

The time has come for President Joe Biden and the rest of the gun control politicians to pack up the worn-out line that “no one needs an AR-15 to hunt deer.”

Turns out, recreational target shooters and hunters do want modern sporting rifles (MSRs). That’s the family of AR-platform [semiautomatic] rifles that come in many calibers. According to the 2022 Ammunition Consumption Study by Winchester Ammunition, more than half of recreational shooters firing a centerfire rifle used an MSR. Of those who hunted with an MSR, 40 percent chose the MSR as their firearm of choice.

Winchester Ammunition conducted a survey of 1,600 hunters and recreational shooters in the first quarter of 2022 to better learn which firearm recreational shooters and hunters were using. Turns out the most popular selling centerfire rifle in America is the rifle of choice.

That might come as a surprise for Capitol Hill lawmakers, especially for the 217 Members of Congress who voted to ban MSRs and some semiautomatic shotguns and handguns when they passed H.R. 1808, the Assault Weapons Ban of 2022. The argument made that MSRs serve no practical purpose for hunting is false.

It Will Hunt

Currently, 10 states restrict hunting with .223 or 5.56mm. Three of those states only allow shotguns, or straight-wall cartridges. New Jersey has an outright ban on MSRs. Even those states with caliber restrictions allow for MSRs that fire larger calibers. It’s not just deer, though, and not all in Washington, D.C., buy the line that AR-15s aren’t good for hunting.

U.S. Sen. Bill Cassidy defended using an MSR for hunting hogs when asked by Vice News. “I’m law abiding, I’ve never done anything, I use it to kill feral pigs,” Sen. Cassidy said in a People Magazine report questioning lawmakers why Americans choose this rifle in the wake of the tragedy in Uvalde, Texas.  “The action of a criminal deprives me of my right,” he added about proposed bans.

U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) told CNN, “In my state, they use them to shoot prairie dogs and, you know, other types of varmints. And so I think there are legitimate reasons why people would want to have them.”

That might not mean much to Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) who held hearings to castigate MSR manufacturers. Nor would it earn consideration from Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) who ushered the bill through the U.S. House of Representatives to ban MSRs. No one expects Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to recognize the utility from her gated San Francisco estate.  South Dakotans, however, see it differently. Controlling varmints and predators is a necessity to ranchers.

Congressman Ken Buck (R-Colo.) would agree. He said of the AR-15, “It is the gun of choice for killing a fox, it is a gun that you control predators on your ranch, on your farm, on your property.”

The news that recreational target shooters and hunters are turning to the MSR as the rifle of choice is hardly a surprise to the firearm industry, recreational target shooters or hunters.

Built Better

Jordan Sillars, writing for MeatEater, the hunting brand made famous by Steve Rinella who hosts a Netflix series by the same name, listed off the pros and cons of hunting with MSRs. Among the many reasons for hunters to consider the rifle are the fact that it is semiautomatic, has low recoil that allows for quick follow-up shots, its modularity and is customizable, as well as lightweight and maneuverable. That’s important for hunters whether hunting from a box blind on a weekend or trekking into off-grid public lands.

Even when it comes to the .223/5.56mm cartridge, Sillars wrote in another piece that today’s modern ammunition deserves a second look where it’s legal for those who think it is diminutive.

“Bullet design has come a long way since your granddaddy decided a whitetail gun was .30-06 or bust,” he wrote.

ar-15 deer hunting
Liberte Austin for TTAG

In fact, Rinella, who normally hunts with large caliber bolt-action rifles, said time shooting the MSR helped him improve marksmanship. “Without the distraction of getting my molars loosened, and thanks to steady repetition, I was able to learn a thing or two about bad habits that I wasn’t even aware of,” he said.

Politicians railing against MSRs might argue that recreational target shooters and hunters could use other rifles to do the same thing. The numbers, though, don’t lie. The MSR is filling their need – and the Second Amendment gives them the right to choose the firearm that meets their needs. It is not for the government to decide.


  1. Albert L J Hall on the “Thinking What We Are All Thinking About Gun Marketing” thread:

    “I’ve just accessed a report onn [sic] the TOP TEN HUNTING RIFLES in the USA. Not a Semi-Auto among them, most have only 5 SHOT mags and one or two have 3 shot alternatives. DSo [sic] it woulod [sic] seem that Semi-Autos are NOT the best choice for hunting. It’s the same for serious TARGET shooters. Not a single Semi-Auto in the top ten. So it also appears the SEMI AUTOS are notn [sic] the best choice for target shooting either.”


