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World’s Longest Shot via SVLK-14 “Twilight” Sniper Rifle [VIDEO]

Robert Farago - comments No comments

Record-setting SVLK-14 "Twilight" Sniper Rifle

In the video below, a Russian shooter get to grips with “Twilight.” No, he doesn’t sparkle. He or someone like him hits a target 4,210 meters (13,812 feet) away. That smashes the previous record of 4,157 meters (13,638 feet), set in the US back in November 2016, when Jim Spinella hit a 36” plate at 4210 yards with a HCR 375 CheyTac (click here for video). While we don’t actually see the Russians record-breaking shot, national honor demands another U.S. attempt. Da?


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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “World’s Longest Shot via SVLK-14 “Twilight” Sniper Rifle [VIDEO]”

  1. Myself: was being stalked by a mountain lion in the northern Catalina mountains of Arizona. Drew my 1911, fired a single shot in its general direction to scare it off, and went on my way with heightened situational awareness.

    My fiancee: a good friend was having trouble with her father, who is mentally ill and has a history of threatening people with firearms. He decided to show up uninvited with intent to kidnap her. There was some advance notice, so my fiancee and two other friends barricaded the driveway with a pickup and set up with ARs, shotguns, and body armor to prevent him from succeeding. He showed up and acted threateningly, but was prevented from entering the home until police arrived and ordered him off the property. Given as there was a marksman on the second floor, the jackass would have been very dead if he had gone for a weapon. I was working a mining job in Arizona when this transpired.

  2. August 28th, 2005
    Hurricane Katrina is 12 hours from striking Louisiana…. I’m hurridly packing my most precious possessions in my tiny car prior to joining the tail-end of those able to evacuate. Fortunately, I packed my colt AR15 last, on top of the passenger seat which was otherwise holding several days worth of my finest clothing. I finished saying what I assumed were my finally goodbyes to my home and all possesions too large to fit in a two seat convertible and began to leave the garden district of New Orleans. I was just pulling away when a “gentleman” walks across the intersection, pulling a pistol from his waistband. The initial look on his face told me he didn’t mean to coordinate defense against looters. The look on his face, or rather the look of the back of his head as he ran away after I leveled my AR15 out the car window told me I was right to be a gun owner. One more never-reported, no-shots-fired DGU.

  3. If 4210 meters is 13812 feet, how is 4157 meters 3638 feet? Should be 13638 feet. And 4210 yards is 12630 feet, it should be 4546 yards.

  4. Me, X 3

    Simplest one, lived in the county, 8pm, doorbell rang, Hispanic male said he had car trouble, I had a gun in my left hand, door partially closed, offered him a cordless phone I had tucked in right pocket, he demanded he come in to use it, I opened the door enough so he could see my gun, he ran to his truck and drove off, the truck seemed to run pretty well. I didn’t see his plates, the lights to illuminate the plates were out.

    Deputy showed up a half hour later (their average response time) they said they’d keep an eye out for the truck. Never heard back from them.

  5. I don’t wanna bitch, but I am, what’s a wrist watch got to do with EDC? Unless you use the band to snap your wrist to remind yourself not to buy anymore stupid shit

  6. I’m sorry but was there a link that I missed for a video of this record breaking shot? The video I saw appeared to be a guy testing load development on paper targets.

  7. 36 shots, 4 went into 3x3m target area, 1 hit into 1x1m circle.

    Claiming any record of this kind (and I am not talking about Lobaev’s team only) is stupid. A competition without rules is not competition.

  8. So, somebody in USA hit a one yard circle from 4210 yards, and somebody in Russia hit a one meter circle from
    4210 meters? Sounds pretty much like a tie to me. If target size doesn’t matter, I bet I could hit a five yard circle from 5000 yards away if you give me a couple boxes of ammo.

  9. Is this… a Canadian? Supporting US gun owners?! But surely such a person can’t exist! Where would all the liberals move after they lose another election?

  10. This entire discussion illustrates the fallacy of the NRA’s general position on the 2nd Amendment. They do not believe the individual right of the People to keep and bear arms is protected, in part, for the security of a free state. The militia preface clearly implies the People must be equally well armed as any modern army and therefore the restrictions of “military” grade arms is unconstitutional. Hence they entangle themselves in unnecessary arguments and end up capitulating to the left.

  11. The Irony is thick in this one.

    You shouldn’t have access to weapons and I will maim/assault/kill you to prove.

    Pretty messed up – is the left.

  12. I doubt much of it is serious. I’ve had people threaten to find/kill me on message boards before.

    That said, you never know how crazy they might actually be.

    Personally I assume the interwebz threats to be bluster. It’s the ones that don’t say anything that I think you need to worry about. Of course, getting doxxed with pics of your house and your address posted online would suck. That shit is catnip for crazies.


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