended the meeting would not reveal specifically where DOGE intends to cut costs“

            Interesting, why won’t they talk about what cuts they’re going to make, they should be proud of their cost saving measures but instead they’re hiding their plans from the public…

        • Actually I think his pardoning Hunter now instead of January 19th means he may resign and let Kamala become the female President. And of course she could then pardon him too.

    • To “cover up Ukrainian bribes”?

      The Republicans in Congress have conducted multiple investigations regarding these claims, and found no credible evidence with which to charge Hunter or anyone else. Your claim is fake news.

      Regarding family pardons, where is your outrage regarding Donald Trump pardoning his daughter’s father-in-law for multiple felonies:

      “Kushner is the father of Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and a wealthy real estate executive who pleaded guilty years ago to tax evasion and making illegal campaign donations. Trump and the elder Kushner knew each other from real estate circles and their children were married in 2009.

      Prosecutors allege that after Kushner discovered that his brother-in-law was cooperating with authorities, he hatched a revenge and intimidation scheme. They say he hired a prostitute to lure his brother-in-law, then arranged to have a secret recording of the encounter in a New Jersey motel room sent to his own sister, the man’s wife.

      Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has called it “one of the most loathsome, disgusting crimes” he ever prosecuted as U.S. attorney.“

      Isn’t it strange, Donald Trump and so many of his pals are connected with prostitution tax evasion, campaign violations and trafficking…

      And now Donald Trump wants to appoint convicted felon Kushner as America’s ambassador to France.

      A government of convicted felons, that’s some real law and order for you.

      • With all the evidence there apparently was for this not one successful investigation let alone viable charge. Almost like your narrative is false here.

        • “With all the evidence there apparently was“

          No, there apparently wasn’t any evidence, or else the Republicans would’ve charged somebody.

          “Almost like your narrative is false here“

          Nope, after multiple thorough investigations with sworn testimony and evidence presented, the Republicans and Donald Trump‘s justice department under Jeff Sessions and Bill Barr failed to find any credible evidence that would support indictments.

          That validates my comment, you made an unsupported claim and I pointed out it had been investigated and no credible evidence to support the claim of been found.

          • MajorLiar,

            But Adam “Schiffty” Schiff definitely has “incontrovertible evidence” of Trump’ “Russia collusion”, amirite??? Sweet baby Jeebus on a nuclear-powered pogo stick, your lies and Leftist propaganda become more deranged and irrational by the day as the depth and completeness of the @$$-whoopin’ administered to your lying, bullsh*t narrative by the Republicans sinks in. “No evidence of voter fraud”, the lying Leftist/fascist propagandist says – despite the fact that there was not ONE full evidentiary hearing over such claims, and KKKalifornia mysteriously designates the Dimocrat candidate to have overcome a 3,000 vote deficit to “win” KKKalifornia’s last district. They only took A MONTH to count the votes in one of KKKalifornia’s SMALLEST districts. If you lying, cheating Leftist/fascists can just manufacture and “count” enough fake votes for long enough, you’ll win, won’t you??

            You aren’t even a decent liar anymore, MajorIdiot.

          • “Trump’ “Russia collusion”

            Changing the subject again, but let’s go with that.

            Yes, his campaign chairman Paul Manafort was convicted of lying about his connections with Russian oligarchs.

            His National Security Advisor General Mike Flynn was convicted of lying about receiving $40,000 from Russian state television.

            I’m assuming you have seen the pictures of General Flynn having dinner with Vladimir Putin, right?

            There’s more, But we’ll go with those two for starters.

          • In other words, there never was any Trump-Russia collusion. Lying Schiff, just like the FBI, and just like the Mueller team, knew that from the very beginning. It was a lie seeded by the HRC campaign and the DNC. As a matter of fact, the HRC campaign and the DNC were literally fined by the FEC for that lie! Thank you Miner for continuing to desperately cling to the Russia Hoax. Please never stop.

          • What does it say about our justice system, the Democrat Party, and our Mockingbird Media when they are willing to tear the country apart based on lies of that magnitude? Threat to democracy anyone? What does it say about the voters that support that level of threat to our country? Sad!

