I know there’s a school of thought that says we should ignore mass shooters, not name them, and that depriving them of attention helps prevent potential copycats. But, I think that’s an argument that has rapidly become obsolete. In today’s media and online environment, a lack of information doesn’t avoid attention. If anything, it allows commentators, bloggers, and anybody else with a following to project their own thoughts into the informational void, possibly with tragic results.
From some of the more unhinged people on the left, we’re seeing sympathy for the shooter who gunned down innocent children. The shooter’s parents or the school, their thinking goes, must have done something to bring this down on themselves, and the kids are just unfortunate collateral damage.
Some of the even more unhinged are calling for revenge against people who think like the victims supposedly did. I don’t think I need to waste any more digital ink explaining why that line of thinking is mentally diseased at best.
If you identify as transgender and/or are undergoing hormone therapy – you should NOT be allowed to legally purchase a firearm
— Kingsley Cortes (@KingsleyCortes) March 27, 2023
Some of the more unhinged people on the right are doing dumb things, too. We’ve seen everything from calls for more gun control (something I warned readers about before the shooting) to fearmongering about supposed armies of transgender people who are preparing for deadly revenge (and they’re buying guns this week, so they’ll be really good with them by next week, right?). Some are even trying to make it sound like transgender people have been behind most high profile spree shootings, and that there’s a budding terrorism movement afoot.
Trying to convince the kinds of people mentioned in the last two paragraphs to chill out and be reasonable won’t be easy, mostly because people in one paragraph are pointing at the people in the other paragraph. For example, a bunch of absolute idiots named a protest event the “Trans Day of Vengeance.” That gave people on far reactionary right who need a bogeyman, exactly what they wanted after a school shooting perpetrated by a transgender person.
Conversely, transgender militants (a very small part of the overall transgender and LGBT communities) have a much easier time spreading their violent anti-freedom message when prominent voices issue calls to “eradicate” transgenderism.
I am once again asking you to believe the left when they tell you who they are. https://t.co/TQoWJCZqUY
— Aimee Terese (@aimeeterese) March 30, 2023
People on both sides can and do argue all day long about what people really meant about any of the above (the “vengeance” event is allegedly supposed to be a peaceful protest, and the “eradicate” comment was apparently directed at the ideology, not the people), but it’s ultimately irrelevant.
While the average socially conservative Republican doesn’t want to murder transgender people and the average transgender person doesn’t want to murder Christians, the nuttier people on both sides of he spectrum and the media outlets who chase clicks don’t care about giving people any benefit of doubt. There are agendas to be pushed and money to be made, all consequences be damned (or even encouraged). They unhesitatingly paint with a very broad brush whenever it’s convenient or expedient.
So in the interest of public safety Hale’s manifesto must be made public. Like everything else about this shooting, what she may have written is being politicized. It’s been reported that trans activists are trying to keep the manifesto from being release. Meanwhile, according to the New York Post, it will be made public after FBI analysis.
The manifesto should be publicly released as soon as possible. By filling in the blanks surrounding Audrey Hale with actual information, we can shut down some of the idiots on both sides who are trying their best to promote violent conflict. Good community policing demands that this information be released before there are more tragedies.
We Need Details To Protect Churches and Children In The Future
Another reason the manifesto should be released — whatever it may say – is that it can help us understand what went wrong and allow us to try to prevent it from happening again. Understanding exactly how and why the shooter targeted the church school, what her motives were, and what planning she engaged in can be very valuable information for people who protect places like schools and churches.
While many people identify with one side or the other in this story, that’s a foolish way to look at it. Sometimes, tragic events have no “good guys” and “bad guys” involved…aside, of course, from the killer. Sometimes there are only bad people and innocent bystanders. Other times, everybody has some good and bad in them.
This kind of complexity may not be easy to deal and it might not support certain agendas, but digging deep and seeking truth is the only way forward, even if we don’t like what we find.
