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James Whitey Bulger's guns, confoscated when he was caught (courtesy

“Michael Solimando Jr. described terrifying moments in 1982 when he said Bulger held a handgun to his face, then pushed a machine gun to his groin,” reports. “Solimando says he eventually paid the money out of fear, even though he was a legitimate businessman.” Ah, James “Whitey” Bulger. A mobster with moxie. Alternatively, a homicidal megalomaniac who terrorized and corrupted his community with the FBI’s help. Yes, there is that. If it were me, and it is here, I would make sure that every article about this evil SOB mentioned the fed’s collusion in Bulger’s crimes—and the fact that he used his power to rape underage girls. And boys. Some of whom he killed when he was “done.” Glamorize that. Meanwhile, if you or I possessed an unlicensed machine gun, we’d go to prison. I wonder what Bulger’s FBI handlers made of his arsenal. Not much, obviously.

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    • At his age he’ll probably die of old age in the next few years, long before an execution could be carried out.

      • CG, that’s likely true. But as Bulger has found and others before him, the crimes you thought you got away with come back to haunt you. His golden years won’t be spent in pleasant retirement activities. But, rather, playing drop the soap in the prison showers.

  1. Don’t forget to mention his brother Billy Bulger who was a long political heavy in MA who testified under oath before a Congressional committe that he has and had no idea of his brother’s dealing’s or whereabouts. And by political heavy I mean the head of the state Senate who along with Mass State Police could have found Jimmy Hoffa if asked to.

  2. I had read that Bulger and Flemmi abused girls, but this is this is the first I’ve heard of them targeting boys. Do you know of anything that backs this up besides Howie Carr’s claims?

        • Maybe it wasn’t clear but I was responding to this portion “Do you know of anything that backs this up besides Howie Carr’s claims?”

      • Any claim you make should come with substantiation, regardless of whom you make claims about.

        And since I’ve been following the Bulger case for years and hadn’t heard of this yet, I’d also like to see some credible sources simply to know if it’s true.

  3. The FBI was his enabler in crime. But we trust the FBI to give us the straight skinny on crime stats.

    • Reminds me of the extreme drops in crime in Russia in recent reports. Sure, a 300% decline in one year with no changes makes sense.

  4. Some 1911’s, a couple Third Generation Smiths, a Colt revolver, the MG, couple odds and ends. His collection definitely had an Eighties flavor by the looks of things.

    • What, he can’t come up with another $250 for a new Kel-Tec? Maybe TTAG can send him that orphaned and unwanted Hi-Point C9 😀

  5. I see he’s using the Kohler K-110 stainless steel assault sink as well.

    The dual handle mixing faucet AND a low profile drain system make for a deadly combination.

    • You can drown in an inch of water.

      Nobody should need more than that. We need common-sense legislation to restrict these large-capacity assault bowls.

    • Not legal in CA due to the threaded outlet capable of accepting a silencer, unless you put these crazy CA-only handles on the taps. But then you’ll need a tool to turn the water on.

  6. The Bulger Brothers ran Massachusetts with an iron fist. Now, the Democrats as a group run Massachusetts with an iron fist, and I can’t see any difference.

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