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Why You Shouldn’t Take a Gun When Hiking the Appalachian Trail

Robert Farago - comments 164 comments

“Okay, let’s say I’m in a scenario on the trail where I want to use a gun. I wouldn’t want it if I was being robbed. In the case of a robbery, I’m always just going to give up whatever I have because no physical possessions are worth my life. So someone is trying to kill me or my dog, or abduct me somehow. How is the gun going to help me? If it’s inside my pack I’d have to unstrap it, dig through it, find the gun… It would be too late by the time I got it.”

– Margaret (not shown), Am I taking a Gun on the Appalachian Trail [via thetrek.co]
Win IMI Ammo

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

164 thoughts on “Why You Shouldn’t Take a Gun When Hiking the Appalachian Trail”

      • In these hills, “police” might could be just down yonder, or they’re “nearby soon”….. depending on who your kin are, and how they know your name (criteria generally being “have chased”, “had drinks with” etc). Those taken cumulatively decide whether they bring Bo the Bloodhound or Bandit the Mutt with ’em ANS (after next services).

        Anyways, bless her dense heart. She should just stay home and watch more Naked & Afraid.

        • You Sir are one IGNORANT BASTARD! My step son just completed hiking that trail and he can attest that police ARE NOT JUST MINUTES AWAY! In fact, there are MANY areas where cell service WILL NOT REACH! In fact, when he communicated with us, HE TOLD US SPECIFICALLY that he either did not receive our calls or he was entering an area where cell service was NOT AVAILABLE! I would safely bet that should you attempt to prove this wrong by hiking the trail, you can be robbed or killed easily in a dead zone! I advised him on this before he left! I also advised him that while bear attacks are infrequent, they do happen! And the unfortunate accident that can leave him or others injured requiring immediate evacuation and medical aid. But the young believe they are invincible and immortal. He suffered a disabling illness he had to hike into town to get treated. He also suffered an injury to his knee that laid him up. But he was one of those that still successfully completed the trip despite the injuries, illness, and delays! If I had hiked it, I would have carried. I would have carried just a few more first aid supplies than he did. HE WAS LUCKY!

  1. When I hike the AT I have an AirWeight in my front pocket or in the waist pack in front. It would take about a second to bring to use.
    There are very few four legged critters you need to worry about, but some of the two leg ones are dangerous.

    • Exactly! Have a front carry waist pack that is easily accessible. Don’t be stupid. Be prepared and be ready for any surprises.

  2. I do hope the lady can be SURE that a robber merely wants her money… Unless she’s a mind reader, of course. The rest of us have no idea just what the robber really wants, and it isn’t a wild flight of fantasy to understand that he/she may just want you dead into the deal. It’s so much easier and safer for the robber to strip a dead or seriously injured body.

    But absolutely, lady. If you are not willing to learn how, when and why a gun should be used, we’re all (except you) probably better off if you don’t. But then, hiking into the wilderness probably isn’t a good idea for you either. Ever hear of mountain lions, bears, even wolves?

    • It’s generally poor form to openly argue with a customer; so when a gun bigot wanders into my shop looking to pick a philosophical fight I may very well oblige them since they are not “one of my customers”.
      I remember one young mother who tried to make the “I don’t own anything worth killing for” argument when asked how she would react to being attacked.
      “I didn’t specify you were being robbed,” I replied, “I asked ‘what if you were attacked’, meaning that this hypothetical person doesn’t just want your purse – their target is YOU.”
      Predictably, this sanctimonious twit smiled, shrugged, and said “well, I guess then it’s just my time to go”.
      I pounced on the easy opening she had given me. “I see. So, you’ll give up without a fight. Tell me, when the criminal is attacking your daughter there,” pointing at the toddler playing with a doll on the store floor at her feet, “will you tell her, ‘it’s okay, honey, its just your time to go’?”
      That hit the nerve I’d hoped for and I saw the anger rising in her eyes. “Good,” I continued before she could work up a retort, ” so you DO see that there are indeed some things worth fighting for – I wonder, would your daughter think in years to come that her mother’s life would have been worth fighting for?”

      • There are pacifists in the world who really do think that nothing is worth fighting for.

        There are also people who don’t understand that one can use violence in defense of themselves and their own. Strange as it sounds, self defense is simply beyond their mental horizons.