          • MajorLiar,

            So, TRUMP Russia collusion is proven?? REALLY??? That’s your argument?? So, Hunter was CONVICTED of tax fraud, entirely AROUND the (illegal) foreign payments he was receiving (and Senile Joe’s scumbag, grifter brother MYSTERIOUSLY paid him a personal check (allegedly to ‘repay a loan’ that NO ONE can prove was ever made) days after getting HIS payoff from the foreign influencers he was doing business with. Senile Joe (the Big Guy) had to get his 10%, didn’t he???? Anyone with the intellectual curiousity and capacity for rational thought of a planaria knows EXACTLY what that payment was. And brand new “artists”, who have LITERALLY never made or sold a painting in their life, suddenly can produce ‘artwork’ (with their own feces) that is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars??? MajorLiar, at this point it is become harder to determine which is worse, your partisan, lying propaganda or your abject stupidity,

            Senile Joe, his lying, crackheaad, whoremonger son, his grifting family are both stupid, and corrupt (and even incompetent at their corruption) – I might be able to salvage a MODICUM of respect for you if your could just ADMIT what everyone in American knows – Joe Biden is a senile moron, who was a moron before he was senile, and his brothers are useless grifter scumbags, and his crackhead, whoremonger son is a useless piece of dog feces that needs to be scraped of the bottom of America’s shoes, and Kamal-toe the Ho is a babbling, incoherent, brrainless, incompetent idiot and a total DEI hire. JUST EFFIN’ ADMIT IT, you lying @$$clown. I have no trouble admitting DJT is a loudmouth, midwit braggart, with no particular principles or governing philosophy (see? THAT’S how easy it is to be HONEST – but you’re incapable).

            You aren’t even worthy of scorn. Your objectively insane Leftist/fascist partisanship and lying propaganda, your dishonesty, your pathetic double standards (when you have any at all, which is seldom) are just laughable. You are a pathetic caricature of a lying propagandist, because you can’t even LIE competently. P*ss off, you worthless clown.

          • “In other words, there never was any Trump-Russia collusion“

            I guess you missed this about Donald Trump‘s administration:

            His National Security Advisor General Mike Flynn was convicted of lying about receiving $40,000 from Russian state television.

            And Paul Manafort, Donald Trump’s campaign manager was having secret conversations with Russian oligarchs, conversations he lied to the FBI about.

            And Paul Manafort, Donald Trump’s campaign manager was having secret conversations with Russian oligarchs, conversations he later lied about to the

            It is unlawful for serving senior leadership of Donald Trump‘s administration to conduct secret back channel talks with foreign adversaries and then later lie about these contacts.

            That’s the very definition of collusion

            secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.“

          • Nope. I didn’t miss anything. If Flynn committed a crime, then they can prosecute Flynn. If Manafort committed crimes, then they can prosecute Manafort. Oh, and back channels for incoming administrations are normal and not illegal. Yes, lying to a fed is illegal. Don’t lie. Don’t talk to feds at all without a lawyer.

            But you see Miner, the Mueller dream team wasn’t about Flynn or Manafort. A special prosecutor wasn’t needed for that. I think even you could grasp that if you tried. So why the special prosecutor? It was a get Trump operation from the very beginning. They justified it by rumors seeded by the Hillary Clinton campaign, the DNC, and the Obama DOJ, with an assist by the fearmongering, propaganda press.

            We later discovered that the DOJ, FBI, and Mueller’s team knew from the very beginning that this investigation was based on lies. Knowing that, and continuing the investigation was completely unethical. Everyone involved should, at a minimum, lose their law license and be shunned by society. But there are still too many low IQ useful idiots out there that either ignore the facts or don’t understand them. The Mueller probe fell apart five years ago, but keep on clinging, desperate clinger.

          • “If Flynn committed a crime, then they can prosecute Flynn.”

            They did, and he’s guilty.

            “If Manafort committed crimes, then they can prosecute Manafort”

            They did, and he’s guilty.

            And there’s your magical thinking, that somehow Donald Trump is not responsible for the actions of his campaign manager and his National Security Advisor.

            So do you also hold that Joe Biden is not responsible for the actions of the members of his administration?

            How times have changed, a great Democratic president once had a sign on his desk that said ‘The buck stops here’.

            But in the MAGA Trump cult, Donald Trump is responsible for nothing, that’s what passes for leadership with those people.

          • You keep pushing Trump this MAGA cult that yet the actual cults all seem to link to commies liberals and democrats with a touch of fake news sprinkled throughout. Enjoy your groupthink delusions and the well deserved mocking you get for expressing retarded opinions.

          • …magical thinking, that somehow Donald Trump is not responsible…

            Magical thinking? LOL! What did they get Flynn for Miner? Misremembering or lying about some insignificant detail about something. Do you even know what the statement was? Was Trump telling him to lie or not properly remember it? Why were they even asking him anything? Have you not heard Comey tell the story about how they took advantage and broke norms because they knew they could (to get Flynn on something)? Now why would they want to do that? Are you really that slow, or are you that set on believing everything Orange Man Bad? Both?

