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Local papers are an excellent source of hunting news. While the mainstream media would no more “promote” hunting than smoking, rural rags know that their audience views shooting wild animals as something between a sacred obligation and a moral responsibility. Pity poor scribe Gary Roussan. The author of “The Sportsman’s Corner” is cornered in California. Rural California. But California nonetheless. Where political correctness isn’t just for breakfast anymore. Hence his column Why eat wild game? Why indeed?

1. “It’s healthier” – Grab ’em with the organic angle. Nice.

Wild game is the only true, all-natural food. It contains no additives or preservatives, colors or flavorings, and far less fat (especially saturated fat) than domesticated animals; and unlike even the healthiest of healthy from the nature food stores, this meat grew up in the wild, not in captivity. Perhaps best of all, it was procured by your own hands.

2. “Hunting is a great source of exercise” – Less convincing, but a lot more appealing to the tree huggers than “it’s fun to kill living things with a gun.”

It not only burns calories, but helps keep you fit. Depending on the method and time spent afield, you can literally burn off thousands of calories in a day’s hunt. And whether you’re hiking the western mountains or ATVing to your shooting spot, there is still more physical activity involved than driving to the grocery store. There’s also all that fresh, clean air you’ll be breathing.

3.  “It’s good for the environment” – Gary scores a direct hit with this one. So to speak.

Ecologically, eating wild game is more sound because you are harvesting a renewable natural resource. As long as you are responsible about not over-harvesting, undeveloped land can continue to produce game, as well as provide habitat for a host of non-game species, indefinitely.

4. “It’s fun” – Oh deer . . .

Let’s face it, most folks enjoy the act of procuring game more than consuming it. If hunting weren’t fun, we wouldn’t do it.

Note to Gary: the truth may set you free, but it may not.

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  1. There may be a market in certain areas for locally hunted meat. However, 'for profit' hunts are discouraged or legally suspect in many states.

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