    • I know of 7 dead wild hogs that would argue the point with you if they could. the second amendment is not about hunting or target shooting so owning one boils down to personal choice . Go pound sand.

      • Ed — of course Albert doesn’t understand that.

        Or much of anything else. At least he’s good for a laugh every now and then.

    • “…..the TOP TEN HUNTING RIFLES in the USA. Not a Semi-Auto among them,……”

      Several days ago Google recommended that very article for me. 🤪
      Yeah, thanks Google. 🙄

      I’m happy to say the Fudd org that generated that article has not gotten a cent from me in the past few years.

    • Yeah, Albert the Poncey Fake-Limey, Fake “Firearms Instructor” Subject spews LOTS of bullshit. In this case, he didn’t even bother to READ the OPINION PIECE (it was NOT a study) that he cited. Hey, Fat Albert, what was the methodology of this “study”? What definitions were used for different “categories” of guns? Was varmint hunting included in hunting? He doesn’t know, or care – he found ONE “study” that supported (he claimed) his narrative, and jumped on it . . . before he even read it. Right there, right in the fat middle of the “top ten” was the Ruger 10/22. Now, we can all argue/debate/discuss Ruger’s fine 10/22 as a hunting gun, a target gun, whatever, but ONLY a complete, drooling moron (like Albert the fake-Limey Ponce) could argue that the Ruger 10/22 is NOT a semi-automatic.

      Albert, you are dumber than Balaam’s off ass. And it amuses the hell out of me that you won’t even get that reference, you ignorant fake-Limey butt pirate.

  2. The second amendment gives the right to have firearms in common use. The democrats thinks common use means they get to commonly use their positions to deny people their rights and impose tyranny.

    • The Right to Keep and Bear Arms in common use? With that definition the citizenry will be sht out of luck when Phasers are invented. Beam me up Scotty:)

      • I have Phases. Some days it’s MSR’s other days it’s lever guns. AND, a few days it’s bolt actions.

    • “The second amendment gives the right to have firearms in common use”

      Nice troll, I almost took the bait

      • how is it a “troll”? Its 100% fact, see SCOTUS decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v Bruen.

        • Maybe because our rights are inherent and not granted to us by a document? It could be that’s his tack. It’s not like other posters have been raked over the coals for saying such. 😉

        • 2A doesn’t grant anything, and the “common use” nonsense is just judicial weasel wording to avoid affirming a plainly-written statement. Besides that, slightly nitpicky but it’s the right to keep and bear not just to “have”. So really nothing in your sentence is true.

  3. I’ve used semi auto to hunt with. Fast follow up shots can be a good thing. Do they make an AR in .243?

    • Wilson Combat makes them. Their complete rifles are pricey, but you could just buy the barrel and get the rest of the components elsewhere.

      • I had a DPMS 20″ clean sided 243 AR10 that was a real nice shooter right out of the box. The mags for it were proprietary, but cheap enough when you could find them. Was stolen from a smash and grab out of my truck at a restaurant on the way home from hunting; I’d probably replace it with a 6.5 creedmore nowadays – both guns and ammo for it seem more plentiful.

    • Jethro, Dude is correct. But if you new anything at all about calibers you would already have known that any AR chambered for the .308 can be re-barreled for that family of cartridges, i.e. 7mm-08, .260 Remington, .243 to name just a few.

      But as Dud said, factory made guns are pricey and way out of the price range for an ex-Janitor, especially one who is too cheap and stingy to buy anything other than an old rusted up Iver-Johnson single barreled shotgun found at a flea market.

      • Aahhh. Its sweet. Fascist dacian thinks his opinion matters.

        Being on the dole because of your mental illness frees up a lot of money for guns there, dacian?

        I’m x a lot of things. Because I put my shoulder to the wheel and now I’m debt free and have a couple of income streams in my retirement.

    • They make them all the way up to .300 Win Mag if you want (I know you downsized to .243 on your deer gun from .308, and cogent as to why).

      Would recommend a Falkor Petra to you, but the brake only tames it down to .308 levels of recoil. That and the prices on them now are straight up insane, literally having doubled since WuFlu began, and with inflation being what it is I fear to even peek at the price now.

      Makes for a pretty outstanding DMR or hunting rifle though.

      • .300 win maq is what the last BAR I had was chambered in. Belgium made.

        That was a sweet rifle.

  4. Personally, I think the .223 or 5.56 is too light for a clean kill on a deer, but if you are a good shot with it, go for it.