There may be a darker set of truths this time that we don’t yet know about. When I dug a little, I quickly found that the church connected to the Covenant School had been accused of not only having a child molester working for more than a decade ago, but also of allegedly engaging in a coverup to protect the reputation of both the church. You can find much more in-depth information here about the accusations here.
None of this may have any connection at all to this week’s shooting. But it’s possible we have a church that repeatedly placed other people’s children in the care of a known child molester and then worked hard to shield the pedophile and his enablers or accomplices from justice. Allegedly.
Again, we don’t know if any of those accusations are true, or if it has anything to do with the shooting. But we’d be fools to not demand that the police look further into this and reveal everything they know about Audrey Hale and her motives. If the manifesto is kept from the public, it will only result in more wild claims and conspiracy theories.
Releasing the manifesto could go a long way toward either restoring the church’s good name or protecting more children from evil.
It’s way past the time when the fact that these drugs that the medical community put people on to “treat” depression etc. actually cause psychosis and have the opposite effect . This needs to be looked at and rectified. Was this person on these ?
hormones, SSRIs, and anxiety meds if I had to bet. nasty cocktail, especially without active and effective counseling.
None of that is a valid excuse… The devil is on this loose…
Careful what you ask for. The gun control lobby would LOVE to put every American who’s being treated for depression on the list of prohibited persons.
She was nothing more or less than a perp who criminally misused firearms to murder. No different than other perps who criminally misuse bricks, bats, knives, vehicles, etc. to reek havoc.
Today there are useful idiots seeking answers from an agenda that history confirms is rooted in racism and genocide. The Gun Control they seek provides answers that leaves you and yours defenseless and at the mercy of criminals that make the Nashville perp look like Mary Poppins.
Do something? Abolish Gun Control like its sidekicks slavery, lynching, etc.
You are correct. Years ago, there was a proposal to prohibit anyone who was prescribed an anti-depressant. I was taking one that also cross-prescribed for back pain. I would have been on the prohibited list for having back pain.
transgender types are hate-filled creatures…prone to rage and outbursts…killing anybody who stand in their way or dare to criticize them or their lifestyle appears relatively easy for them…we’re dealing with nut cases here…
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As big a fan as I am of reading the unhinged psychotic ramblings of medicated mental patients there really is no point. We’ve all read it before.
“Woes me, nobody loves me.”
“You all should love me because I’m better than you.”
“It’s everybody else’s fault I’m unloved.”
“Disjointed political platitudes about replacement/equality/patriarchy/socialism/etc…”
“Sorry I failed but remember it’s your fault.”
Basically broken, mailable tool got used and people died.
But make the manifesto available. So we can realize what a LOSER the perp was. Also may support the idea the action was premeditated and not spontaneous.
And it might give lil’d some ideas for his.
or just saying it’s YOUR fault i’m so fucked-up…looking in a mirror is a painful experience for them…and there may be some truth to that when we start grooming them as children….
If he/she was a past student there and was damaged by a pedophile, by all means, bring this to light. If there was no prior connection, there is no reason to bring up old wounds to others.
don’t think many understand the visceral hatred they have for Christians…the only group that hasn’t caved to their ridiculous demands
Most churches these days are woke and taking loads of government money. Most Churches get more more money now from government than from their members.
The FBI evidence fabricators were hit with flovid this week…
I don’t know about eradicating transgenders. But, we do need to eradicate those creatures in the public school system who are teaching our kids that they are probably trans. All children have issues and confusion while growing up. Teachers shouldn’t be grooming children to enter into the trans world. They should be discouraging, rather than encouraging children to attend ‘child friendly’ drag queen events. Adults encouraging children into deviant sexual lifestyles are as sick as sick can be.
“Your comment is awaiting moderation”
That right there is a huge part of what is wrong online today, not to mention in real life. Some stupid algorithm dislikes one or more words in my post, so it has to be “moderated”. Utter nonsense. WordPress is woke! They need to go broke!
Plus 1.
