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Will NRA Hats Be Branded as the Next KKK White Hood?

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courtesy nrastore.com

By John Dingell III

The Washington Post’s fashion critic declared last week that “wear[ing] a MAGA hat is to wrap oneself in a Confederate flag.” It was a transparent attempt to justify the media’s vile disinformation campaign against a few Catholic kids from Kentucky.

She’s not alone in branding the hat a symbol of racism and white supremacy.

The MAGA cap is both a recent and fairly uncommon apparel item even in Trump strongholds.

Classic NRA caps, however, with the organization’s block letters in gold embroidery are far more ubiquitous and have been a fashion staple of rural men for more than 30 years.

NRA sticker
courtesy Jenn Jacques and twitter.com

Red and blue NRA seals appear on far more automobiles than there are actual NRA members, even in urban areas.

It’s hard to tell which the media hate more, Trump or the NRA. The left and their MSM accomplices have been waging a campaign against symbols they disagree with for about five years with a fair degree of success. And they’ve worked hard to other-ize gun owners, particularly since Sandy Hook.

Given the rabid nature of the anti-gun left, it’s not unreasonable to expect that NRA hats and stickers will be next on their demonization agenda. Just in time for the next big federal gun control push.

courtesy thenews.org and Blake Sandlin

But when gun rights activists wearing NRA hats or t-shirts are accosted by “gun safety” proponents, they should be careful control their facial expressions. As Nathan Phillips found out, video cameras are everywhere now and facecrime is the new hotness.

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