      • Ah, Sleepy, it seems that 9mm is predominantly a pistol round. But as your knowledge of firearms is somewhat limited….
        Actually when I carry, I carry the .40S&W round. Much more punch. If you live in New York I am a certified NRA Instructor in 8 disciplines. Maybe you should take a course or two?

        • Bet you haven’t. Walter can kill a deer using EIGHT different disciplines. He even knows 9mm is a pistol round. He’s deadly and smart.

        • Well Darkman, I would say off hand that makes you a poacher? As to you , Biden, I would suggest you take an NRA course and learn something about firearms before you make a larger fool of yourself if that is possible? As to whether or not I am deadly? I’ll leave that up to my adversaries.

    • Walter E Beverly III,

      I am basically okay with .223 Remington or 5.56x45mm NATO for white-tailed deer hunting IF (and that is a huge “if”) you constrain yourself to 150 yards or less, use somewhat “heavy for caliber” bullets (e.g. 64 grain or heavier), and you use softpoint bullets.

    • As usual Walter the Beverly Hillbilly you talk out your ass. You have no experience hunting with the .223 that is for damn sure.

      I had a buddy who recently passed away that owned a farm and the measured distance from his kitchen window to the edge of his property was 225 yards. He regularly killed big white tailed deer, some weighing 180 lbs , using only 55 grain bullets and they were fmj bullets because he bought them at a cheaper price than the soft points. The deer he shot either fell down where they had stood or ran about 20 yards and then piled up.

      • Once again, dacian the demented dips*** has to (i) invent imaginary friends (at least he killed this one off), (ii) invent imaginary knowledge of/prowess with firearms (that he’s never shot in his life in mommy’s basement), and (iii) insult his betters.

        Nice trifecta, dacian the demented dips***!!!! Go for a quad, next time! “A man’s reach should exceed his grasp, else what’s a Heaven for?”, amirite?? Considering that you are still flailing to achieve relevance, and failing pathetically, I would advise . . . give it up, and take the “L”.

        Oh, and go micturate up a cable.

      • dacian, the Dunderhead, and I bet your “farmer” friend was Danial Boone? Seems when God passed out brains you still took the train out of town because you thought he said trains? The Conductor is still looking for your arse to pay for the ticket.

  5. Of course we want MSR’s. For the same reason we wanted percussion caps to retire our old flinters, and breech fed brass cartridges to replace the front stuffer percussion guns, and so on. It’s called technological progress. Apparently the “Progressives” have a problem with “Progress”. Idjit’s.

    • …. soon to completely disappear.
      And “Dan” is just dacian with a couple of letters missing

  6. Actually many states outlaw the use of semi-auto assault rifles for hunting. Grime history has show that high capacity weapons often result in people being accidentally killed from game hogs and excited hunters turning the hunting fields into another battle of WWI on the Somme with a continuous and murderous rain of semi-auto fire.

    Here in Ohio the magazine capacity for shotguns was reduced to 3 rounds because too many hill jacks cut lose with a barrage of fire and even killed people driving to work in the morning as slugs rained down and across busy high ways.

    Out West more and more Indian reservations have even outlawed assaults rifles on their land when people hunt prairie dogs. Game hogs blasted down even the Indians pet dogs and cats when they could not kill enough prairie dogs to fulfill their maniacal lust for mass killing and wading through rivers of blood and carnage.

    Lets be honest here if you need a high capacity assault rifle you are not much of a hunter. Most people are unaware that even the bulk of Africa’s billions of big game were killed off with hunters using only, single barrel rifles, double barrel rifles or bolt action rifles.

    I was hunting one time with one toothless Hill Jack who suddenly turned and blasted an entire magazine off into an impenetrable brushy thicket. I yelled at him and asked him “What the hell are you doing”? He replied “It was a sound shot”. Now you know why many states have reduced magazine capacity laws and or bans on semi-auto rifles.

    • “Actually many states outlaw the use of semi-auto assault rifles for hunting.”

      No, I’d correct that to read: “Some states outlaw the use of semi-auto rifles for hunting.” And, BTW- there is no such thing as a semi-auto assault rifle…

      As to which states, it’s primarily the same ones that either already ban, or are trying to ban all MSRs. (Personally, I don’t like the MSR acronym but it does seem to fit a classification of rifles.)

    • Dacian,

      You have no idea what an “assault rifle” is. Being the ignorant individual you are, you spout all the uninformed drivel handed to you by your Communist comrades (the Democrat Left,,).