        The real problem, as others have said, is that they vote to deprive everyone else of the right to keep and bear arms.

    • Some people do not want your money. Some people do not want your car. Some people do not want your virginity. Some people do not want your stuff. Some people just want to watch it all, including you, burn. Evil DOES exist in this world. You can deny it all you want, but you better have a plan of action, and have practiced it before the evil surprises you by showing up, or you and yours are going to be eaten.

      • Remember Gary Gilmore? He robbed gas stations just so he could kill the clerks. Too bad the libtards can’t remember anything other than the latest quote from bloomberg and company.
        But then, if they had any brain cells left, they wouldn’t be libtards…

  3. Every time I have hiked the AT I carry my Timber Wolf G17 in a custom made chest rig that I designed and built for using with a backpack! Anyone that doesn’t carry when they trek in the middle of “nowhere” is ignorant!

    • always keep SW 642 in pocket and G21 holster. Mountain lions the only reason for the 45 not to mention came a cross some sketchy guys maybe checking on their Mary Jane crop

  4. Click the link and read the whole article. She says “I won’t hitchhike alone” I think that partially sums it up until you read “I won’t carry a knife, or bear mace, or any other weapon for that matter” it’s her life and her choice. It’s also my life and my choice. I’ll stick with the gun, knife, bear mace and another other weapon I can reasonably carry. Everyone has to make their own choices, let’s just hope she doesn’t get elected to high office.

    • “Everyone has to make their own choices”
      I GOOD with that. It’s when she tries to mandate HER choices on ME that we’re gonna have problems. And that’s the WHOLE issue with lefty-regressive mentality.

      • When she expects protection from others she loses me. People who don’t show up for their own life deserve whatever befalls.

  5. Also from the article:

    “In particular, I won’t be taking a knife, or bear spray, or any other sort of weapon. Well, I might take a pocket knife for opening food packages or spreading peanut butter, but even that is iffy. ”

    Talk about being unprepared…

    • Not kidding! In my youth, I did Search and Rescue for lost hikers and whatnot. The unprepared hiker was usually a body recovery. A knife is the most critical piece of survival gear you can carry while in the wilderness. I can’t imagine not having one even for that illustrious “short hike in the woods” that lost hikers always talk about if rescued alive.

      • I like it when someone inquires about the rather large-ish EDC knife I carry (Gerber Applegate/Fairbairn Combat Folder). My favorite reply, “Because God saw fit to take away my fangs and claws – I had to use my head and find an alternative.”

    • Looks like a suicide statistic waiting to happen. She just wants to go ‘naturally’ as the victim of a bear/cougar/2 legged predator, rather than just get it over with. More power to her.


  6. I agree no physical possessions are worth your life. Trouble is that’s not your call. It’s the mugger who decides that $15 in your wallet is worth your life. Or better yet his life.

    • No. I saw the benefits of keeping them separate long ago. African= crime everywhere. Even in Africa other Africans. Don’t hate, separate.

  7. Doesn’t it matter as much WHO killed WHO with a gun as it does WHO got killed? To simply focus on who got killed in gun-involved homicide and make broad stroke generalizations about “racism” based on half the equation is as deliberately deceptive as it is stupid.

  8. Because “Just give them what they want” worked so well for three of four airliners on September 11, 2001, right? And all the people in the WTC & the Pentagon who died.

  9. So its iffy if she’ll even carry a knife. Dang, imagine some desperato lost in the wilderness that is soy-intolerant so can’t use her food and just wants to steal a knife from her to better his odds but then kills her in a crime of passion because she doesn’t even have a knife on her. Which he finds so inconceivable that he reaches his rational breaking point. That would be ironic.

  10. It’s perfectly fine to carry a firearm while hiking. It’s also perfectly fine to not carry one. I don’t carry on the AT for several of the reasons she outlined, but I also know that hiking the AT is far safer than civilization. Hell, I barely carry a knife. My most important tools are my brain and my spoon. I won’t survive hiking very long without either of them.

    Some of the posters comments show much ignorance of hiking long distances.

    • Agree, if I were a woman, I would not hike alone…..but as long as you don’t hang around trail heads with road access and make yourself a soft target, guns are a boat anchor on a long hike. When packing for long hikes on the east coast I roll the dice and leave the gun at home, a cell phone is more useful. When I was in AK, I would always carry a gun, the cell phone was useless, ha!

