The Democrats who run Illinois decided long ago to blame gun owners for the results of the woke, soft-on-crime policies that have led to proliferating crime in the state. Instead of targeting the relatively small number of violent gang members who make Chicago live up to its Murder City USA moniker, politicians have instead targeted law-abiding gun owners with gun bans and a new gun registration scheme.
The so-called Protect Illinois Communities Act demanded existing owners of particularly frightening firearms register their magazine-fed, semi-automatic rifles. These include guns best-suited to self-defense including America’s favorite rifle, the AR-15. The law also bans many semi-auto shotguns and handguns. Then there are the accessories and .50 BMG ammunition that must be registered as well.
With a December 31 deadline fast approaching, the Illinois State Police released their Week 11 compliance update on Wednesday and it’s a doozy. While thousands of Illinois gun owners have dutifully complied, millions have not. Holders of 15,164 Firearms Owner ID cardholders have registered an average of about 3.5 covered items each.
Put another way, 2,400,317 FOID holders have registered…nothing. Running that through some public school math, that yields a 99.4% non-compliance rate.
Why are so few Illinois citizens complying? Aside from the fundamental 2A conflicts, there’s also the leak from the Governor’s inner circle to “close the existing owner loophole” as reported by Guns Save Life.
So what is next? Following a mass-casualty incident, especially if it happens in the Land of Lincoln, the Governor will announce a plan to “close the existing owner loophole.” Their words, not ours.
Governor Pritzker will back legislation to call for those who have registered guns and accessories to surrender those registered items to the police after 90 days or so. Failure to do so would result in felony charges.
By mandating the surrender of those registered items, they can determine who has complied and who has not. Those who have not can expect ISP-led “firearm compliance teams” to knock on their doors.
That should surprise no one. Firearm registration has always had only one real purpose…to facilitate confiscation when politicians finally get up the testicular fortitude to press their anti-gun antipathy to that extent. That’s always been clear and it’s why there’s a law prohibiting federal firearm registration.
While achieving a compliance rate of more than one percent might be seen as some kind of psychological milestone of “success” by Governor Pritzker, it’s actually a humiliating public repudiation of Pritzker’s radical left anti-gun politics.
The little people have made it perfectly clear that they have no intention of complying with Illinois politicians’ gun-grabbing schemes. Don’t expect their attitude toward “closing the existing owner loophole” to be any more enthusiastic.
Always remember, friends don’t let friends vote D.
When I die, please, don’t let me vote Democrap.
I don’t get the authors math.
Only those with AR 15’s or other band rifles and 50 caliber rifles have to register.
He assumes that every single Illinois FO ID card holder has an AR 15
You could assume that tens of thousands of Illinois citizens have only revolvers and lever action rifles.
So these people would not have to register anything.
I have no doubt that there is mass noncompliance.
But you are wrong to say that 99% of FOID holders are not in compliance
“But you are wrong to say that 99% of FOID holders are not in compliance”
I may have read the article too fast, and missed the limitation of which firearms are to be registered. That would change the calculus.
The “probable cause”, might apply only to people buying ammo and accessories for semi-auto rifles, which would “justify” cops at every point-of-sale, or use. Where there is a will, there is a way.
This is Illinois’s Rosa Parks moment. Stand up for your civil rights.
Well let’s see fat boy’s Gun Control thugs march into Black neighborhoods and terrorize non compliers like nazis did in Jew neighborhoods…my money is on Blacks kicking Gun Control butt. The law abiding citizens in the Land of Lincoln did not start this fight but the law abiding citizens can end it like Gun Control’s sidekick Slavery was ended.
The IL democrats would be more than happy to allow their lackeys and sure-thing, bought-and-paid-for voters in the “Black neighborhoods” to keep their guns, at least for the present. This was one of obama’s dreams: to have a “civilian enforcement” detail at least as large as the established, recognized government ones. Except, of course, in “red” state enclaves.
How many of the useful idiots surrounding the fat boy do you think can tell you anything about the History of the Gun Control rot they applaud? It’s up to Gun Owners to educate and Define Gun Control by its History. And from the looks of those smiling faces surrounding the fat boy Gun Owners have done a piss-poor job.
