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Is there some unoccupied space in your gun safe? Do you need a good plinker to use when training new shooters? Fear not. Our friends at Florida Gun Supply are giving away a brand spanking new Walther P22. All you have to do to enter is click the image above or make the jump to log in through Facebook or using your email address. Finding ammo, though, is up to you.


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  1. Its brand new…. you could swap it for half a brick of thunderbolt 22 dead even…

    Ok.. maybe if you added a 20$

  2. I wouldn’t mind the gun, but I don’t want to be on ‘Facebook’, and I don’t want an Emailed newsletter from these nice people every other day extolling their virtues and bargains. I also don’t live within about 4939.3 miles of Florida and don’t plan on visiting until learning Spanish and OFWG well enough to survive there. So, no thanks.

  3. Every hour at work I check TTAG looking forward to a new article to read… Instead I find this. Several times a day, for a week. And I die a little inside.

    I’ve never wanted to see a gun giveaway end sooner.

  4. Thank goodness this post will go away. I almost hate it as much as when they make posts with titles like, “OMG GUN STUFF GUN STUFF GUN STUFF OMG”. Wasn’t funny or amusing the first time. Yet alone ever single day.

    • They are just poking some fun at facebook tards an the general hysteria that comes with it. If you had to keep the OMG posts or the Gun Give away posts, what would you choose? For me, can the give away posts, the OMG posts at least have newsworthy things behind them. Thats what I am here for anyways.

  5. Well I guess I am not the only one sick and tired of this giveaway being posted incessantly.

  6. I finally clicked on the link. I thought to myself… “its not a bad looking little gun. It would probably be fun. Probably only 10 entries anyway. Why not take a chance and enter?”

    I clicked on the link. 65961 entries for the little plinker. I left the page immediately.

  7. You could have put the contest entry in the ad columns, header or footer. Spam posting in your main content is a total noob move.

    Seriously man, if you’re going to be the “most popular gun blog on the net” you need to up the ante. Ditching this hideous WP theme would be a good start.

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