    • I carry in the parkland near my house when hiking with my daughter. I’ve never needed it yet but that doesn’t mean I’m leaving it at home

  11. I do dislike typo Nazi’s, but I just cannot let this one pass. The author states that the odds of having a gun stolen are 8.5 million to 1. Think about it. Those are some darn good odds!

    i think he meant to say that the odds of a gun being stolen are 1 in 8.5 million.

    • Um, I am sure there are some PA residents caught up in traffic stops in NJ who said that very thing. Local laws while hiking the AT can be just as precarious.

  12. the old “always roll over and comply for a robber because they *probably* only want your things” mantra…

    don’t know how people are willing to use “rely on the graciousness of scumbags” as their one and only approach to a potentially life threatening situation

  13. Her bio tells us everything we need to know about her.

    “Hey, I’m Margaret and I’m 23 years old, and I’m sick of punching someone else’s clock. I’ve decided to quit my job and pursue dreams of hiking the country, and maybe eventually living and working from a car so I can spend more time with my dog. I’m a little bit impulsive, I’m very determined, and I want to get the most out of life. I’m an avid reader, gamer, and eater. Mostly, I just want to live a life worth telling stories about; where I don’t dread going to work, make the world a little bit better than I found it, and hopefully inspire some others to follow their dreams too.”

    Because wanting to live in your car so you can spend more time with your dog is such a great way to inspire others.

      • Even that character didn’t like it. He was moving in with Phil Hartman and his wife because hew was “sick of living in a van down by the river” and eating government cheese.

  14. Not even a knife, that’s just sad. A lot of knives weigh less than 4 ounces and are easily accessible in an emergency. I took a jungle survival training course when I was in the Navy and the instructors said you could survive without anything, except for a knife, without a knife you’re dead.

  15. “Guns are stolen from concealed carriers about as often as from open carriers.”

    Can we get a source for this information, please?

  16. From her self:


    I’ve said it before, I’m planning for my plans to fail. Keep following, I intend to post updates throughout and then when I continue on to the PCT.

    Her final post will be the one they use to figure out what happened to her.

  17. She is really in her own world. The 4 legged predators are not the tall pole in the tent, the 2 legged ones are. Rape, robbery and violent attacks are more about horrible people proving their power over others than sex or monetary gain, i.e. they do it because the crime excites them. It is true, generally the trails are safe and a lot of nice folks hiking them, your typical mugger is not going to hike the AT, but you are also isolated much of the time. If you do run into a BG, you are screwed. They can pretend to hike and shadow you until they decide to attack. Calling 911 is not going to help unless you are in town. I can’t imagine doing nothing for personal defense. If weight is the issue, the are options of a pocket .380, discreet, around 1lb and has enough power to discourage the 2 legged critters. The same .380 can slide in your pocket, always accessible. A couple of trail buddies would help or some good spray if you don’t want to carry or the permit hassle is too much. A knife is good too, but you definitely need to get a little training on how to use a small pocket knife to defend yourself. It can be done, but its not a natural talent.

  18. Sounds like she likes the attention she is getting. Trust me some wacko out there has seen this and now he knows your an easy target. Being a liberal is one thing. Being a dumbass liberal drawing attention to yourself for the purpose of boosting your self esteem is down right stupid. Good luck on that trail

  19. I have a Beretta PX4 with rotating-barrel lockup, right now. No-trigger-pull takedown (decocking lever) and all. No waiting.

  20. Our 20 something RN, goes hiking out West 2x a year. Often Pacific NW and Canada , so a gun is not going to make it . But a Mora 4 inch fixed blade weights just under 4 oz and can be clipped to a waist band, pack ,almost anywhere .

    On a side note our other daughter flew out West to hike last year as well,she had her folder and a small can of pepper gel in her day pack, which was in a larger check bag.
    That bag was over weight so she just pulled out the daypack to carry on ….. Now she was in a hurry and I guess just forgot what was in that pack.

    Got on the plane no problem ! She remembered when she was on board but kept her mouth shut .

  21. There are millions of Margarets in this country, and I’m happy that the more vicious elements of our society have so many Margarets to exploit for their amusement. Because without the weak to exploit, the bad elements would address more of their attention toward us.