“Well let’s see fat boy’s Gun Control thugs march into Black neighborhoods and terrorize non compliers like nazis did in Jew neighborhoods…”
Curious to learn if the Gov will faint from shock if his collectors refuse orders, in large numbers.
representatives from those neighborhoods are released after using arms on the list for violent purposes. no ones going door to door in englewood searching for guns.
maybe some doorbells will get rung in kenilworth, but 90days is plenty of time to drag things out of the house.
why don’t we try an experiment? For 6 months, Illinois can make ALL their gun control laws apply only to convicted felons. or those who have committed felonies but haven’t been convicted yet, or even caught. it requires honesty on the part of the criminals.
That would require them to incriminate themselves? but if all these regs can apply to peaceable citizens regarding the 2nd, why should they care about the 5th?
Because they care about liberals (and Marxist chaos creation) being exposed.
T Mobile: New Fines For 2A Text Messages That Violate New Terms Of Service?!
Apparently, this is because there are PROVIDERS of VoIP services that routinely send spam SMS and loops calls from spammers into T-Mobile customers. One of the outfits that started the mess is apparently.
This is SUPPOSED to apply to businesses that provide INBOUND services to T-Mobile, not individual users, but nevertheless, it DEFINITELY bears CLOSE WATCHING…
Discussion on:
Cancel their service. Why make things difficult?
“This is SUPPOSED to apply to businesses that provide INBOUND services to T-Mobile, not individual users, but nevertheless, it DEFINITELY bears CLOSE WATCHING…”
There’s this:
Allegedly the restriction is not applied to personal text messaging, but does include social media. Thinking that if your private text messaging (which is clearly monitored) includes re-posting disfavored text, you can be fined.
The courts have smacked down so much nonsense at this point that non-compliance need not be an act of rebellion or protest but simply not wanting to waste ones time/money jumping through arbitrary hoops that will be be dismantled anyway.
I would not put much faith in law suit “wins” that may still be appealed. Even those directly from SCOTUS are not being complied with in IL or the other areas of contention. It will take a tossing of the official progressive/tyrannical legislators, executives, and judges. A tall order but it is possible.
It’s long past time to be relying on a court system, that liberal/progressive democrats…Ignore.
“Closing the loophole” has a “final solution” euphemistic ring to it. Any gun owners dumb enough to stay there deserves what they’re about to get. I just have a feeling that crying and screaming about your “rights” isn’t going to help you in Illinois. I know people will say “my family is here” or “my work is here” but people fled Europe when enough was enough. For most gun owners in Illinois, they haven’t had enough yet.
very true statement
Some of us decided to stay and fight. Thanks anyways. My family IS here. My 32 year career IS here. The farm I bought and paid for with blood sweat and tears IS here. I’m not running away like some frightened school girl. I get so tired everybody online saying “just move”. I say quit being a fvucking pussy and STAND UP!
That’s all well and good, but your future prison IS there. Good luck.
Gun owners who are that stupid to sit there, take it, and do nothing, are not wanted elsewhere. Let them sit there and suffer their consequences, THEY caused it, now THEY get to deal with it
Chicago has always prohibited weapons from normal people so organized crime did not have to worry about people fighting back.
Other coastal cities have given over to cartels with the same agenda.
This could get interesting.
Watching you right now on Bishop On Air John Boch. Is he off the radio? Keep up the good work! Meanwhile ILLannoy is importing future dims from sout’ of da border. “Interesting”…
How many of that .6% compliant were “gangbangers”? I’m guessing none…
See, you just don’t understand. In order to get the people who are shooting each other to stop shooting each other you have to make the people who are not shooting each other … Wait, gimme a minute, I’ll figure it out, I’m sure it makes sense.
What is interesting, is that Illinois is not even trying to hide behind an “it’s for your safety” excuse as to why gun registration is demanded. They may as well just go one step further and say what they really want to do. Makes one wonder how many would still come forward and dutifully follow their demands?
Proves gang bangers have more balls than the .6% who folded like cheap tents. Come the new year and the ball is in the fat boy’s court…big mistake if tubby goes Waco.
“Proves gang bangers have more balls than the .6% who folded like cheap tents.”
No, it just proves that habitual or perpetual law-breakers aren’t concerned with knowingly committing crimes. It’s their way of life and there are rarely consequences, even if caught on camera, that would pay better if they were to change their habits and become law-abiding. Blue states/cities are not concerned with crime, the inevitable course of unchecked government is power, regulation and control- more government to justify itself.
how many would still come forward and dutifully follow their demands?