      Learn something before you attack the computer keyboard that you have cleverly hidden in your mother’s basement.

    • You know, even in Ohio, deer hunting isn’t the only kind of hunting. It’s completely legal for me to use my AR to hunt groundhogs and coyotes. And the season for coyotes is year-round. Deer, turkey and waterfowl are pretty much the only things that have strict ammo or gun requirements.

    • OK, Dunderhead, Give us a list of those states you claim don’t allow hunting with a semi-automatic rifle? I’ll bet you will have fewer than the fiver fingers on either of you hands.
      By the way, have you ever figured out what the firing sequence of a cartridge is?

      • Even in Ohio, semiautos are allowed. The deer hunting restriction is to straight-walled cartridges of listed calibers, so you can use a semiauto rifle that’s chambered in an accepted caliber.

    • Here in Ohio the magazine capacity for shotguns was reduced to 3 rounds

      The ammo capacity for deer and waterfowl hunting with shotguns in Ohio has been three rounds for my entire adult life, at least. Don’t act like this is a recent change. I can’t find any published history on it, but it goes way back.

    • “I was hunting one time with one toothless Hill Jack who suddenly turned and blasted an entire magazine off into an impenetrable brushy thicket. I yelled at him and asked him “What the hell are you doing”? He replied “It was a sound shot””

      Things that never happened.

  7. RE: “U.S. Sen. Bill Cassidy defended using an MSR for hunting hogs when asked by Vice News. “I’m law abiding, I’ve never done anything, I use it to kill feral pigs,” Sen. Cassidy said in a People Magazine report questioning lawmakers why Americans choose this rifle in the wake of the tragedy in Uvalde, Texas. “The action of a criminal deprives me of my right,” he added about proposed bans.”

    bill cassidy is democRat lint licker who threw the 2A under the bus following Uvalde. For a writer to cite cassidy and the politically correct msr label shows how out of touch he is and how out of touch the fools are who eat up his msr labeling. Hunting hasn’t a damn thing to do with the 2A.

    Grow a pair larry keene and tell everyone of those overpaid, over fed congressional azzhats that History Confirms Gun Control in any shape, matter or form is Rooted in Racism and Genocide. Give them something to chew on they cannot spit out without looking like racists and nazis.

  8. Albert L J Hall had this gem this morning on the “Thinking What We Are All Thinking About Gun Marketing” thread:

    ** I’ve just accessed a report onn the TOP TEN HUNTING RIFLES in the USA. Not a Semi-Auto among them, most have only 5 SHOT mags and one or two have 3 shot alternatives. DSo it woulod seem that Semi-Autos are NOT the best choice for hunting. It’s the same for serious TARGET shooters. Not a single Semi-Auto in the top ten. So it also appears the SEMI AUTOS are notn the best choice for target shooting either. **

    Brought to you for its entertainment value. Feel free to discuss.

    (Now watch my previous moderated post show up in a minute or two.)

    • You didn’t understand that the article was about having need and not what was the best?

      • I pointed out to Albert on that post that he pulled an “historical top-ten rifles” article similar to the one that I quoted, not a current “top-ten best selling rifles of 2021” review.

        Of course, there’s a great deal that he doesn’t understand.

  9. Hell yes ARs make good Target guns.

    Once my AR-10 (18.5″ full profile 7.62×51 chrome-moly and nitride heat treated barrel) was properly broken in (nearly 80 rounds, with several cleanings) it began reliably producing .6MOA groups topped with a Leupold Mark5 HD 3.6-18×44 in a SPUHR mount. This is not with some special loaded ammo, just off the shelf 168gr GMM.
    When conditions are ideal, palm size groups are possible @ 500 yds. Those ‘conditions’ include me getting proper rest, and not drinking too much coffee beforehand.

    Yet to see if there’s a noticable increase in accurate with the gas plug adjusted to the ‘off’ position. This disables the piston and op-rod, essentially turning it into a bolt gun (manually cycle each round).

    • Heh, drink moar coffee. Stronger too, & once your body acclimatizes, no more caffeine jitters. Life long espresso enjoyer here. Consequently can put down a Yeti thermo mug of cappuccino and fall right asleep.

      Roast my own beans as well. Current flavor of the week, fresh batch of Guatemalan roasting rn.

    • James, yeah — what a surprise. The original post still hasn’t shown up, but it will — making me look like an idiot for posting it twice.

    • At least you guys don’t have to deal with the horseshit Cloudflare has been slinging at anyone who cares about their privacy lately.

