If you were one of the lucky few guys who found any .22 long rifle on the shelves in the last thirteen months, Winchester needs you to check your stockpile. It turns out they double-charged two lots of their M22 plinking/target ammo, and these accidental .22 Super-Duper Magnums can blow your gun up and ruin your chiseled, movie-star good looks. Make the jump for the recall details . . .
From Winchester’s Recall Page:
Olin Corporation, through its Winchester Division, is recalling two (2) lots of M*22™ 22 Long Rifle 40 Grain Black Copper Plated Round Nose rimfire ammunition.
Winchester has determined the above lots of 22 Long Rifle rimfire ammunition may contain double powder charges. Ammunition with double powder charges may subject the shooter or bystanders to a risk of serious personal injury and/or death, or cause firearm damage, rendering the firearm inoperable.
DO NOT USE WINCHESTER® M*22™ 22 Long Rifle RIMFIRE AMMUNITION WITH LOT NUMBERS GD42L or GD52L. The ammunition Lot Number is imprinted (stamped without ink) on the left tuck flap of the 500-round carton as indicated here. The 1000-round intermediate carton does not have a Lot Number.
To determine if your ammunition is subject to this notice, review the Symbol Number and Lot Number. If it is Symbol Number S22LRT with a Lot Number containing GD42L or GD52L immediately discontinue use and contact Winchester toll-free at 866-423-5224 or visithttp://www.winchester.com/Product-Service/Pages/Contact-Us.aspx for free UPS pick-up of the recalled ammunition.
This notice applies only to Symbol Number S22LRT with Lot Numbers GD42L and GD52L. Other Symbol Numbers or Lot Numbers are not subject to this recall.
If you have any questions concerning this 22 Long Rifle rimfire ammunition recall please call toll-free 866-423-5224, write to Winchester (600 Powder Mill Road, East Alton, IL 62024 Attn: S22LRT Recall), or contact Winchester Customer Support online.
We apologize for this inconvenience.
Inconvenience? INCONVENIENCE??? Does Winchester really appreciate how hard it’s been to find any .22 long rifle ammo in the last year? This recall notice doesn’t even promise to promptly replace the defective ammo; I’m sure they’ll win plenty of customer loyalty with that.
There have been rumors that ammo QC has been slipping over the last year. This is the first concrete example I’m aware of, showing the risks that manufacturers are running by pushing their production lines 24/7 and training up entire shifts of inexperienced employees.
This risk to shooters is aggravated in this instance, because M22 ammo was specifically designed to be used in AR-style semiautomatic .22s. A bolt-action or break-open .22 probably wouldn’t give a rat’s ass how much powder Winchester stuffed into a .22 long rifle case: it would rupture the case and maybe spit some hot gasses out of the breach but otherwise survive without damage. But a straight-blowback semiautomatic .22 could experience catastrophic internal damage as the still-burning cartridge blasted the bolt rearwards and continued to cook itself off while being ejected from the gun.
This miserable story is a reminder that even the lowly .22 rimfire still demands eye and ear protection. A ruptured .22 long rifle is damned unlikely to kill you, but escaping combustion gasses and case fragments can ruin your vision if you’re not protected.
Shoot safe. Always.
Running the production lines 24/7? Then where the heck has it all been going? It can’t ALL be disappearing to be sold at gun shows for a hundred dollars a brick; that kind of market glut would have popped the bubble long ago.
I am skeptical that their .22LR production lines can possibly have been running flat out like that for a whole year.
How does anyone so ignorant get to be an Alderman? God, I’m glad she doesn’t live in Iowa. Especially my District. Maybe she will share her “feelings” if she is ever robbed @ gun point.
Starbucks most likely changed their policy because some gun owners obnoxiously and crudely abused their right to open carry in the stores and not because of Shannon.
Oh man. I have an unopened 1000 round box of that stuff sitting on my shelf back home. I found it at Wall-Mart a couple months back and thought I’d about won the lottery.