            So do you also hold that Joe Biden is not responsible for the actions of the members of his administration?

            What did they get Manafort for? Taxes, bank applications, and foreign agent registration which they never worry that much about until it’s convenient. Do you know how many politically connected D’s and R’s would go to jail for that if the FBI focused on it? It had nothing to do with the Trump Administration, moron. Do you really not understand that? I go back and forth between you lie nonstop or you have a serious mental handicap. Both?

            But in the MAGA Trump cult, Donald Trump is responsible for nothing, that’s what passes for leadership with those people.

            Trump should have used his time machine to go back and tell Manafort to behave before he even ran for president because it was his responsibility. Okay, you really are slow, Miner.

            Those charges had nothing to do with the Russia Hoax narrative. It was a get Trump fishing expedition to find something, anything to hamper or end his administration. When they couldn’t find anything, they pivoted to obstruction. They couldn’t even get that in the end. Democrats were evil for pursuing this based on lies. You have no excuse, Miner. I’ve schooled you on this for six years now. You give desperate clinger new meaning.

          • Twisting in the wind much like your attempt at misdirection. If any of Trump’s cabinet or associates did anything illegal the Democrats hatchetmen in the DOJ would have been al over it. Much like you they had and continue to have nothing relevant to go on beyond empty words and fake news.

          • “If any of Trump’s cabinet or associates did anything illegal the Democrats hatchetmen in the DOJ would have been al over it“

            Good Lord, you people are absolutely oblivious to reality, how do you even successfully breathe?

            “Judge sets Dec. 18 sentencing for Michael Flynn
            By — Chad Day, Associated Press
            Politics Sep 20, 2018 9:05 AM EST
            WASHINGTON — After months of delay, former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn now has a sentencing date.

            A federal judge on Wednesday set Flynn’s sentencing for Dec. 18, more than a year after the retired U.S. Army lieutenant general pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russia during the presidential transition.

            The move comes just days after prosecutors working for special counsel Robert Mueller said they were ready for Flynn’s case to conclude. Flynn, a senior Trump campaign surrogate who gave a memorable speech at the 2016 Republican National Convention calling for the jailing of Democrat Hillary Clinton, has been a key cooperator in the probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election and coordination with Trump associates.“

            General Flynn rolled over like a little puppy because he knew he was caught colluding with Vladimir Putin and receiving $40,000 in a direct payment from the Russian government.

            That’s how much of a bullshit patriot you are, you think it’s perfectly lawful for a member of Donald Trump’s administration to conduct secret talks with the Russian government and receive $40,000 cash in return.

          • Miner is clueless as usual. This is why the propaganda press conflates things. They know the useful idiots don’t understand the difference. Flynn wasn’t convicted because he talked to Russians or received money. He was convicted because he made a false statement to the FBI.

            Who else talked to Russians and received money? The former president, Bill Clinton. He was also the husband of the Secretary of State and known future presidential candidate. They paid Bill $500k to talk at a Russian bank that was promoting Uranium One stock! Then, that company’s chairman donated $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation! The Clinton Foundation ended up raking in $145 million from people linked to Uranium One and UrAsia! Oh, and the Sec. of State, Hillary OPPOSED Russian sanctions around the same time Bill was paid $500,000!! Russian collusion anyone?? But oh no’s Flynn talked to Russians and make $40k!

          • “They paid Bill $500k to talk at a Russian bank that was promoting Uranium One stock!”

            False equivalence, you clearly don’t understand the difference between a secret meeting and pay off that a member of Donald Trump‘s administration conducted with the Russians as opposed to an open public speaking engagement that Bill Clinton notified United States government regarding and went through the proper channels to receive approval for the speaking engagement:

            “Bill Clinton sought State’s permission to meet with Russian nuclear official during Obama uranium decision

            BY JOHN SOLOMON AND ALISON SPANN 10/19/17 07:56 PM ET

            As he prepared to collect a $500,000 payday in Moscow in 2010, Bill Clinton sought clearance from the State Department to meet with a key board director of the Russian nuclear energy firm Rosatom — which at the time needed the Obama administration’s approval for a controversial uranium deal, government records show.

            Arkady Dvorkovich, a top aide to then-Russian President Dmitri Medvedev and one of the highest-ranking government officials to serve on Rosatom’s board of supervisors, was listed on a May 14, 2010, email as one of 15 Russians the former president wanted to meet during a late June 2010 trip, the documents show“.

            (notice, at the time of the speaking engagement Bill Clinton hadn’t been president for 10 years)

            Yes, Donald Trump is indeed responsible for the actions of the members of his administration, that’s how leadership works.