The alphabet Community is not trusted around children because they have shown no reason why they should be trusted. In my lifetime I have watched them go from finding the idea of having kids to be disgusting to them. Because it interferes with their lifestyle. To suddenly embracing the idea of having children. Because they like the idea of Grooming children.
“Porn actress claims Christian school fired her from teaching job because of her sex films”
“A three-judge panel unanimously decided Stacie Halas, 32, [porn star] was unfit for the classroom.”
“Teacher fired for starring in schoolgirl-themed porn”
I love teaching, I love sex’: Christian kindergarten teacher, 21, who starred in $2,500-a-time PORN films is fired after refusing to give up her raunchy night job
Nina Skye, 21
I will have to investigate her thoroughly
Looks to me like transgenders are doing a damn fine job of eradicating their own selves……….
“I don’t know about eradicating transgenders”
Who said we should eradicate transgenders? I saw something about eradicating transgenderism, as in the harmful ideology.
The simple side of this is Audrey went into a school and killed kids and staff until officers neutralized the threat. For this she is guilty.
The more difficult side of things gets more complex. The blame still lies with the killer.
However there is a lot of blame that can go towards Social Media, and Main Stream Media. When you whip up your followers into a frenzy thinking genocide is coming, or that we must destroy something, then all it takes is one. Just one unhinged individual to do something crazy.
It is like the media and gun control industrial complex is hyper focused on a fraction of a percent of gun deaths, but doing something like addressing gang violence which account for a much higher percentage of gun deaths is off limits. It show the hypocrisy.
And it is if 9 soldiers of the 101st Airborne getting killed in a helicopter crash is nowhere near as important.
flying at night while wearing goggles has led to more than one crash…
Genocide IS coming, except it won’t be genocide, it will be society cleansing itself of disease, scum, and and filth. A painful but necessary part of the healing process which may leave a mark…
they have no solutions..[that are acceptable]…for black on black crime…so they ignore it…but trying to justify a mass shooting by making the shooter a “victim”…is beyond the pale…yet that’s what we’re seeing…
They don’t want a solution. It’s all intentional.
Why is this left wing extremist allowed to post on TTAG? Her reputation is not exactly a secret.
The left are the one’s that censor.
Yet it’s “both sides” they tell us.
Asking for a friend, red?
Boi stop.
Some bitches in pink gear acting like they will take on even the most disabled of vets and people with training lol.
Fuck that manifesto. Fuck all their manifestos. We already know why they do it. Every single one is the same and has been since Columbine – actually before it.
If you care so much about this persons background you are no better than the left when they use their agenda to push for gun control every time this happens. You are literally the same shit in a different toilet.
huh, surprised they posted it after moderation jail.
anybody can shoot you if you don’t see it coming…when they have the intent..and you don’t
Boi stop.
We already know why they do it. Every single one is the same for a long time. They pick easy targets because they are unstable.
If you care so much about this persons background you are no better than the left when they use their agenda to push for gun control every time this happens. You are literally the same shit in a different toilet.
let’s see what happens this weekend…right now Trump is stealing the headlines….
That manifesto, if ever sees the light of day, is going to be redacted within an inch of its life. God forbid that a liberal protected person like that tranny should ever be shown in a bad light.
Trannies are the real victims, dontcha know, not those 3 little kids and 3 adults. Those Christians were oppressors who got what they deserved, right?
We’re living in bizzaro world.
i tend to disagree. it won’t do anything. they released the buffalo shooter’s manifesto which went into detail about how he specifically circumvented NY’s stupid gun laws in performing his crime. and you know what happened? nothing. we’ve seen manifestos released discussing liberal ideals, anti white, anti black, anti everything and nothing happens. it just encourages crazies to write more manifestos. so this girl/guy will say all kinds of stuff about trans this and that and the media and politicians will once again ignore it. you’re just pissing into the wind at this point
If it’s not released in it’s entirety,totally unredacted, it’ll just further prove just how damned corrupt the FBI is.