    So thank you, Margaret, for being chum.

  22. In a remote area I would think that your posessions and life could be intertwined. What if they want your coat and blankets, or your food?

  23. The Author is a 23 year old Naive Millennial. Who isn’t smart enough to realize you can carry the gun in a holster on your belt and most states recognize Virginia Non Resident concealed carry reciprocity.

  24. I thought it was hilarious reading about Charles P. Pearce complaining about socialists owning guns while he himself, an obvious democrat, doesn’t seem to recognize that socialism is a democrat party ideal, that the racist black hating person committing the crime is the flipside of race baiting democrat organizations like BLM, and his party and this criminal on the train really have a lot more in common than he thinks.

    Note to Charles P. Pearce. Firearms in the public hands empower the people. This is good and bad. it’s bad when the populace is a majority of whine-bag helpless socialists incapable of surviving in a capitalist system, then they feel the need to go against their capitalistic government relic who doesn’t want to embrace the new rad and hip topic of socialism (which isn’t new at all). It’s good when a government has to think twice about feeling entitled to the people’s freedom.

    It’s no wonder that in socialist regimes the government relentlessly seeks to disarm the populace.

  25. Interesting you chose to share my article as “why not to bring a gun on the Appalachian Trail” when that wasn’t the point of it at all. In any case I’ll take the free publicity. Alwaysunderfoot.wordpress.com

  26. That’s a whole lot of pent rage and hatred in one “I played Dorothy in an all-male revue of ‘The Golden Girls’ down at the community center” package.

    Conflating criminal activity with lawfull exercise of rights? Would he do the same with the right to free speech and someone committing crimes with their expression? Doubtful. He’d probably endorse them. In fact, he did.

    He described Edward Snowden’s national security leaks as “courageous” and inspiring “unalloyed admiration.” Regardless your opinion in the Patriot Act, the FISA court, et. al., Snowden did commit some serious crimes against which the First Amendment will be no defense.

    Mr. Pearce, here, doesn’t see that because he doesn’t stand on orinciple. Constitutional rights to him are either after the fact justifications for his preferences, or antiquated vestiges of a bygone era. Always expedient, never consistent, these are vapid views from a hollow man empty where his core principles should be.

  27. You know that dog of hers is going to get hungry sometime. Hope she has cash to buy some Alpo. See the movie A BOY AND HIS DOG.

  28. On the surface it appears the at G19 and CZP10c are competitors- they accualy fill 2 differant market spaces. The G19 with its plastic sights and marginal trigger is for consummers that want a dependable platform to tinker with and customize. The CZ is for the consummer that want great shoot-ability out of the box and have no intrest in mods

  29. “cops is cops.”
    why enter this profession? it runs in the family, control issues or altruism. greed.

    i don’t trust professions. who’s in there?

  30. Nope…I’ve known more than a few in 64 years. From the low paid county mounties of my youth to the jerk cops I’ve known(mainly at the gym) to the criminal state po-leece dude issuing me a bogus speeding ticket(he had a stack of 77mph tickets and his light was blinking) NO. My van NEVER hit 77. BTW this is another reason I come to TTAG. On FB don’t dare say anything against the po-po on most gungroups. I do think we need “em but around me they mainly lurk behind foilage to give speeding tickets…

  31. Cops deal with the lying scum of society on a daily basis, it does affect many where they cannot trust who they are dealing with. Add drunks / druggies / crazies and people with bad attitude and it can go bad fast. So bottom line, I trust them, but I am wary of exactly what I say to them and how I interact with them. Speak polite, move slow, follow directions, nothing really hard.

    I found a few that are on power trips and if you challenge them, they will make life miserable for you. I found a few frankly, totally burned out and just going through the motions. A large number however seems to be decent and on more than a few occasions shown me mercy by not giving me a ticket, most likely because I was decent to them and did not cop an attitude (pun)

    I just don’t see a reason to bitch out them.

