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Yes, the Old Look and Feel is Back…for Now

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

As we expected, we got a lot of passionate feedback on the new look and feel of the site that appeared earlier this week. Some of it was complimentary, some not so much. And last night — poof! — the old site design magically reappeared.

We had a few behind-the-scenes difficulties that required taking down the new look and bringing back the old one. Our technologically adept IT gnomes are, even as we speak, busily banging away at their keyboards somewhere in the super-secret, socially distanced dungeon in which TTAG keeps them chained to their desks and (occasionally) fed. Don’t worry, they get extra rations around the holiday season.

Long story short, the new look will make a reappearance once the naughty little gnomes fix those problems. We’ll also be implementing a few of the suggestions some of you so helpfully contributed while the new site design was up.

In the mean time, thanks for your patience as we work to improve the site. We appreciate it more than you know.

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