I for one, want to see it. Because We The People have the RIGHT to see it and I’d like to see just how fn looney that trans bitch was.
But it likely won’t be released for the reason the FBI is CORRUPT and hides what it does not want us to see/know.
We do know that the shooter made a threat assessment of her potential targets and chose the softest one! What does this illustrate about Gun Fee Zones!?! We all know the answer.
just look for the place with the glass doors?…..
We don’t yet know what the motive was for the attack… but we have a pretty good idea of why we don’t know. The longer they wait to release it, the more people are going to assume that their getting something that has been sanitized, if not created from scratch, then revised, focus-group tested, and approved.
I wonder if we will see dacians manifesto.
It will probably be in crayon.
…. doubtful. More likely to be written in permanent MagicMarker that he huffs in his mom’s basement.
And no one will actually read.
Probably not. Would be evidence of premeditation for the atrocities he and his Caravan of Death will commit in the upcoming civil war.
I think he’s moved up to chalk.
Understanding insanity is for psychiatrists. For the rest of us, learning to recognize it and avoid it are the two best steps we can take.
I don’t think this creature’s “manifesto” will help the average person on the street understand anything that will add to their ability to maintain their own personal safety.
M. Murcek, “For the rest of us, learning to recognize it and avoid it are the two best steps we can take.”
Dacian defined!
A: All mass shooters, if its at a school (where its called a school shooting) or elsewhere, are mentally ill. It doesn’t matter why they are mentally ill at the time of their atrocity because its too late then to do anything about it, they are mentally ill and that drives them to commit their horrible act.
In the Journal of Threat Assessment and Management. (Lankford, A., & Cowan, R. G. (2020)) ( https://psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037%2Ftam0000151 )
… Cowan writes of their research they “…closely analyzed public mass shooters who attacked in the United States from 1966 to 2019 and found that correlates of mental illness were approximately equally common among perpetrators, whether they had been coded as mentally ill or not.”
Forensic psychiatrists James L. Knoll IV, MD, and George D. Annas, MD, MPH, of SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse New York, both leading authorities on the mental health aspects of mass shooters, summed it up for the issue for the mental health community various studies on various aspects in terms of mass shooters…. Although mass shooters may not meet DSM-5 criteria for a recognized disorder, “they do have an ill-defined trouble of the mind for which the mental health field has no immediate, quick-acting ‘treatment,’” – in other words, mass shooters do have mental illness driving them but not something clearly defined and for which the mental health community basically has no treatment.
B: If confused as to why mass shooters, including this Nashville shooter, did it then see A: above.
1950 to Present Day:
1. 73% of mass shooters had a known history of childhood trauma
2. 85% of mass shooters showed signs of a crisis in the days and weeks leading up to the shooting
3. 92% of mass shooters were suicidal prior to the shooting or committed suicide during the shooting.
4. 93% of mass shooters communicated their plans ahead of time to someone else.
5. 86% of mass shooters showed a high degree of planning before the shooting
6. 94% of mass shooters showed an interest in previous mass shootings and studied them or knew about them and wanted to emulate them in some manner, due to media coverage and anti-gun groups and pro-gun-control activists highlighting them.
All have shown signs of mental illness.
The Nashville shooter was under care for mental health issues, and from what we know so far falls under #1 (possibly), and #2 – #6.
Not sure yet about the history of childhood trauma, but if you count gender identity issues… still doing research on this.
She was showing signs of being in crisis in the days and weeks leading up to the shooting.
She was suicidal prior to the shooting. She communicated that she expected to die.
She communicated her intent to another person.
She did a high degree of planning before the shooting. She had two targets she had surveilled and profiled and mapped out, one had a lot of security, but she ended up at the softest target which was the church school. If this was her first pick or not is not known, but police seem to have indicated that she did not pick the other school because of the security.
She had expressed interest on line with media coverage and anti-gun groups coverage of mass shootings. She seems to have picked clothing similar to a past school shooter.