I’m going to be really disappointed if it turns out to be the recalled lot.
I get why the most ardent gungrabbers do what they do. They want to destroy that sense of individuality and responsibility that accompanies firearms ownership, while fostering that resulting sense of vulnerability and dependancy. Then they step in with government solutions and control. Got it.
I even get the silly gun free daydreaming of the basic liberal you might know personally or even be related to. But what blows my mind is the unmitigated cluelessness of some policymakers. I’m talking about the ones who actually are basically nice people, who don’t shelter Stalinist ambitions, and really do just want to improve their community.
How can these sane, educated and serious-minded adults not see that their entire worldview of firearms is exactly wrong? The facts ard obvious and irrefutable. Yet, they persist with idiocy like the quote above. Why?
Maybe it’s because they’re really not all that sane, not all that very well educated, and not all that seriously-minded after all, if they still sincerely believe in all their little flights of fancy hatched inside their little gated communities as they gaze across their finely manicured lawns through their rose-tinted lenses at their 24/7 armed security.
I get Yankee Marshall’s point, but I think we should be able to open carry or concealed carry wherever and whenever we want and are comfortable with. By “comfortable with” I mean to acknowledge that there is a tactical advantage to concealed carry in day-to-day carry as well as it keeps the gun ignorant from screaming “OMG! He/She has a GUN!” in public places and creating an unwarranted ruckus. Where I disagree with Yankee Marshall is his absolutism. It should be the carriers’ choice.
Although I cannot think of any reason I would lug my rifle or shotgun around when going to Wal-Mart or the Movie Theater (except that I did not own a handgun), I think that should be a free choice, as well.
In our great-great-great granddads’ day it was thought that people who open carried were honest, upright citizens and people who concealed carried were likely up to no good. Times have changed.
Face it, carry laws mainly benefit the Law Enforcement Agencies, allegedly making it easier for them to make a snap judgement about who is a “good guy” and who is a “bad guy” in public. As applied to the rest of us, these kinds of laws infringe our Constitutionally Protected Right to Keep and Bear Arms, expose us to danger from “bad guys with guns” (while waiting on the Police to arrive), enable innocent people to get shot and killed by BGWGs, women to get raped, School Children to get killed and terrorized, and Businesses to get robbed.
A person legally carrying a gun accepts the risk that Law Enforcement may mistake him/her for a BGWG and unpleasantness may ensue, but for all the DGU’s I have read, the instance of that happening has been very rare, so, to my mind, it is an acceptable risk and much preferable to being victimized by a criminal, or having to stand by helplessly whilst someone else is victimized. As O’Reilly likes to say, “I am a simple man and like simple things. Tell me, where am I wrong on this?”
90%…??? Yeah, I don’t think so Tim…
Figures often beguile me, particularly when I have the arranging of them myself; in which case the remark attributed to Disraeli would often apply with justice and force: “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics.”
Mark Twain
Dammit, I found a brick of M-22 about a year ago. Luckily, I’m using 20 year old Winchester for what little plinking I do, so it’s sitting untouched. I’ll have to check the lot number when I get home.
Who will know I’m carrying if it’s properly concealed?
Exactly. 😉
Go ahead and post all the signs you want. Plaster ’em everywhere. To your heart’s content, even. When some asshole on a crack bender or some psycho off his meds ignores all your little placards and comes in shooting, you’ll end up thanking me for doing the same.
Tread lightly, I believe those signs will have force of law in Chicago.
I’ve had nothing but problems with winchester ammo. No primer compound in the primer… OAL way too long…. Now double charges in .22lr wtf.
M-22 has been really good for me. In fact, it is my preferred .22LR ammo for semi-autos. I luckily couldnt find any of it the past year, so this doesnt affect me. But from previous lots I had very very few failures, think match grade stuff failure levels. Now other Winchester .22LR are a different story entirely…
How many FTFs do you have on average? I shoot Eley (supposed to be good) and have a FTF or two every 100-150 rounds. this is match grade stuff, but how does average ammo fare? I am especially interested in CCI standard velocity.