          • Wow Miner. I’m beginning to think you are a special needs person. Let’s break this down real slow like. There are two issues you’re pushing here.

            Issue #1: Bill Clinton talking to Russians for $500k is perfectly fine and ethical. I would tend to agree since we weren’t having significant disputes with them at the time. The same can be said of Flynn’s measly $40k. However, who was Bill’s wife, Miner? What was her position? Why was Bill worth $500k and not $40k?

            “Bill Clinton sought State’s permission to meet with Russian nuclear official during Obama uranium decision”

            Who was the State Dept then Miner? It was Bill’s wife! She also would be gaining $500k since they were married! Of course she approved it! That was unethical. The permission means nothing.

            What also happened at this time? Hillary made policy decisions that Russia wanted. Then the Clinton Foundation became about $145 million wealthier thanks to people connected to Uranium One and UrAsia. What was Bill talking about while he was being paid $500k Miner? I’m only bringing up this extremely unethical behavior of using a public servant position for enrichment because you keep crying about Flynn being paid $40k. But you’re perfectly fine with what the Clintons did. As long it’s legal, anything is okay. Is that your position?

            Issue #2: You think Flynn got in trouble for having secret meetings with Russia. Miner, do you understand that many meetings with foreign countries are being listened to by many other people? Do you understand that Flynn knows that? Do you know why they didn’t like Flynn? They didn’t like his foreign policy positions. They didn’t like Trump’s positions. After Hillary made her millions off Russia, everyone is suddenly ready to be super belligerent towards Russia. They wanted Flynn out. They wanted Trump out.

            New unsealed FBI memos show that the Bureau found “no derogatory information” on former national security adviser Michael Flynn while investigating his alleged Russian contacts, and moved to close their investigation of him in early January 2017 before former FBI agent Peter Strzok intervened, asking to keep the case open.

            The documents, which were released Thursday by the Department of Justice, show that Flynn was given the code name “Crossfire Razor” and investigated in a spinoff case predicated by the FBI’s “Crossfire Hurricane” surveillance of the 2016 Trump campaign — a case in which the infamous Steele dossier played a “central role,” according to DOJ inspector general Michael Horowitz’s December report.

            Keep in mind that Peter Strzok interviewed Hillary aides about her infamous emails. They lied to him. This is documented. But I thought no one was above the law. That’s not how it works in DC, as some very clueless dem voters just learned after praising Biden for upholding the rule of law, even when it comes to his son. Uh no.

            All the FBI did was give Flynn what seemed like a friendly interview. They have admitted to this. Look up Comey telling this story. They didn’t ask him about some secret conversation. They asked him about a public conversation that Flynn understood was being recorded. Flynn either lied or misremembered a detail of that conversation. That’s it! You can’t lie to a federal agent. What was Flynn’s lie, Miner? Do you even know? They never talk about that in the millions of articles pretending like Flynn was some double agent.

            This happened less than a week after Trump was sworn in. That isn’t why we ended up with a special prosecutor. That wouldn’t make sense. Why did we end up with a special prosecutor, Miner? Have you forgotten? Because the press began to make noise about the dossier. Then they were lying about secret server communications with Russia, and so on. It was a Hoax. It was a get Trump operation from the very beginning. The fact that you still can’t comprehend that to this day is very telling. Keep believing the lies, Miner. Keep on clinging on desperate clinger. The country has moved on. People are waking up to the propaganda and corrupt bureaucracy.

            Can we finally put this to bed, or are you going to be complaining about Flynn making $40k and Manafort not paying his taxes in another month? Clinging or grasping? Repeat after me: Orange Man Bad Orange Man Bad

      • “The Republicans in Congress have conducted multiple investigations regarding these claims, and found no credible evidence with which to charge Hunter or anyone else. ”


        • “false“

          Talk about your unsupported opinions…

          So why didn’t republican speaker of the house Jim Jordan or republican speaker of the house Mike Johnson file impeachment charges against Joe Biden?

          Why didn’t Trump’s Attorney General Jeff Sessions or Bill Barr file federal charges against Joe Biden or anyone else?

          Hey folks, it’s not Joe Biden who is whining about presidential immunity… That would be the convicted felon, Donald Trump, who is constantly invoking the fifth amendment and whining about absolute immunity for his crimes.

          • “So why didn’t republican speaker of the house Jim Jordan or republican speaker of the house Mike Johnson file impeachment charges against Joe Biden?

            Why didn’t Trump’s Attorney General Jeff Sessions or Bill Barr file federal charges against Joe Biden or anyone else?”