People were killed, a mentally ill killer did it, a gun did not do it.
correction: “…if its at a school (where its called a school shooting) or elsewhere,”
should have been..
…,no matter if its at a school (where its called a school shooting) or elsewhere,…
Most of the people that are mentally ill and do not harm others.
Mental health care really sucks, had to try and get help for someone in crisis and even tho told is was a voluntary meeting, the social worker’s goons grabbed them, drugged them and put them in an empty room to shiver till morning when an actual social worker came to run an evaluation. Just adding trauma to their whole situation and a determination not to try to get help again.
And watch it if you own firearms, you just might lose the right for life by the judgement of someone who sees you on the worst day of your life.
that’s true, the majority of mentally ill people in an overall sense are not violent. But of those that are violent, they are violent.
my mom worked in one of these places…said it was godawful…finally had to quit….
Apparently the City council has information – Council Member Robert Swope told the media:
1. the school – not specific victims – was targeted.
2. Hale had planned on two other schools, both of which were public, and decided the security was too great at those schools to do what she wanted to do. (note: this indicates the private school was not her first choice, but selected it because it was a soft target and she was committed to doing what she was going to do.)
People on social media have been quoting and sharing an alleged line from the manifesto that said “You mess with our kids, we kill your kids.”
This has not been confirmed to be an actual line from the manifesto.
And once again the left wing private violent heavily armed, intending harm to the United States in their own stated goals and the actual domestic terrorist threat to the United States and American citizens – ANTIFA is linked to the “Trans Day of Vengeance”
Denise Sadler, a transgender drag performer in Nashville told the media she increased her armed guards from four to eight as part of a drag show she is hosting at a gay bar in the city this weekend.
Nashville Police Chief John Drake said during a press conference the manifesto mentioned plans to attack “multiple” locations in The Covenant School and had detailed maps of locations in addition to descriptions of how the killings would take place and there’s some belief that there was some resentment for having to go to that school.
A friend said that Hale had spoken about feeling suicidal in the past and messaged her on Instagram minutes before the shooting. Hale sent a series of direct messages to a friend via Instagram on Monday morning and revealed plans to die by suicide telling her friend “this is my last goodbye” and that her friend would soon be reading about it “on the news after I die” and “One day this will make more sense,” and “I’ve left behind more than enough evidence behind. But something bad is about to happen.”
Plenty of deleted Tweets the other day from members of the alphabet mafia who supported this whacko’s actions and saying it needs to happen more often.
These people are FN crazy! No offense Fabrique National.
things are not going their way in some places…they don’t seem to be able to handle that well..prattling on about “genocide” and arming-up….
To be released “after FBI review”. I think they meant “after FBI redaction”…..I don’t trust the FBI to be honest about ANYTHING.
Do people really want to know what this Evil Woman was motivated by? There have been several very recent massacres committed by members of the @lph@bet community. And people were called h0m0ph0bes because they wanted to know the motivations of those killers.
It’s very interesting to see that our society seems “relieved” when a killer is a Christian heterosexual. Any variance, from this causes people to lose their minds. And suddenly they don’t want to talk about it. They start shouting “racist” or “h0m0ph0be” to get you to shut up.
” It’s very interesting to see that our society seems ‘relieved’ when a killer is a Christian heterosexual.
dacian and Miner49er relish in that. They figuratively dance in the blood of innocents to celebrate it with their insane logic and musings and ramblings.
Those two are the worst here. But there are others on TTAG who simply can’t handle the truth. And will do everything they can to cause distraction.
Good point. Immediately after the shooting was reported. I saw commentary (since removed) that it was a white Christian Trump supporter. They have said that about every one of these shootings. As Dan Bongino said, they’re looking for a story; not THE story.
Monsters create monsters. When you read about some of the worst killers in society, they often were abused as children.