  32. Police have a tough job. But I tend to get more headaches from them than handshakes. Examples:

    1) On a bright sunny day on a five lane road/highway I rolled through a school bus as it was offloading kids at an apartment. They obviously aren’t going to allow the kids to cross 5 lanes of traffic. I was zoning out when I was driving and it was extremely bright outside on a hot summer day. By the time I saw the school bus it was too late to stop. I braked sharply and then let off the brake as I had already passed it. Again it was a 5 lane road. Per the law, had it been a 4 lane road with a small grassy median, I wouldn’t have to stop at all. But since it was a 5 lane road with a turning lane in the middle, I had to stop. I was driving on the far right lane, and the bus was in the oncoming traffic lane in their far right lane (i.e. as far as I could be from them on this road). A police officer pulled me over and wrote me a ticket for the incident. In my locale, the police themselves, petitioned the city council to enact harsher penalties for people rolling through bus stops. The penalty is now license revocation. The police officer gave me a ticket for a mandatory court appearance, where I had to spend large sums of money, time, and effort to keep my license, because the government thought that a blanketed safety rule was better than leaving the decision with individual drivers. It is against the law to hit people with your car. Including kids getting off buses. But they needed to make it more illegal, and they accomplished it by enacting blanketed legislation that removed people’s ability to think and make a decision in lieu of just following a rule regardless of situation.

    2) My home was once burglarized with several items stolen. I called the police. A 300 lb guy showed up who was out of breath just walking 30 ft across my lawn and up two stair steps to enter my abode. There were fingerprints everywhere. I showed him a picture perfect finger/palm prints on a glass window that couldn’t be easier to process. He did nothing but took my information.

    3) I was traveling through a tiny town at around 11:00pm on my birthday. All the lights were out in the entire town and everyone was asleep. I saw the speed limit change from 35 to 45mph. I accelerated about 100 feet before I reached the 45mph sign. An officer hiding in the dark turned on his dome light as I passed by him, then his headlights and then pulled me over to write a ticket.

    4) In high school a few friends and myself were at a house party. I don’t drink, so I drove my friends car. When exiting the premise, a police officer pulled us over. He claimed I spent too much time in the turn lane. Apparently I didn’t make a perfect 90 degree left turn into the proper lane. He was staked out near the house we visited. He gave me a warning, after yelling at us for my friends moving around inside the car during our stop, and searching our vehicle. Nothing was found – we didn’t have anything to find.

    5) I had a second burglary at my house when I was college student. I didn’t bother calling the cops given the first experience I had with them.

    6) I had a burglary in my vehicle. The guy tried to steal my car, but didn’t know I was having battery problems. He stole my tool box out of the trunk. I didn’t bother calling the cops given my prior experiences.

    7) I had a burglary in another vehicle. The guy broke my window and took my stereo/gps. I didn’t bother calling the cops/reporting it.

    8) The neighbor on my right had his car broken into. My car was broken into too. And the neighbor on my left had his car broken into. None of us called the police. We all jointly felt it was a waste of time.

    So as you can see, most of my experiences are based on police enforcing the populace opinion on me. Especially when I was hurting no one, and there was no victim. So I’m not a big fan of the populace or the police. When the populace pass a law that a faction advocated for cheers and announcements of victory are hailed by the faction. Later another faction of the populace pass a law that that faction advocated and more victories are announced. But really all that is happening, is that the moronic populace oblivious to their own ignorance, are celebrating their joint freedom that they once held, taken hostage by their own intolerance for each other. Decades later I have to live in their s*** that they created for themselves and their future progeny. And the cops enforce it.

    There’s my 2 cents. Hope you enjoyed it.

  33. I was a vendor to law enforcement.. Trust NONE. An old cop getting ready to retire told me, “Be very careful around cops wit buzz cuts or shaved heads. They have a bad attitude”.

  34. Talking about past cartridges that are obsolete but will do the same thing. I built a 6.5 Rem Mag on a long action 28″ Pac Nor barrel fed from AI mag strictly for banging steel at long range. 143 ELDx powered by IMR 7828SSC 3,300 fps plus. My COAL is 3.16″ and barrel is throated to seat bullets out that far. Will not work in a SA at that COAL.

  35. I’m from Chicago:

    Jon Burge
    Alvin Weems
    Joseph Miedzianowski
    Gerald Callahan
    Jerome Finnegan
    Anthony Abbate
    Jason Van Dyke

    Yeah, I trust the police… as far as I can throw Tony Abbate and Bill Clinton’s little black book…

  36. The biggest factor of criminality is whether there’s a father in the home. Don’t blame the gun, or gun laws, blame the absentee fathers.