With M-22, I shot a 1000 round box on a single outing and had less than 10 FTF (I think the exact number was 4 or 5). I have had similar experiences with every other use of M-22, but never count FTFs. I dont think match grade is worth it unless you have a rifle where it would make a difference, and you care that much about small variations in accuracy.
I had a young bear run right past my legs. It was a blur it moved so fast. It wasn’t out to hurt me & I didn’t hurt it, Randy
Crap. I overpaid for a box of those. I hope the lot number doesn’t match.
“I sit in our City Commission meeting week after week anxious and frightened because a civilian with a gun is in this chamber. I know that he can kill me, and probably others at this table or in these chambers, before the police officer in the rear of the room can react. Carrying a gun always, always represents the threat to use that gun to kill or maim another. That, after all, is why these people carry their guns.”
psychological projection at its finest.
I’m starting to believe that gun control advocates secretly want the expansion of “Gun-free zones” for the fact that more armed conflicts will occur in these locations, making it appear as if guns “anywhere” are bad, because all they do is support criminals.
The contra-indicative facts of firearms preventing or stopping crimes will never be acknowledged by them.
How about Bad Guy-Free zones instead?
While teaching a class of potential paramedics several years ago, I had a guest speaker come to lecture on “Pediatric” emergencies. The first point she made was guns were the number one cause of accidental deaths in children, supplanting poisoning. I found this surprising, that was until I questioned the age group of said children, she stated “anyone under the age of 18” Ah ha!
After the said news report on ABC as it was as much a Promo for their upcoming Friday Program, I went to the web page for the New England Journal of Pediatric Medicine to read the report for myself. The parameters for said study listed anyone under the age of 21 as a :child”…. It is a classic example of making your data points fit your hypothesis. Or as the old adage goes, “There are lies, damned lies and then statistics”…
I agree, a responsible parent does not leave any dangerous object where a naturally curious child can access them but that is why we put child resistant locks on cabinets and protective covers over electrical outlets.
The simple truth is the major media “news” outlets have been taken over by the same folks who publish such rags as the “National Enquirer” and the “Star”. Sadly, the less alert will take away only the headline.
It is tragic for any child to lose their life through the neglect of irresponsible adults no matter what the cause but using yellow journalism and a flawed report as a basis does a great disservice to the truth. How many children’s lives have been saved by guns? It is a subjective question for which it is impossible to answer but I dare say if you could take a WAG and say millions just because it could not be disproved….
I am a firm believer in the 2nd Amendment but I also believe the 4th Estate has a responsibility to be honest in their reporting. There are already laws which are repeatedly ignored because a criminal does not care which laws he breaks, it does not matter to them, it is only a means to a better plea bargain.
Well make sure to smack my brother next time I see him… He works at the factory that makes it. >,,>
Naive question: what are the chances of overriding the veto? Legislatures don’t do it nearly enough, and it would send an unmistakeable message….
They already are gun free that s the problem Stupid!
Has anyone mentioned to Al Sharpton that a poll in 1847 would have shown that at least 50% of the people supported slavery? Did that make it OK? Just wondering, Al.
Well I only own the one. 🙂 And no heirloms to speak of gunwise. I got some cool lighters from my Grandpa though. Vietnam war stuff. Pretty awesome.
Glock 19 Gen 3. My first gun that started all for me.
I’m the only “pro-gun” person in my family. Everyone else is neutral at best. So I received no heirloom to speak of, and I doubt I’d have a recipient for mine.
This is as it should be – almost. It would be better if he could just get on a plane with the pistol, but we won’t be seeing that for a while.