I think the contagion theory of suicide and murder/suicide is true. The increase in mass shootings parallels the increase in use of social media. Future killers read up on previous mayhem and plan their attack too. There may be need of a consensus of outlets and online forums to not talk about mass shootings. Better mental health access would likely help.
“…contagion theory of suicide…”
not a theory, it’s a proven fact.
maybe there will be something in her manifesto
about liking to change shoes every 5 minutes
maybe that would explain how she was wearing pumas in the school surveillance video
but she was wearing vans
when the police “took her down”
and then maybe a medical expert can explain
how she was hit with three 5.56 rounds
and four 9mm or .40 cal rounds
all at close range
and there was no blood anywhere
and then maybe a political operative can explain
how all these people just came out of the woodwork
to storm the tennesse capital to demand gun control or else
within a scant few days of the shooting
and maybe a statistician can explain the odds of pistol braces being a discussion topic in hearings on capitol hill the same week a nutjob used one in a school shooting
Maybe she was a vampire. Dunno Arent they blood less.
Meh. Don’t need to see a”manifesto” of a deranged confused critter. Who murdered old folks & little children. Hell is real as is heaven. She chose poorly!
if you’ve seen the actual takedown…they did shoot her multiple times while yelling “STOP MOVING!”….[twitching?]
I never even heard of transsexuals until a few years ago. Why would I think they were a threat to me or my family? They will not reproduce so are no threat to my grandchildren’s future. Leave me alone and I will leave you alone.
just don’t refuse to bake a cake for them!…..
“They will not reproduce…”
…yet their numbers increase.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” It appears that the evil men are very busy. Do we allow them free rein?
It’s a social contagion.
IMHO, there is only one reason to see the ‘manifesto’. I don’t actually give a damp fart why SHE felt compelled to murder a bunch of people. As the Germans say, “Machts nichts aus”. She murdered people. Does not appear likely, or even credible, that one of the victims even COULD have been her abuser (if she was abused).
On the other hand, it should be made public ASAP. If it confirms both her mental confusion AND her sense of entitlement and vengeance (as I suspect it will)? Great, then the whole ‘argument’ over it is over. So, I would like the confirmation, but . . . it doesn’t really matter. She murdered three children, who could not POSSIBLY have assaulted her. No excuse exists.
I am mildly interested in finding out why she did what she did; perhaps we can spot it/prevent it, nest time. Her motivation is irrelevant.
Any report will be heavily redacted. The parts that will not be redacted will theow blame at those on the Right.
Why have the last generations become defective humans? There have always been defective people, it just seems there are more now than before. Is it like a mass hysteria where people are mentally infected? Is indoctrination where children are told they are victims and will never succeed?
There is a problem that society must work to solve before a real mass murder begins that will pit us against each other with foreign entanglements that will completely destroy us and all of Western Civilization.
we need to remove sexuality from the schools…and get back to the basics….that discussion is the role of the parent…
“Some of the more unhinged people on the right are doing dumb things, too………. fearmongering about supposed armies of transgender people who are preparing for deadly revenge (and they’re buying guns this week, so they’ll be really good with them by next week, right?).” So really you’re going with this?
Yeah it’s “dumb” that people are concerned that the violence prone mentally ill jacked-up on cross sex hormones and psychotropic drugs are purchasing firearms which are essentially “plug & play”. Give me a break.
The crazies (transies/gheys) don’t need hours/weeks/months of training with semi-autos to commit terror attacks they can just hit “soft targets” with a revolver and when “neutralized” become an instant “martyr” and considered a “hero” within their community. They and their entire mentally disturbed segment of the population are a “clear & present” threat to Christians nationwide (they’ll never target moslems or “conservative” jews).
