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You can’t beat a girl who shoots. Especially a momma bear with three young cubs. A big, bad wolf learned that the hard way after he broke into his ex-girlfriend’s Las Vegas residence in the dead of night. In the end, she ended the attack by shooting her ex dead right there as he held her new boyfriend hostage.

The woman accessed her gun and told the violent ex-lover to leave. He reluctantly did, only to return with his own gun and an unhealthy dose of rage. Somehow he managed to get the woman’s new boyfriend in a headlock and held a gun to his head, and the woman ended the standoff. Permanently.

Las Vegas Metro Police. Via Twitter.

The Las Vegas Metro Police investigated and believe that the woman acted in self-defense. The Las Vegas Sun has more details . . .

Metro Police say a woman fatally shot her ex-boyfriend Wednesday as he held a gun to the head of her current boyfriend after breaking into the woman’s home.

Police Lt. Ray Spencer said preliminary information indicates the woman acted in self-defense.

Spencer said the woman, her current boyfriend and her three young children were in the home at about 4:30 a.m. when the woman called 911 as her former boyfriend smashed windows to gain entry into the home. The incident occurred on Seasons Avenue between Pecos Road and Eastern Avenue, near the I-215 Beltway.

Spencer said the woman had a gun, prompting the ex-boyfriend to leave the home before returning moments later with a gun of his own.

According to Spencer, the woman then shot the ex-boyfriend when he put his gun to the head of her current boyfriend.

Well done, ma’am. We’re glad you survived (and that you didn’t miss).

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  1. I wouldn’t know whether to be really, really impressed by her, or terrified of her.

    And every day I get more and more thankful that I found a wonderful woman decades ago so that I don’t have to worry about today’s cesspool of relationships.

    • She has my respect. She did a good job of protecting her children, herself and her present boyfriend. It is mere speculation as to what the ex would have done, but given his aggressive behavior the end results probably would have been far worse.

      • My keeper wife and I had this talk after our first joint range session. If I’m held at gun point she is not to give up her gun. The reverse is true. Do not create two victims for the price of one.

        Take the shot.

        • Told the same to my keeper wife. After 35+ years together, we cannot say we haven’t already lived a good life. Another couple of decades would be great, but if I’m in trouble, take the shot. Never, never, never give up your gun. I’d rather go down, but know in my final moment that she’ll live to see tomorrow, than to know she’s about to be shot right after I am.

        • Lol, and they say chivalry is dead.

          Seriously, your wife is married to the stupidest bitchmade coward in the world. I mean just the bottom of the barrel🖕🤡.

        • Any man willing to risk his life in defense of his wife and family is not a coward as “she” suggested. JWM and Haz are indeed honorable men as are many others on this forum.

      • Hush, you neglected to add “Unlike you.” at the end of your reply to ‘she’/’it’/’whatever’.

  2. Obviously the drama king should have let go the easy way and saved himself, his family, the police and everyone else some trouble. Lesson: If you do not have an ability to move on do not enter a relationship.

    • I don’t know, Debbie. Sounds like she may have solved a long term problem for the rest of us and what sounds like a short term problem (at least in that moment) for her and a couple of other people. Asking these assholes to “move on” just created another victim. Oh, don’t think I wouldn’t/didn’t arrest a woman (a real one, born that way). It happens. Used to piss those feminists at the shelter off. Sorry. I told them more than once. Sometimes it really is her.

    • Yeah Debbie I suppose breaking in and ex girlfriend’s house and scaring the children then holding a gun to the head of the present boyfriend is not the best way to win back a girlfriend. Especially when the lady of the house knows how to shoot. One can only wonder what was the ex boyfriend thinking!

  3. Hush, that’s the point. He wasn’t thinking. It was Darwinism at work. I’ll take an experienced guess. The victim bought that firearm because of that asshole. And what he had done before. That’s what I would have advised her to do after I took her first domestic battery complaint and drug his ass off to jail.

  4. I don’t know what the ex-boyfriend was thinking, but I know the last thing that went through his mind… her nine mm slug.

  5. The hostage in the target looks like they are stroking their chin, in a mood of contemplation.

  6. Somewhere up in the great beyond, Samuel Colt just licked his finger and added a mark to an imaginary tally. Made them equal indeed.

  7. As usual the vicious, sadistic Far Right glorify violence and lust after the smell of blood and the sight of rivers of blood on the floor. What they totally miss is the fact that if you are ever the victim of a homicide by a firearm it will probably be by someone you know and probably by someone who resides in your home. This is another classic example of the Stats being right.

    Husbands kill wives over trivial incidents and sometimes women do the same, especially when it comes to ex-boyfriends who they regard as vermin and sub-human. Did the man really hold a gun to her boyfriends head or was this just a convenient lie to justify murder. We will never hear the other side of the story.

    Every incident is unique and I am in no way sanctifying the acts of the man who was shot (if he was guilty) and killed in this particular incident but guns make murder all too easy and convenient.

    None of us were there at that incident and none of us know what led up to the violence so its easy for the sadistic Far Right to dance in the blood of the diseased. And of course the dead man will never be able to tell his side of the story either.

    We can only be revolted by the comments of the Far Right. I think even Neanderthal Man would be horrified if he had been able to read this disgusting article pretending to be sanctimonious and acting as judge, jury and executioner.. Too often the word of a woman is always taken as fact which has many times proved to be nothing more than a lie and automatic male chauvinist sympathy for the weaker sex. I ask you how many rape cases were mere fabrications especially in high profile court cases where the woman was finally forced to admit it was all a sexist lie. I am remembering a group of young college men whose lives were ruined by such a deranged lying bitch.

    Again do not be so quick to take the woman’s word as fact before all the facts are completely known. And even if the man was guilty as charged by the woman it is still uncivilized to gloat over another human beings death, something totally foreign to the violent and sadistic Far Right whose glazed eyed frothing mouths would terrify even the bronze aged Christian mythical Satan in hell or the winged Pazuzu or Lamashtu gods of the ancient Middle East. Man invents new gods as fast as rabbits breed.

    There is an age old adage found in many bibles and copied by many more “He who lives by the sword dies by the sword” so the Far Right should think about this next time they smile while pulling the trigger because the next time it just may be they who are on the other end of a gun barrel.

    • Wow, there is f’ed up and then there is you. Sadistic? You approve of the tearing of an unborn infant into 7 pieces – and celebrate the act. You approve of a President that sniffs every kid he can get close to.

      Pathetic. You are mocked.

    • It also makes for a safe society. Safe from those who wish to do us evil. Case in point: This article.

  8. The Lady, my wife was a pretty good shot when we met 30 years ago. And she insisted I teach our kids, Ours, adopted, foster, and hers from her previous marriage, to shoot with hand and long guns. You can bet any of my girls, would be able if needs be, to ventilate an ex or some other thug or other immediate threat. If the worst happens, I know my Lady and our kids can and will do what they must to protect themselves and their kids/families.
    I commend the Lady in the article for doing what she had too, to defend her kids and current boyfriend from an irate idiot ex.

  9. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

    Oh – wait . . .

    What happens in Vegas gets solved in Vegas?

  10. Kudos to the lady, but for the guy that’s got to be a bit like riding bitch on your girlfriend’s Ducati V4 Panigale.

  11. Good for her, having the nerve to deal with a bad situation. However, it could have been avoided by excercising a bit of discernment earlier, at the “pre-boyfriend” stage. Not many folks think with their brains these days.

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