We’re gleaning new facts from the new official Clark County Sheriff’s timeline for the Las Vegas shooting. At 9:59 pm local time, spree killer Stephen Paddock shoots Mandalay Bay security officer Jesus Campos. At 10:15, two police officers arrived on the 31st floor, one floor below the killer’s hotel room. At 10:17, after the shooting had stopped . . .
those two police officers arrived on the 32nd floor. At 10:18 pm, Campos told police he was shot and gave them the location of the gunman’s room.
Despite having one of their employees shot by the killer directly outside his room, Mandalay Bay security failed to identify the killer’s room to the police for 19 minutes, until after the shooter stopped.
As the two police officers arrived at the wrong floor at 10:15 — two minutes before the shooting stopped — it’s entirely possible they could have done something to distract or stop Paddock if they’d been directed straight to the killer’s room.
That said, we don’t know Campos’ condition immediately after the shooting. Was he in shock? Was he treating a serious leg wound? We don’t know his location after he was shot, who (if anyone) attended to his wound, if he had a working radio, and what he may have reported on the radio if he did.
Not to mention the fog of war.
Communication is often the first thing to go wrong during a violent attack. But it’s still shocking that 19 minutes elapsed before Mandalay Bay security communicated the life-or-death room info to police on the scene.
There are lessons to be learned from the response to this attack, just as there were after the Pulse night club slaughter. But if the cops and authorities treat the Vegas shooting like the Orlando massacre, mistakes made will be quietly swept under the carpet. Benefitting no one but the officers and politicians involved.
either stupidity or deliberate deception going on in Vegas.
They should release the camera footage of the security guard and cops arriving. They released the (practically irrelevant) body cams from the cops at the festival grounds (to praise their officers).
I noticed this when I did a timeline on a real-time recording of LVPD’s dispatch repeater.
One LEO got to the 32nd floor, and it was five minutes after he got there that the LEO radios to dispatch he & the security guard made contact. This was 19 minutes into the recording after the first dispatch report of “shots fired” by a LEO on the concert scene.
The entire recording doesn’t exactly cover the LEO’s in Las Vegas with glory – especially their SWAT team. Matter of fact, by the time I was done listening to it and making a timeline of significant events, all I could think was “This was another Columbine, only in the open air.”
Deep well of ignorance
Threatening attempted murder
One punch one shot
Another violent gun grabber gone.
Justified homicide
I would avoid countering with a punch but it would be nice to get some practice blocking and applying an uncomfortable wrist lock to discourage her violent tendencies.
Pathetic is a gross understatement. Did he. actually HAVE a reallive machine gun?!? ‘Splain it to me Leo’s…
Ugh. At this point, I want there to be a inside job / false flag / deep state style conspiracy because the truth that our private and public authorities are utter failures is worse. Terrorists, foreign and domestic, know now with certainty that America is wide open for business for any nut who wants to be famous.
She means the Democrat Elites don’t want concealed carry.
I would pray and hope the right thing. I wasn’t there, can’t say for sure.
Lord knows our criminals REALLY don’t want concealed carry
WAIT, WThay, I thought he wasn’t an ‘active shooter’ UNTIL he shot the security guard ? ? ?? ? ?
One way ticke too nord korea thats the right place for him
Not a chance. Sandy Hook? Yes. Defenseless children involved. Vegas, no way.
Seems police as well as hotel security don’t fire at active shooters because of liability issues and law enforcement has been emasculated over the years by Issues of hiring discrimination and now the force has people/genders in it that are incapable of being in fire fights.
Let’s bury this,along with 59 others and move on.
Anybody shooting at me, I’m shooting back. Period. Why should I assume if they missed they won’t come after me???
As long as they don’t turn right back around and demand our guns be taken I’m happy to have them on our side. Doubt it will last though.
Why is this Fascist talking through his nose?
Considering that this is a lightweight Ruger Precision Rifle on steroids 2k isn’t bad at all. Given their company name and all the carbon fiber the price could’t been much worse. This is completely acceptable for a precision rifle.