            I don’t know as I wasn’t privy to their mind set as I can’t read minds, and neither can you so STFU with your unsupported opinions and stupid.

            and once again…

            “The Republicans in Congress have conducted multiple investigations regarding these claims, and found no credible evidence with which to charge Hunter or anyone else. ”


            Take your mental illness TDS elsewhere. Ya’ll lost the election, get over it and quit crying over it. Trump is doing what normal people do, he is using that afforded him in the legal system … the legal system Joe Biden just made a mockery of with his pardon of Hunter, and played you left wingers for fools by saying he would not pardon hunter over and over again while planning all along to do it.

            Joe played y’all left-wingers for fools, Kamala played y’all left-wingers for fools. How stupid are you to not realize this … but here you are still trying to defend Joes pardon of Hunter. and then trying to do it with your mental illness TDS.

            Now run along and wipe Joes and Kamalas sh*t off your mouth and get over it.

          • “the legal system Joe Biden just made a mockery of with his pardon of Hunter“

            A mockery? You mean when Donald Trump pardoned seven Republican members of Congress for their convictions:

            “Trump issued pardons to seven Republican congressmen convicted of crimes: Chris Collins, Duncan D. Hunter, Steve Stockman, Rick Renzi, Robin Hayes, Mark Siljander, and Randall “Duke” Cunningham.“

            Hunter Biden has never been a member of the government, and did not betray the trust of the American people as these seven Republican politicians did, yet you complain about Hunter Biden’s pardon and don’t mention a word about Donald Trump’s pardon for the public betrayal by the Republican congressmen.

            That’s what we call hypocrisy, a common trait of MAGA conservatives.

          • Context?

            Did you even read the article, it’s all about how TTAG folks are all upset because private citizen Hunter Biden received a presidential pardon.

            But when Donald Trump pardons 7 Republican congressman who violated their oath to serve the public we don’t hear a peep from the MAGA ‘patriots’.

            Smells like… Hypocrisy.

            “Trump issued pardons to seven Republican congressmen convicted of crimes: Chris Collins, Duncan D. Hunter, Steve Stockman, Rick Renzi, Robin Hayes, Mark Siljander, and Randall “Duke” Cunningham.“

          • You realize it’s because of his dirty dealings with Ukraine and associated money laundering that we are concerned with not the guns or his being a crackhead right?

          • minor49iq…You bozo are a bloody mess falling on swords for biden/harris/hunter/walz et al. You would come across as more intelligent taking a side job helping harris pay a 20 million dollar IOU after blowing 1 billion dollars buying celebrity endorsements and buying crowds of bused in supporters who could tolerate hearing that cackling hyena more than once. On the other hand at least you gave it your all which is more than I can say for some Gun Owners who never once lifted a finger to say TRUMP/VANCE 2024.

      • A .gov of convicted felons. And the voters still preferred them to the harris crew. How bad does the harris crew have to be to make felons look good?

        miner. You got Trump elected. And now here you are pushing to sink the left in 26 and 28.

        Even dacian was smart enough, if you can believe that, to shut up.

        Are you dumber than dacian, miner? Apparently so.

        • “And the voters still preferred them“

          Yes, a victory for for propaganda, when The Richest Man in the World buys Twitter and uses it to support Trump’s campaign it’s kind of hard to get the truth out to the public.

          • With all the msm campaigning for harris you talk of propaganda? It is gratifying to see that you cannot figure out why you lost.

            Good. Your day is past. You are no longer relevant.

          • If his day is over and he is no longer relevant then may I suggest, once again, that everybody refrain from responding to him. Don’t take the bait. If nobody responds to him then his irrelevance will be demonstrated for all and he will sink into oblivion. Just sayin’.

          • I generally don’t respond to trolls like minor & j sled.It’s Informative (paid?)that 49er continues to blather on🙄

          • This from the asshole defending anything and everything that Soros, Bezos, et al do as ” exercising their First Amendment Rights “. Fuck completely off , you deranged psychopath. And yes, the only way that Kamalaladingdong will get to be president, even for a day, will be through subterfuge.

          • “it’s kind of hard to get the truth out to the public”

            Comedy gold! Also see: Hunter’s laptop and Covid-19.

          • “when The Richest Man in the World buys Twitter and uses it to support Trump’s campaign it’s kind of hard to get the truth out to the public.”

            yet, you never said a word when the democrats, Biden and Harris, all conspired, colluded, to, and did, censor the 1st amendment free speech of millions of Americans, with the left wing leadership and employees of twitter before Musk bought it and renamed it X.

            Yet now you complain that X (formally twitter) is an outlet for that free speech again after Musk bought it?

            Stupid and hypocrite much?

          • Aww your propaganda got so distasteful even the average American rejected it as obviously false. Tick tock you’re about out of clock.

