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Win a Walther P22

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments


Is there some unoccupied space in your gun safe? Do you need a good plinker to use when training new shooters? Fear not. Our friends at Florida Gun Supply are giving away a brand spanking new Walther P22. All you have to do to enter is click the image above or make the jump to log in through Facebook or using your email address. Finding ammo, though, is up to you.


0 thoughts on “Win a Walther P22”

  1. If these idiots truly believed this garbage then they would have a large permanent sign in front of their saying “THIS HOUSE IS A GUN FREE ZONE” ALL THE TIME.

  2. They wipe their butts with The Constitution. They try to pretend The Second Amendment doesn’t exist. And now because they are fighting a losing battle, they try to take away our First Amendment rights. If you don’t like it, don’t read it. That’s your right.

  3. All you bitching about the uselessness of this gun – You’ll be mighty glad to have this when they come for your weapons – and THEY will be armed with really heavy stuff…

  4. As the worship pastor of my church (Southern Baptist if anyone is interested in the flavor), I carry during services along with one of my deacons (MS enhanced carry permit which we both have allows church concealed carry: “Let all things be done decently and in order.” 1 Corinthians 14:40 KJV). Our pastor, a Vietnam vet, is a 1911 guy from way back. So we’re pretty insistent about self-defense rights. Just because we need to be vulnerable to the needs of others in no way means we should make ourselves vulnerable to the predation of criminals.

    Speaking of my carrying brother in Christ, he and I shoot in the local range competition every month, where one of the best competitors is a church music director. At least half the rest of the shooters in the competitions are members of other area churches. It’s not quite a “praise God and pass the ammo” affair, but it’s nice to have so much in common with fellow shooters.

  5. Ammo?

    There are no 22lr bullets for sale in my area. I have to buy them online. Current rates are about $70 for 500 rounds… Plus $10 for shipping… Plus $25 for FFL. This time last year I could get them for $.06/round almost anywhere. The formula above works out to $.21/round. Online only.

    And I thought I was supposed to buy silver.

  6. If the prize was a 500-round brick of .22 Thunderbolt I’d be all over this one, but since I’ve already owned a P22 and I can’t feed the rimfire guns I still have, I’m gonna have to pass.

    • How about a 500-pound brick? And of something better than Thunderbolt. My Mosquito will not feed it and I rather doubt the Walther would either–these blow backs seem to need premium ammo), and my rifle will not fire it accurately. So change it to something in JHP and we’re GTG.

  7. Could we get a good picture of the receiver extension to go along with the compliments for it?

    Looks like a great gun, but I don’t know if I could justify 2 grand for it. Maybe one day when I’m not a poor college student saving up for a chi-com SKS.

  8. I’ a real estate broker in Illinois. Oak Park located in Cook County, there is a ton of OLD money. However, parts of it are pretty ghetto! I for one will carry when I show houses. A large portion of real estate agents are located in the Cook County area. This is why IAOR is pushing these stupid issues so much. Cook County NOT Illinois is a lib state and Cook County is a F’ing joke!

  9. Folks, so far this story is racking up plenty of response. Good!

    Who has asked Facebook if there is any truth to the story? Who has expressed their concern to Facebook? If you do have a Facebook page, have you shared the story and asked for others to do the same? When you do write FB, make sure that you point out the large number of LGSs, gun clubs, ranges and organizations that use their social media for legit and legal use. They don’t agitate or promote social disorder they way some sites like MDA or MAIG does. (ooo… I like that. Remember it… it’s the anti-2A’s that create unrest. Use it.)

    A unified loud voice can achieve a lot.

    And if the do establish such a policy, we need to make sure we all file violation complaints for MDA and MAIG.

  10. Thank you for the breakdown. Clearly there is some serious fear going on.
    Clearly we need to stand and fight this, although it should be interesting to see if they grant them to be added to the case, and or decide to move forward on an En Banc.


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