I once had a mag of 9mm that had somehow migrated to the bottom of the pistol-concealment pocket of my computer bag. I had checked through the bag for prohibited articles prior to my trip, but missed finding it. It made it through two bag x-ray checks, before being discovered by LAX security. The TSA rank and file were quite professional. The LAPD officer who took me aside was, as well. After a brief discussion, they unloaded the mag, the LAPD officer walked me down to the luggage area so they could take my mag and put it in my checked bags (he actually didn’t have a problem with me taking it aboard, but said the TSA dudes would get into a snit over it.) Then he walked me back through the TSA checkin line and I got on my plane on time. The TSA supervisor was pretty unhappy – asked the LAPD officer, “Well, aren’t you going to arrest him?” The answer – “What for? He broke no law – accidentally bringing a mag through the checkout – with no malicious intent – isn’t even a crime.” All in all, don’t want to duplicate the experience, but wasn’t as nasty as might have been anticipated.
My .45 I carry daily.
Real Sentimental though:
1. 1926 Stevens Crackshot Mod26 .22 I learned to shoot with around 5 or 6 yrs old.
Given to me when Granpa passed in 1996.
2. 1910/14 Mauser 6.35mm Pocket Pistol found in a gun shop w/original nickel played mag for $175.(all matched number/70% finish left).
3. 1924 Moisin Nagant Sniper Rifle(hex receiver/matched #’s/original scope and mount) $200 at a pawn shop.
4. Pre 1968 Springfield Pump 410 shotgun, all original, given to me by a neighbor 8 days before he passed away.
I wish i had my grandmas Winchester 25-35 lever action that she had that disappeared at some point as well as the M3 Grease Gun that my Grandpa tried to bring back in his footlocker, but the Army found it and took it back. The only one that I have are actually my grandpas 1941 winchester 30-30 he bought right before the war started.
Daisy BB gun given to me by my grandfather at Christmas when I was 8. My parents didn’t want me to have a BB gun. So it supprised everyone when I unrapped the present. I remember mom saying you can’t have that and my WWII hard a$$ grandfather looking her dead on and saying Oh yes you can. I loved that BB gun and spent so much time shooting it.
A Colt New Agent has the same 1911 goodness in 9mm at a third the price of this puppy. So I have to ask why anyone would pay this much for one, or for that matter carry such an expensive gun for self-defense; should you ever have to use it, you will probably never see it again. Then again, I guess there are enough wealthy people for who status is more important that money…
Women for Men: This woman is an author and has written many books about men’s rights.
She weighs in on “rape” , so-called.
And if anyone has noticed my comments above, Suzanne here says much better what I was trying to say.
It’s a start is what I hear many antis say. No it is not a start, it is a giant leap into removing rights from people when you enact strict gun control. If they think other rights are safe after a giant loss of rights they are sorely mistaken.
If anyone doubts that the murder rate is a function of culture and not availability of guns, they need to visit bestgore [dot] com and see what creative ways our South American neighbors devise in exacting revenge, retribution and the pursuit of criminal endeavor.
Other than the zombie meme being tired, zombies are just a politically correct metaphorical “bad guy”. It is not unlike books, movies and games (fictional works) using “Nazis” as their bad bad guys (e.g. The movie “Sum of All Fears” using Neo-Nazis instead of radical muslim terrorists from the book).
International Fascism on the rise in Brazil seems Hitler did clone himself and now the leader of Brazil.
Looks like cherries are the crop of choice for southern Democrats who wish to (re)enslave their subjects.
“Now remember, when the groom says, ‘I do,’, we pull these out from under our gowns, and no one leaves alive. Except the groom.”
Shotgun weddings are so passe.
I found this review enligtening as heck. Thanks for the work you put into it!
For self-defense, I use the Hornady Zombie rounds, and thta’s cuz I trust the Hornady name.
However, even though I’ve been told the polymer tip aids in leather/denim penetration, I just don’t know about that feature very much. But, the actual metal part of the bullet looks like it would do the necessary damage to save my arse in a “situation.”