          • MajorLiar,,

            So . . . the NY Slimes, the LA Slimes, the execrable, lying WaPo, MSTDS, Commie News Network, ABC “editing” Kamal-toe’s incoherent, softball interview to TRY to make her sound semi-intelligent, NBC shilling for Senile Joe and telling us all he was “sharp as a tack” when everyone could SEE that the poor, senile idiot was fading daily, then force-feeding us a SELECTED candidate who had LOST (four years prior) a primary IN HER OWN STATE, because even with all that help, everyone could see she was a useless DEI hire, whose sole talent was performed on her knees or on her back couldn’t get higher than THIRD PLACE in her own state???

            Yeah, us conservatives/libertarians have this unbeatable propaganda machine, that is somehow more powerful than ALL THREE major networks, MSDNC, Commie News Network, and EVERY major city daily newspaper????? Oh, just f*ck right the hell off with that weak-@$$ bullsh*t!! You aren’t merely delusional; you’re stupid, too . . . or else you’re hoping others are stupid enough to believe your lies.

            Name ONE instance, even in the history of mankind, where your idiot Leftist/fascist philosophy has sustained a viable economy/society. NAME ONE. “But if only we’d commie a little harder, THIS TIME it will work!!!” Eff off, you @$$clown.

          • “you mean through almost every mainstream outlet in and out of the US?”

            Not to mention almost complete liberal control over the tech sector until Elon recently purchased twitter. There’s this search engine called google. Then there’s the second most popular site on the planet called YouTube. We won’t mention facebook. No history of bias there. Then there’s almost total control over academia, entertainment, and sports. “Gee, how could we ever possibly get our message out?” It’s a miracle that Republicans ever win. Miner is either clueless or FOS.

          • With all the censorship and media control by the Democrats of every major network and yes that includes fox they were not able to get their message out? Miner not sure if you being a liar or their being pathetic in how badly they got outmaneuvered by Twitter and some podcasters is a worse look.

        • He’s the guy that people seem to think collects 10%, but the reality is 10% was only for that one major deal. According to Hunter’s own words from his nonexistent, Russian laptop, he’s the guy that takes half of everything Hunter makes collects.

          • “He’s the guy that people seem to think collects 10%, but the reality is 10% was only for that one major deal. According to Hunter’s own words from his nonexistent, Russian laptop, he’s the guy that takes half of everything Hunter makes collects.”

            … and now having been identified by evidence in house hearings as Joe Biden.

  2. The best part about this isn’t that the Puppet did the thing we all knew he would do. The best part is, the way the lefty pundit class carried on about how Biden wouldn’t pardon his son because he actually believes in the justice system, unlike the Tangerine Mussolini! How did they not know how stupid they would look? Some knew. They didn’t care. They’re willing to degrade themselves every single day. Those people don’t do it to worship their deity unlike the lefties that show up here to defend the senile Puppet and anything democrat. They do it because that’s literally the job they’re paid to do. They’re propagandists. Is that secret out now?

    But Trump lied about his crowd size and told us to inject ourselves with bleach and called Nazis very fine people and and *screams at sky*

    Alphabet crew, leave the country before they come for you! Ladies, ditch your tubes while it’s still legal. Continue to stock up on abortion pills just in case. Also, stay on birth control. If your male partner voted for the cheeto fascist, then dump him and become a letsbein. Stop supporting the patriarchy! Interesting side note: which demographic recently moved to the left more than any other? Highly educated white males. You can’t make this stuff up!

      • Yessir. All the fascist left going on sex strikes, vowing not to have kids and getting themselves sterilized.

        A conservatives wet dream.

        • “A conservatives wet dream.“

          Well, at least you admit that all the conservatives have is indeed wet dreams, that’s a rare bit of honesty from you.

          • Do I really have to break the comment down for you? Are you actually as stupid as your reply makes you out to be?

            As I’ve said before, miner, you condemn the education system in this country every time you comment.

          • jwm,

            “Are you actually as stupid as your reply makes you out to be?”

            Why, yes! Yes, he is!

            MajorLiar remains dumber than Balaam’s off ass. He never met the ridiculous piece of Leftist/fascist propaganda he didn’t sincerely believe – the more deranged, the better.

            Think about the objectively absurd positions MajorLiar takes on this forum on the daily – Senile Joe isn’t senile or stupid, Kamal-toe the Ho didn’t achieve her career on her knees and on her back, the Biden/Harris (mal) Administration is competent at ANYTHING, etc. Oh, and MY personal favorite, that Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution expressly authorizes universal gun control.