So get bent.
others have done that..[target moslems or jews]….this group just hates Christians…
And the reason that? Because Democrats see Christians as a threat to their power. It’s all political. Muslims are much more uptight about h o m o, t r a n s, etc. than Christians are. This goes to show it was never about acceptance, inclusion, etc. Those are just slogans for the sheep. It’s about political power.
clash with them in a comments section and watch just how fast they can become vicious…they tend to snap pretty quickly…
They don’t want to release the manifesto because. It will validate everything Christians have been saying for the last thousand years. About sexual immorality. About exploiting vulnerable people especially children. About the importance of having a father and mother. And it will validate why Christians should be selling their cloak to buy an AR-15.
Done & done!
the longer they wait the more suspicions mount that it may be harmful to the narrative of the left…
I am curious just what would cause anyone to go murder anyone who could not have caused you harm. I do want to know what and how this was planned so both this church/school can perhaps prevent someone from doing a copycat crime. And perhaps get other schools to harden their buildings to prevent someone from committing something similar.
Anyone who can seriously contemplate killing children must have major mental problems.
The problem is the psych evals some have demanded before being allowed to purchase/own firearms provide nothing but a snapshot of their mental state. It does not predict where their mental state will be next week/month/year. Nor can it show what might push anyone over the edge.
Banning anything will only make it the forbidden fruit and make some people want it more and go to any lengths to get it. Banning any type of firearm will not stop the next broken person from rationalizing the irrational and committing the next horrible act of mass murder.
Tennessee just passed some laws the trannys didn’t like…may be a factor…
This is an odd article. Seems to try the let’s be reasonable and not jump to conclusions approach then includes an off the wall suggestion that the church had some deep dark secrets lurking as possible explanation.
The linked article appears soft in the evidence department so why bring it up, why interject the appearance of scandalous past on the victimized.
Seems if you can justify this approach you could justify the other approaches the article tries to stear you away from.
I noticed that as well.
Ms. Sensiba sometimes grinds away at her axe on these pages.
anybody can shoot you if you don’t see it coming…when they have the intent..and you don’t
Mass shooters, no matter if its at a school (where its called a school shooting) or elsewhere, are not the only mentally ill people in the world we need firearms to to protect ourselves and others from.
Man sentenced to 3,000 years in prison for raping girl so often it ‘became as normal as brushing your teeth’ > https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/man-sentenced-to-3-000-years-in-prison-for-raping-girl-so-often-it-became-as-normal-as-brushing-your-teeth/ar-AA19hylg?OCID=ansmsnnews11
Just to note:
They caught this guy. But in gun ban countries in Europe (including the U.K.), and in Japan, those so called ‘civilized’ countries, sexual and domestic abuse and rape is a normal daily occurrence for ~38% (average) of the female population in those countries.
In the United States in 2022, in constitutional/permitless carry states; 37% of the women that were attacked for the purposes of rape were armed with a firearm and repelled their attackers successfully without being seriously physically harmed or raped, 23% of the women that were victims of domestic/partner violence that were armed with a firearm repelled their attackers successfully without serious physical injury. 8% of the women that were attacked for the purposes of rape or domestic/partner violence and were not armed with a firearm managed to escape their attacker.
In the United States in 2022, in states that were not constitutional/permitless carry states; 4% of the women that were attacked for the purposes of rape were armed with a firearm and repelled their attackers without being seriously physically harmed or raped. 2% of the women that were victims of domestic/partner violence that were armed with a firearm repelled their attackers successfully without serious physical injury. 5% of the women that were attacked for the purposes of rape and were not armed with a firearm managed to escape their attacker, and 87% of the women that were attacked for the purposes of rape were not armed with a firearm and were raped. 90% of the women that were victims of domestic/partner violence that were not armed with a firearm were injured (some seriously injured and some killed).
LGBTQ+ groups are cautioning/warning against the publication of the Audrey Hale manifesto. There are two main concerns: One, that additional glorification of the shooter could inspire others to commit similar violent acts for attention …. and … Two, it would detract from the gun-control narrative and further focus adverse attention on the LGBTQ+ community.
Metropolitan Nashville Police Department told the Daily Caller News Foundation that it had no intention of releasing the (manifesto) documents anytime soon, saying, “We will not be releasing the manifesto during an open investigation.”