And get out and vote for the same assholes that are fucking them now without a kiss OR even a reach around…
How Honolulu Just Did Away With the Second Amendment.
They REVOKED His Concealed Carry Permit For Protecting His Family?! (Vince Ricci Interview)
These are interesting numbers to see in this place. The residents of that state simply fo NOT make the mental connection between gun control snd the Democrat party. They vote in and keep a Democrat government with no problem. They see it more like “I’m on your side but your not going to do THIS”. Otherwise, it’s all good. Some might refer to it as delusional. Many absolutely will comply. But there is never any conceivable thought that anything from the Dems are anything other than true. It’s all self defeating.
SC Moves to End Sales Tax on Ammo!
We need a Protect the Illinois Communities From the Government Act.
They’ll enforce it with all the illegal. Aliens who are now working as law enforcement/gestapo agents. The true reason for the border comes to awareness.
for you .380 folks…NOW LEGALLY IMPORTED In AmericaGlock 25 Gen 3 .380ACP
my eyes, my eyes!
.380 the new 9mm. Get everyone buying .380. Cost less to manufacture but we will never see the price difference.
.22shorts were popular because they were cheaper then long rifle.
Money, it’s a hit.
Illinois will do the same thing that California did. They’ll hire and train enforcement officers who, once trained, will seek more lucrative opportunities. To the extent there are officers, they will concentrate on seizing weapons from the law abiding, avoiding the felons and gangbangers because it is too dangerous to try.
If you dont give up your gunms you’ll become a felon and then you can’t legally buy any gunms.
Naypyidaw, that’s how you pronounce WashingtonDC backwards.
Non-compliance may play directly into LE hands. Anywhere guns, ammo, accessories are sold presents probable cause that the people present have a non-registered gun. Searching and arresting people who purchase anything gun related is grounds for demanding proof of permission. Lacking the, the suspect is likely a non-complier.
Rather than going to homes and kicking in the doors (risking a firefight), LE can “send a message” that non-compliance is taken seriously. All of which puts non-compliers at risk in any self-defense situation.
Can you imagine a store full of gun owners confronting LE with an armed resistance? Not going to happen, and govt strikes a strong blow of fear.
“govt strikes a strong blow of fear.”
This is the problem with all government. Eventually they end up ruling through fear because they cannot control everyone without it.
‘Zackly. With proper use of fear, 10 can control 100,000.
It’s not that complicated. People without guns make better slaves.
“but 90days is plenty of time to drag things out of the house.”
more likely, LE will simply stake-out gun stores and shooting ranges. Arrest a few hundred non-compliant gun owners; word spreads quickly.
After 01Jan24, use of a firearm, or purchase of gun and accessories, becomes probable cause one is non-compliant of the new law. How many will actually use their firearms if everywhere guns are in use, gun owners will be subject to arrest? Who will stay in the business of firearm sales?
The ride is the punishment.
From what I have been reading and hearing people who are planning not to register are not looking to take their banned weapon to the public ranges/gun stores but riding it out to see what the courts do. Many of them have already moved their banned weapons out of state too, including my son, waiting to see what the courts do.
Not sure how you claim after 010124 that use of a firearm (especially legal ones and there are sill a LOT of them available) or purchase of a gun or accessories becomes probable cause of being non compliant to the point of issuing search warrants? Gun stores haven’t been able to sell banned guns and accessories for almost a year now and pretty much no one out of state is shipping much of anything to anyone in Illinois anymore due to the vagueness of the law.
Not saying no one is not going to get arrested being totally stupid but I doubt it is going to be near the scale that you seem to indicate is possible.
“Not sure how you claim after 010124 that use of a firearm (especially legal ones and there are sill a LOT of them available) or purchase of a gun or accessories becomes probable cause of being non compliant to the point of issuing search warrants?”
Search warrants not needed. Police can arrest on “probable cause” alone. Thus, if only 0.6% of gun owners register weapons, it is common sense that over 2mil gun owners did not.
Therefore, a person at a gun store, or range, or somewhere else buying ammo and accessories, is probably a non-compliant gun owner. Those people can be arrested on suspicion of not being registered, unless they can prove they are registered.
Kinda like a licensed concealed carrier can be arrested for not having their license on their person, but carrying concealed.
use of a non- restricted item is not reason for probable cause; there is no proof of compliance necessary.
this time, afaic, your conflating the dissimilar.
it’s like saying not speeding is cause for being pulled over.