            My usual question to that Leftist/fascist idiot is “are you stupid, or just a liar?” But then I remember the healing power of “and”. He’s a shameless liar, who is stupid enough to believe his own lies.

    • I’ve seen news articles about how women are sterilizing themselves as a response to the Trump election win.

      The Darwin Awards are going to be competitive this year. There might have to be a special category for deliberate conscious decision.

  3. Governments have aptly demonstrated that they are a brood of vipers at any given time. I wish NSSF would focus on removing government from the firearm industry rather than trying to work with government.

    • There are a lot more pardons coming. Jill. And Karine Diversity Hire. And “Lips” Kirby. And that military man who keeps wearing lipstick. And you KNOW that fake doctor, Dr. Fauxi, will get his pardon too.

      But pardons can be a two-edged sword, if used correctly.

      It would be pure comedy gold if he also were to pardon a couple of liberal dem senators and house members, you know, for something that smells suspicious. After all, they earned it for their roles in the party giving him the heave-ho and having the temerity to think he would just roll over and let the DNC stage an open primary.

      Pardon them only for very specific minor crimes that would only serve to make the incoming Justice department scrutinize them like Mr. Magoo doing a proctology exam on them…really really REALLY close up. “Old Man Yelling at Sky” Joe’s mad enough to do it, too.

      At this point, the media might be all too happy to help. Merry Christmas Nancy and Chuck, now bend over please, it’s time for your media examinations and congressional hearings!

      And the media. I’m sure Joe thinks that they didn’t fight hard enough for him. Wouldn’t a pardon for Joy “Talking Thumb” Reid and Joe “Muppet Beaker” Scarborough be a riot to watch? Nothing says “biased media” more than an unwanted presidential pardon, just in time for the annual reruns of “Mr. Grinch”. I’m partial to the Jim Carey version; that dude was creepy!

      Old Joe is not (and never has been) competent enough to make anything clever actually happen, so I won’t hold my breath. But yeah, I’d pop a big bowl of popcorn for THAT show!

      • “It would be pure comedy gold if he also were to pardon a couple of liberal dem senators and house members, you know, for something that smells suspicious“

        No, the actual comedy gold is Donald Trump pardoning seven Republican members of Congress for the actual crimes they committed and received convictions for, that would be funny if it wasn’t so tragic to see the public betrayal by the Republicans.

        “Trump issued pardons to seven Republican congressmen convicted of crimes: Chris Collins, Duncan D. Hunter, Steve Stockman, Rick Renzi, Robin Hayes, Mark Siljander, and Randall “Duke” Cunningham.“

  4. I’m glad so many people “have pulled their mask off”, and said they are okay with a drug addict, being able to le.g-a.ll.y buy a gun. And then just throwing a loaded gun into a “trash can.”

    Go ahead make drugs legal. So you can’t be arrested. But you sill can’t drive intoxicated and you still can’t buy a gun either.

    Unless you want to force the FFL to make the sale.

  5. Ask yourself this. What is more infuriating? Someone lying on a 4473 and being pardoned for it or having to fill out a 4473 in the first place? My only problem with the pardon is that Biden did not pardon every person who has ever been convicted of a 4473 violation.

    • Putting the form 4473 at the forefront of this is a head fake. Hunter didn’t need an 11 year preemptive pardon because he lied on a form one time.

      It was really more of a self-pardon for the Puppet than a pardon of Hunter. They’re doing the “caring father” bit for the same reason they did the hero for “stepping aside” bit: they understand how willing their constituency is to overlook the lies. “Oh look. He’s such a loving father! Two months ago Uncle Joe was the next George Washington, and now he’s father of the decade! He’s such a great man!”

    • I have no problem getting rid of the requirement for the 4473. Do that, and then also make it legal for crime victims to kill their attackers.

      Also, increase the prison population back to the size it use to be. Crime goes down for 2 basic reasons. First, because repeat offenders are locked up. And second those that haven’t learned from their previous mistakes.

      They are killed by their victims.

      Make it legal for a third party crime witness to intervine and kill the criminal. You can call it the “Joe Horne law.”