      Takes 5-10 minutes to find a exit node that’s not being actively blocked over the last week to even read the site, much less comment.

      @Dan This is getting pretty annoying, you mind pushing them towards another DDOS mitigation service?

      • How about the Brave browser? That’s what I use, and it has an option to open websites in a private window

        • I do use Brave, but not with sensitive items like 2a activism. Even their Tor mode is only about 70% compared to the real thing and shouldn’t be fully trusted. Brave is a backup for when I don’t feel like mucking about when my custom built high sec FF dev build breaks a commerce site I need to use.

          Third tier fallback is where Brave remains, and I don’t employ it often.

  10. American hunters have always used Military Style Rifles (including surplus) going back at least to the Post Civil War era and, no doubt, back way further than that.

  11. How can this be? It’s a widely believed fact that AR’s explode whatever they hit into pink mist and no mere mortal can handle the recoil without dislocating both shoulders and collapsing into a heap of tears.

  12. Why not?

    Semi autos are generally legal to hunt with.

    As always, caliber and bullet selection are key to hunting legally and ethically.

    Mags can be easily blocked or pinned if capacity rules are in play.

    As a platform, ARs tend to have very good accuracy.

    I’m hoping they come out with a .30-30 upper, personally.

    • I use a 7.62×39 as a 30-30 substitute, works pretty well, just 123 gr. though. The real deal would be nice though.

      • I have a cousin over in KY that gets his deer every year with a ratty old SKS.

        He’s a college perfessor with a decent income. House is paid for. Empty nest. Wife makes a good living.

        He figures if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

    • “Better yet” are the congressional dopes who want to classify any shooting with an AR as an act of terrorism. Like classifying anything as an “act of terrorism” has made a damn bit of difference in actual terrorism.

      Ditto with “hate crime” crap. Wrong is wrong. Get used to it again. Legislators who think in this manner really need to find a real job for themselves.

  13. Somewhat ironic that politicians are arguing whether a firearm has a legitimate use when the men who wrote the Bill of Rights thought that hunting politicians was a legitimate use….

    • You mean hunting politicians is no longer a legitimate use??? I respectfully disagree. I think that falls under “highest and best use”. YMMV.

      Politicians don’t wanta get hunted??? Read the freakin’ room, @$$hole.

  14. So , The Right To Bear Arms For Hunting Shall Not Be Infringed (much).
    The second ammendment was not written to protect hunting rifles.
    We The People are supposed to have assault rifles, cannons, and lazer beam headed sharks.

      • Maybe we need “plant-based” laser-headed sharks??

        Or maybe put lasers on our rosebushes.

        • jwm,

          dacian the demented dips***, for one. Of course, his plants (cannabis, if my guess is correct) are the only things he has that will stay around or “talk” to him. Being a demented, Leftist/fascist moron is a lonely, lonely life.

  15. Keene makes no real new commentary. It’s too bad there are still a number of people around here still living in the 1990s, before AR platform firearms became America’s most popular gun. For the most part, hunters are not opposed to anyone using an AR any longer, that all went out the window when the price for a basic model got below $500 or so. Seriously, I don’t know anyone who shoots or hunts who doesn’t own an AR of some type.

  16. “…That might come as a surprise for Capitol Hill lawmakers, especially for the 217 Members of Congress who voted to ban MSRs…”

    They don’t care. Their goal is to outlaw civilian gun ownership entirely. You’re wasting your time trying to reason with them or present them with facts.

    They don’t just hate you, they absolutely despise you. And they’re not going to stop.


  17. I, personally, would not choose the 5.56 as an “ethical” deer cartridge. I like my 6.5 x 55 Swedish; it works great, is accurate as hell, easy to shoot, does the job. But EVERY hunter’s obligation in hunting is to use a cartridge/gun (i) appropriate to the game, (ii) that they know how to shoot accurately, and (iii) will ethically/quickly kill the game in question. That depends on your location, the terrain, length of shot you are likely to get (and NOT taking a “good shot” that is beyond your/the weapon’s effective range).

    But the 2A has NOTHING to do with “hunting” or “semi vs. bolt action”. Going back to Miller (a horrible, jury-rigged SCOTUS decision), the entire PURPOSE of the 2A was to enable citizens to “keep and bear” common military arms. Only idiots like dacian the demented deips*** and MajorStupidity think otherwise.

  18. No mention of the fact that the MSR today is capable of better accuracy than your granddad’s bolt action rifle that he boasted could make a group “smaller than your fist at 100 yards”.