I am honestly surprised nobody has popped a few of these clowns yet.
I mean, when you think about it, a few well placed rounds towards the communists causing the trouble… kind of fixes the problem, and also sends a powerful message BACK at the tyrannical govt that the people will NOT comply.
Talk is cheap, it also does not work, as has been seen over and over again, exactly WHEN will ‘you the FREE people’ finally start defending your freedom?
The politicians are the ones who need to pay, but sadly it will be the police who do they paying, as people angry at their govt lash out at them, because the cowards in charge, are too busy hiding.
Somewhat similar actions are what caused ” the shot heard around the world ”
and how long before leo’s realize they are outnumbered by an exponential number of armed citizens that have had enough
LOL who am I kidding. In the leftist states where this kind of crap is happening they keep voting for it. or are the votes just counted that way
“Somewhat similar actions are what caused ” the shot heard around the world ” ”
I understand your thinking, but is it rational to expect that a cop arresting non-compliers in a gun store is really in danger of all the armed people starting a gun fight to stop an arrest? They are law-abiding, remember? Any interference in an arrest will make the alleged law-abiding (except for this law) people criminals, on the spot.
Someone already noted they, and others, are hiding their firearms until the courts sort things out. Those hidden firearms are not available for self-defense, or armed insurrection. These are success stories for the folks who promulgated the law.
Additionally, using an un-registered gun in self-defense is a blatant declaration of being a criminal.
How many of those few thousand who registered already are criminals?
Yeah, that’s what I thought would happen.
If they knock on your door, answer ZERO questions. Ask i they have a warrant. If not, close the door on them.
They will make an example of someone…bigly.
Count on it.
They can’t try 2 million people with felonies…it’s a bluff. Stand your ground, Illinois. Every gun owner refuse to work. Block roads. Shut down commerce and transportation. Take all your money out of banks. Don’t pay taxes. Bankrupt your tyrannical government. See how fast they shut up.
If you don’t pay taxes they show up with Doberman Pinschers and take everything.
They’ll do a blanket, criminal tax increase. Effective immediately, everyone’s tax goes up 10 percent to fund enforcement for the non compliers. There, they just punished 200k at once.
All questionable firearms are relocated outside of Il. until this changes.
I chose this course of action because I do not have the money for lawyers and I am not the right demographic to have a national group represent me. A charge would limit my mobility to leave Illinois and my job requires frequent travel outside of the State. That puts me in a hard place. I can’t leave the State at this time due to family responsibilities.
We know what the next step is after registration, and we can trust Illinois to take that step. I will continue to contribute to the groups that are fighting this.
Then just put everything you have on your sidewalk out front. If you are worried about them taking it all. Be sure to have your wheel chair because you cannot do much without a spine.
Nice trolling. Are you willing to put up the lawyer fees?
I disagree with Tuesday, everyone has to do what is best for their family, but, if you change your mind, and it comes down to it, do a GiveSendGo and I’ll contribute, pretty sure a lot of others would too.
Well said VNVet69.
i registered mine. I am 72 and still want to shoot it and keep it in the house. Plus at my age if something happened to me I would not want my dear young wife have to deal with a potential legal nightmare. It is also possible that someone found to be non complaint could have their Illinois FOID revoked even if the charge was only a misdemeanor. My wife is also a shooter.
Not trolling at all, the attitude was if I do X they will send the boys and girls to my front door. I was only saying if you are in that thought pattern when possible threat is coming, then just set it all aside and watch a Disney movie. I am sure there are other folks out there that will have a hard time complying.
“use of a non- restricted item is not reason for probable cause; there is no proof of compliance necessary. this time, afaic, your conflating the dissimilar. it’s like saying not speeding is cause for being pulled over.”
As noted a little while ago, looks like I misunderstood the issue at hand; thinking the law applied to all firearms. I altered my comment to include only people buying rifle ammo and accessories.
The law is enacted and carries penalties for non-compliance, with the presumed high level of non-compliance, the state can use that, along with the purchases related to semi-auto rifles, to justify high levels of surveillance.
My intention is to point out that there is no limit to what LE might do to dissuade gun owners from evading the law. I just came up with one means of intimidation, on the spur of the moment. Gun-grabbers are constantly trying to find ways to turn law-abiding gun owners into non-law abiding gun owners.
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