  37. Unless and until politicians follow the example of the Emperor Augustus in Rome back in the day and recognize that gangs are enemies of the public, and then treat them as such, nothing on earth will change the violence in our inner cities. Not that we have to do it the way he did (picked one gang to support and used them to wipe out the others), but ignoring it will accomplish nothing but more blood.

  38. I grow weary of these comparisons and suggestions of policy imported from other countries, especially countries with explicit and daft predilections towards socialism. Israel is one such nation, the domestic policies of which we should avoid.

    We should be better served by assisting and encouraging those who wish to remake the United States into one of these other nations to emigrate to the nation of their desires. In the case of those who want the US to emulate Israel’s domestic policies (which include the strict regulation and licensing of civilian gun ownership), I should hasten to point out El Al has flights leaving JFK and Miami for Tel Aviv on a daily basis.

  39. LOL. TTAG Readers Choice for best new handgun of 2017==a handgun whose release barely made it into 2017, a gun that probalby next to none have shot, and that is still having supply issues in 2018 (never mind the QC issuse).

    Who exactly voted on this anyway? The H in H9 stands for “hype”

  40. The IDF also promote condition three carry of handguns. Just because the Israelis thought something was a great idea doesn’t mean it would work here in United States of America. We are in fact two completely separate countries, operating under two completely different sets of laws, with completely different cultures and histories. As a wartime Marine Corps vet who served in combat I can tell you there are far too many people wearing our nation’s uniform that should not be. And that is not because there were hundreds of thousands of people that were denied the ability to join. If you want to promote a common sense of purpose and improve the quality of life of all Americans then instead of wasting the lives of millions of highschooler’s doing stupid crap in our public education system then put them to work cleaning up streets, building things with their hands, learning real life skills, apprenticing in a trade And preparing for college exams for the last two years of their high school education. Don’t have a high school diploma? Then you don’t get to vote. Want to vote and don’t have one? Go back to school.

  41. I’ve had my Gen 1 P22 (a cute little pink camo version) for around 5 years, maybe a few more than that and it’s been a great little pistol. It’s run every kind of cheap .22LR ammo available (it’s the only kind I ever buy lol) without a problem. The first trip out it ran great but the accuracy wasn’t impressive and I was second guessing my choice. The second trip out the accuracy was very good using the same cheap ammo so I guess it just needed a little break in time. It’s never been finicky about the ammo I feed it which I love about the little gun.

    I do remember the first time that I began having several failures to feed and the slide not closing completely. I thought to myself “Uh oh” and stopped to take a good look at it before trying to shoot anymore. I looked inside and realized it was insanely dirty. I also realized that I had owned the gun for over a year and I had never cleaned it lol. When I got home from the range I gave it a good cleaning and an application of Frog Lube. The next trip to the range it ran perfectly once again.

    To this day it still runs like a top until it gets too dirty to physically cycle and after a good cleaning it’s as good as new. It’s too bad that some other folks have had problems with theirs but I can promise you that it’s not all of them because mine runs great!

  42. Honest gun conversation in two incomplete sentences and 1 Bible verse:
    2)From my cold dead hands.
    3)Luke Chapter 22-36
    “Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.”

  43. 117 million on the fence? Doubt it. The industry is going to consolidate. Just like the airlines, auto, & defense industry. Demand & culture are not radically changing. About the only real change they can make is to increase advertising & marketing outside the traditional outdoor /hunting/ gun world sphere. More People magazine & less Field & Stream. Backing sports shooting & less focus on hunting & defense use.



    noun: tankard; plural noun: tankards

    – a tall beer mug, typically made of silver or pewter, with a handle and sometimes a hinged lid.
    – the contents of or an amount held by a tankard.
    “I’ve downed a tankard of ale”

  45. She lost me in the opening sentence. I had a friend who was robbed on a trail. As she suggests he complied with the robber and handed over his wallet. He was shot anyway. His friend was killed and he was left for dead. They were both in their 70’s and unarmed.

  46. You just lost your Man Card !!!. I will protect myself, family, possessions and dog with a side arm. If you can’t understand this,,,,, you need to stay home.

  47. Driver picked me up at LAX and when she heard I was from Texas asked “Do you own a gun?” When I said “yes” she asked “But what if the bad guy also has a gun?”

    I said “if the bad guys were the only ones with guns, they would do a lot more bad things”


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