  19. BIDEN is right. Nobody does NEED a Semi-Auto to hunt deer. In fact I’ve just accessed the list of the top ten Hunting Rifles in the USA and they are ALL 5-shot BOLT ACTION rifles with narry a semi-auto among them. The fact that Wannebe Rambos go out and buy them to shoot animals including human animals to, piece does NOT MEAN the are needed -it just means they are somewhat childishly WANTED like that extra slice of Chocolate pudding.

    The True Hunter wants ONE thing a clean kill with a single shot and with the least carcasse damage and the ability to stalk to within a distance where this can be pretty much a given . They do not want it spoiled by some Nancy Boy with a Semi-Auto shooting a carcasse to mulch. In days of yore when Men were Men and Big Game Hunters were Big Game Hunters a double barrel EXPRESS was sufficient for those true professionals and even Bolt Action.
    with a magazine was somewhat looked down upon.

    As for target practice the true Marksman wants neither a semi-auto or in a competion of real skills a ‘scope’ either.
    I’ve not done much hunting here in the UK because you need a Special License and must demonstrate in the case of deer STALKING [and ‘dressing and grockeling’] SKILLS if for no other reason that VENISON CARCASSES are worth a deal of money. But I was for years an Armouer and Smallarms Instructor in the UK ROYAL AIR FORCE and was in the top quartile of the top quartile for IRON SIGHT MARKSMANSHIP in the UK Forces and shot regular POSSIBLES down the BISLEY ‘LONG’ RANGES with Standard Service Rifle and standard ammunition so I do have some experience from which to speak.

    • Albert L J Hall, “BIDEN is right. Nobody does NEED a Semi-Auto to hunt deer. In fact I’ve just accessed the list of the top ten Hunting Rifles in the USA and they are ALL 5-shot BOLT ACTION rifles with narry a semi-auto among them. The fact that Wannebe Rambos go out and buy them to shoot animals including human animals to, piece does NOT MEAN the are needed -it just means they are somewhat childishly WANTED like that extra slice of Chocolate pudding.”

      Biden is as clueless as you. Excuse me, but when have you ever hunted deer in America? Just because the “top ten hunting rifles” are “bolt action” does not mean that a semi-auto is not a good rifle for hunting. Not to mention, we don’t use semi-autos just for deer. We use them for woodchiucks, coyote, fox, and other vermin and predators. Try using your head for something other than a hat rack.

      “The True Hunter wants ONE thing a clean kill with a single shot and with the least carcasse damage and the ability to stalk to within a distance where this can be pretty much a given . They do not want it spoiled by some Nancy Boy with a Semi-Auto shooting a carcasse to mulch. In days of yore when Men were Men and Big Game Hunters were Big Game Hunters a double barrel EXPRESS was sufficient for those true professionals and even Bolt Action.
      with a magazine was somewhat looked down upon.”
      True up to a point. Not ever hunter hits his targe on the first shot not to mention sometimes “Mr Murphy” comes to the party and an unforeseen movement of the animal occurs. Again, when was the last time (or first time) you ever hunted deer in America?

      “As for target practice the true Marksman wants neither a semi-auto or in a competion of real skills a ‘scope’ either.”

      It is clear you have absolutely NO KNOWLEDGE of the proper use of a scoped rifle. Or have ever been in a LONG RANGE Competition. You might want to learn how to spell competition?

      “I’ve not done much hunting here in the UK because you need a Special License and must demonstrate in the case of deer STALKING [and ‘dressing and grockeling’] SKILLS if for no other reason that VENISON CARCASSES are worth a deal of money.”

      As you have no experience in deer hunting, we find you commenting on a subject you know little or nothing about.

      “But I was for years an Armouer and Smallarms Instructor in the UK
      ROYAL AIR FORCE and was in the top quartile of the top quartile for IRON SIGHT MARKSMANSHIP in the UK Forces and shot regular POSSIBLES down the BISLEY ‘LONG’ RANGES with Standard Service Rifle and standard ammunition so I do have some experience from which to speak.”

      Again you are talking about a subject with your LIMITED knowledge of hunting or hunting rifles. Time for you to comment on a subject you know something about?

  20. “In fact I’ve just accessed the list of the top ten Hunting Rifles in the USA and they are ALL 5-shot BOLT ACTION rifles with narry [sic] a semi-auto among them.”

    I already shot your statement full of holes in a post previous.

    Apparently you don’t read the comments — or more likely, you can’t grasp the meaning.

Comments are closed.