“and the “eradicate” comment was apparently directed at the ideology, not the people”
Apparently? Let’s look at your quote, Jennifer. You said, “prominent voices issue calls to “eradicate” t r a n s genderism.” In what world is a t r a n s genderism a person? He did not say t r a n s genders. Is that the best you could provide as proof that the right side is just as bad as the left, while you pretend like you’re the sane one in the middle? If you’re going to author a piece on this, then why didn’t you bother to research any context around it? He specifically said he wants to eradicate the ideology, not the people. He even said he doesn’t care if people want to cross dress among other adults, in bars, at home, etc. He wants this harmful ideology, that suddenly picked up steam a few years ago, and is being pushed by our government and culture, gone from public life.
If people really cared about the mental health of others, then they wouldn’t be indoctrinating children into this sex-centered, confusing ideology that’s setting them up for failure. As for older people, it’s giving troubled, unhappy people the false promise of curing their ills. Imagine their shock when they t r a n s i tion, and they’re still unhappy, but now they have to go around pissed off because people are “misgendering” them, or maybe now they’re missing body parts. Of course this ideology should be eradicated.
Where’s the prominent conservative posting “us when we see t r a n s” while holding guns with their fingers on the triggers? Nice try, but the two sides aren’t one and the same.
“Other times, everybody has some good and bad in them.”
No. All times. If you want to find the bad, then you’re going to find it because we all have it. Also, even the worst of us can find redemption, if we want it.
Personally I think it is important for the general public to know what was the motivation behind any kind of tragic event like this.
To understand what was the mentality.
Then, if we see it in someone with similar mentality, we may be able to act and prevent future tragic events.
And as the author points out, to set the record straight, and those on the extremes to be proven wrong.
A question I keep asking is why are American’s in such a place of . . . depression, anxiety, mental illness etc. ??
Perhaps we should look to Finland, which was named the happiest country in the world.
she had all the warning signs we have come to know that are inherent in mass shooters. No one did anything about it, not even her mental health professional plus her parents and friends knew she had guns.
1950 to Present Day:
1. 73% of mass shooters had a known history of childhood trauma
2. 85% of mass shooters showed signs of a crisis in the days and weeks leading up to the shooting
3. 92% of mass shooters were suicidal prior to the shooting or committed suicide during the shooting.
4. 93% of mass shooters communicated their plans ahead of time to someone else.
5. 86% of mass shooters showed a high degree of planning before the shooting
6. 94% of mass shooters showed an interest in previous mass shootings and studied them or knew about them and wanted to emulate them in some manner, due to media coverage and anti-gun groups and pro-gun-control activists highlighting them.
All have shown signs of mental illness.
The Nashville shooter was under care for mental health issues (on going), and from what we know so far falls under #1 (possibly), and #2 – #6.
Not sure yet about the history of childhood trauma, but if you count gender identity issues which it seems was the only thing her doctor cared about … still doing research on this.
She was showing signs of being in crisis in the days and weeks leading up to the shooting.
She was suicidal prior to the shooting. She communicated that she expected to die and wanted to commit suicide.
She communicated her intent to another person.
She did a high degree of planning before the shooting. She had targets she had surveilled and profiled and mapped out, the others had a lot of security, but she ended up at the softest target which was the church school. If this was her first pick or not is not known, but police seem to have indicated that she did not pick the other targets because of the security.
She had expressed interest on line with media coverage and anti-gun groups coverage of mass shootings. She seems to have picked clothing similar to a past school shooter.
All the signs were there seen by her parents, her friends, her mental health professional – none of them did anything. Even the friend knew about it in advance, not specifically but that was told by the shooter something bad was going to happen and be on the news that day and would leave plenty of evidence about it, and knew she had said she wanted to commit suicide and expected to die that day – the shooter literally told someone before it happened and they did nothing and the mental illness drove her on into infamy.