Even before this review, I wouldn’t have used the R.I.P. ammo simply because of the way it looks and is advertised…this would NOT look good in a Court of Law! Heck, I’d rather use a regular old FNFMJ 180gr round from my G27 than take chances in court with R.I.P. and a tenacious prosecuting attorney.
As for now, I’ll stick with my “Zombie” rounds!
Again, thank you for the thorough and informative review!
Yes, it does make America more dangerous for criminals. Why does this Brockmole jacka$$ have a problem with that?
And since I am just another lowly citezen exercising my 1A right as I recall they sucked in the naive? marketing manager into persuading his boss into letting him be quoted with the “dumbass” comment so Evolve could claim bipartisan support from a (niche? failing? gunmaker with creds in the biz but poor common sense about gungrabbers fidelity…)
Kind of a Metcalf moment…hope the MAIG $ was worth it… is what my tin foil hat friend would say…)
Anyway. Entertaining to see the left flail so obviously here….again. Didnt they remember that saying “on the innertubz everyone knows you are a dog…”).
“Mock them!” – the Blogfather
Calling the 1911 unreliable is just a flat out lie,sure they aren’t Glock reliable but they are just as reliable as my Sigs and just about every other pistol I own.Only cheap 1911’s are going to be unreliable.(you get what you pay for)My Springfield GI in stainless can go up to 5K rounds without being cleaned before any reliability issues begin to start,If I have to defend myself I’m not going to blast through 5k rounds of .45 acp,so it really doesn’t matter.Any gun that is cleaned regularly of decent quality will be reliable when you need it to be,I know you can shoot K’s of rounds before needing to clean a Glock but I clean every firearm after I take it to the range even my Glocks(yes Glocks and 1911’s can coexist if you let them),a clean gun is a functional gun.
I will check my ammo box tonight. Had a blowback on Friday. Lever action Marlin .22. in the habit of ejecting the spent casing rapidly but in this case my vision was filled with white smoke and the gases (I guess) hit my cheek causing a lot of little red spots. Now the shell, minus the rear of it which was ejected, is stuck , as in welded, to the walls of the chamber. I had used half of the big box of ammo before this happened. I’m fine but it sure shook me up
Yes, definitely contact them on that. They will at least replace the ammo, and at this point you know it should at least be well inspected ammo. Hopefully they have eliminated the cause of the problem by now.
Be sure not to scratch the chamber walls clearing that, and do a long session twirling the chamber brush to polish it out well.
Besides being double charge, how did they get the bullet into the case with that much powder in it. I do my own reloading and tried on purpose to double charge,it doesn’t work, so sorry it can’t happen not on the lines, they don’t stop and back up the lines to start again, think about it, retarded don’t y’all think.
So, magic makes these .22LRs blow up? Really, dude?
So I had an interesting day today, was out plinking the pretty much new Ruger 1022 and happened to be using this ammo that I had no idea there was any problems. Anyway had a dead round first, I assumed no powder, OK no biggie have seen this in the past however about 40 rounds later pretty much through the hundred pack I had and BOOM!!! Yes double charge thankfully I had eye protection on, it sounded like a 30-06 round going off smoke bellowing out of the receiver and barrel, but thanks to new Kidd bolt I had just installed it ejected the shell. Thank God no barrel or internal damage so far. Definitely got a face full of Winchester excrement this kind of thing really pisses me off, will not be buying anymore of this ammo again!!!?
Me and a friend were shooting today , had boxes of 50 Winchester , I was shooting then boom , exploded in my gun , I’m like WTF , we got out the shell with end blew off !! Then 4 shots later my buddy’s gun boom , same thing , were like so lucky not to ruin our guns and are eyes ! These were boxes of 50 and I’d had them a while , found were they had recall on some of their ammo, emailed them ! Just thank god we didn’t lose a eye !!
I pay cash for ammo
all most any kind
new old reloaded
all kinds of ammo
factory and or reloaded ammo
price has to be cheep