  6. REPORT: Why Hunter’s pardon covers 10 years and not the 2 years of the gun and tax charges.

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YeEHunc7F8k

    • Unbelievably, Donald Trump pardon multiple drug traffickers:

      “In 2018, following a request by celebrity Kim Kardashian, Trump commuted the life sentence of Alice Marie Johnson who had been convicted of drug trafficking. In August 2020, he pardoned Johnson after she had praised his leadership in a campaign video at the 2020 Republican National Convention.“

      “Trump clemency recipient’s arrest draws attention of judge in old drug case
      PUBLISHED MON, AUG 26 2024 1:50 PM EDT
      UPDATED MON, AUG 26 2024 2:46 PM EDT
      Dan Mangan
      A New York federal judge ordered U.S. probation officials to investigate the recent arrest of a convicted drug dealer who was released from prison in early 2021 after his 10-year sentence was commuted by former President Donald Trump.“

      “Trump’s pardoning of a Kushner-linked drug smuggler undercut a larger DOJ investigation
      Lloyd Lee Nov 26, 2023

      Donald Trump pardoned Jonathan Braun, a convicted drug smuggler, on his last day in office.“

  7. The Firearms Policy Coalition has filed a powerful brief in support of the 2nd Amendment and against the Mexican government in the US Supreme Court case of Smith & Wesson v. Mexico. Mark Smith Four Boxes Diner discusses.

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uXDYyLpMEc

  8. 10 Other Criminals Who Deserve a Pardon From Joe Biden.

    h ttps://freebeacon.com/author/stiles/politics/10-other-criminals-who-deserve-a-pardon-from-joe-biden/

  9. Guns shouldn’t be available. .
    It is the gun manufacturers that got my son in trouble.
    Cocaine is illegal and no one has,, Oh look Jill isn’t the Christmas tree pretty.

  10. Sorry but the firearms industry is not that concerned about background checks and straw buyers. They want to make a profit, just like every other business in America. Even FFLs don’t seem to be worried either. Otherwise they would support completed background checks versus putting the guns in purchasers hands as soon as three days are up (or however long your state background checks are).

    • You just made less sense than Joe Biden on a press junket.

      FFLs don’t support background checks because they put the gun in the hands of customers when … the background check is completed?

      Most 4473 checks are online and take less than 3 days. Even in the most backwater towns, the process is online and can be completed with even just a smartphone browser.

      And with the sheer number of FFLs that have been unjustifiably raided and shut down for fake violations (and who’s paperwork was collected for the government’s illegal firearms database), the whole thing is a broken mess of government incompetence, overregulation, and unconstitutional overreach that should be trashed anyhow.

  11. Biden just put all convictions the same as Hunter in jeopardy of being over turned , bet he comes out as a agent of a foreign nation. Both received money from them . Makes both TRAITORS to the nation. Charge them both.

    • “bet he comes out as a agent of a foreign nation. Both received money from them . Makes both TRAITORS to the nation“

      So when Trump’s National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn received $40,000 from Vladimir Putin and later lied about it, that makes him a traitor?

      I agree, secret payoffs from foreign adversaries definitely makes you a traitor.

      • It’s hilarious that you’re still crying over the $40k Flynn made for showing up and talking at a Russia sponsored event, just like Bill Clinton, when he pocketed $500k, then later made 150 million through his foundation.

        The dispute over the $40k (really $38k) was that they accused him of violating the Emoluments Clause. When was the last time someone was convicted of violating that, Miner? I’ll do your homework for you again. Never. No one has ever been convicted of violating that. This shows you how much they were reaching to get Flynn. They accused him of a crime that no one in the history of the world has ever been convicted for. The point is to prohibit those holding public office from profiting from a foreign state. Yet, Sec. of State Hillary Clinton made out like a bandit thanks to her husband, the former POTUS. This was while she was making favorable policy decisions. Why aren’t you crying about that, hypocrite?

        The last I heard about the matter, the Army wanted to recoup the 38k Flynn made. Maybe they got it. Maybe they didn’t. I never heard. That’s it. That’s what you’re crying over. Please keep crying over this, desperate clinger. LOL

        “I agree, secret payoffs from foreign adversaries definitely makes you a traitor.”

        Then you must really hate the Biden family. They worked extra hard to hide a lot of the money they were making from foreign governments ($30m plus). I like how no one ever mentions why Hunter wasn’t paying taxes on all of his millions. Hint: it’s the same reason the Bidens set up all of those shell companies. They were trying to hide what they were doing. But you proudly voted for the senile puppet, and you would have done it again in 2024 if the secret wasn’t let out that he was a senile puppet. You know, the thing that was obvious to me in 2019. But oh nos $38,000! *screams at sky*

  12. Joe Biden Pardons His Criminal Son (I Know; You’re Shocked). (video shows Biden lied, and explains what happened and how this was not a political thing as is falsely claimed)

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_2RjaGO4VA

  13. WH Press Secretary Mocked for Using Wrong Poll to Justify Hunter Biden Pardon.

    h ttps://townhall.com/tipsheet/saraharnold/2024/12/07/wh-press-secretary-mocked-for-using-wrong-poll-to-justify-hunter-biden-pardon-n2648743


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