Home » Your Carry Gun Causes School Shootings

Your Carry Gun Causes School Shootings

Kat Ainsworth Stevens - comments No comments

“Most gun owners are very responsible and keep their guns locked up in a gun safe or something similar, but the exception to that is the one gun that they think they need for self-defense. That gun needs to be close at hand, and it’s that gun that is, unfortunately, causing so much damage, because your little kid finds it or your teenager takes it to school and uses it either to harm themselves or carry out these school shootings.” – Gareth Glaser, CEO of smart gun maker LodeStar Firearms

0 thoughts on “Your Carry Gun Causes School Shootings”

  1. Scratching and clawing and lying to try to attain relevance.

    I wonder if Gareth does/says this when a woman is raped or abused? What about carjackings?

        • I think it’s to aid in reliability. Electrical components are going to be far easier to maintain with a .22LR than with a .380 or higher. Also probably to gain the benefit of most DGUs being stopped without firing a shot and most with a shot being ended cause the bad guy doesn’t want to get shot again… while using a less lethal platform in case of misses.

          Not that I think either is worth having a smart gun. But I’d wager those 2 reasons are involved.

        • If you’re banking the DGU not involving firing the gun, then buy a blue training gun and paint it black. Way cheaper and more reliable than a so-called smart gun that is as likely to fail as not when you need it.

  2. When seconds count, a new battery is only a 5-minute trip to the grocery store away.

    Between the hours of 6am and 11pm, of course.

    • 5 minutes! Maybe for a city dweller. What about the millions who are rural? For me it’s 15 minutes to the closest gas station, 25 to the closest grocery.

      • If you live in an urban or suburban area there’s no place you can get to in less than 20 minutes. The grocery store might only be a mile away but there’s 18 stop lights and 400,000 other cars trying to get through them.

  3. I’m open to this kind of gun being on the market but NJ’s poison pill obviously makes that almost impossible (of course, that law would also be very vulnerable to 2A challenge for banning entire categories of arms), because I’m open to just about any kind of gun being on the market. Kind of like self-driving cars, I would never ever want one and would rage out at some tyrannical notion of forcing me to buy one, but if other people prefer it, that’s on them.

    He doesn’t help his presentation to the gun market, though, with this kind of ignorant gun-grabber parroting BS. My man, gun-grabbers aren’t going to buy your guns for themselves. The security firms they hire aren’t going to. The law enforcement agencies and military services aren’t going to. The only potential market this weapon would ever, ever have? 2A loving gun owners like the ones you are presently trying to blame for the intentional acts of criminals.

    And all that said, I really do like the lines of that Armatix gun, even though the NRA’s review of it was a dumpster fire. But a normal firearm with that frame would be pretty snazzy.

    • Eh. The aesthetics of it, to me, scream “Space 1999.” Which is often for me a good thing … but not in this particular case.

    • The fundamental problem with self driving cars is that if you’re driving and you crash your car it’s your own damn fault but if your self driving car crashes it’s the manufacturer’s fault. And car companies usually have much deeper pockets than the average driver. A similar situation could develop with smart guns.

    • I also agree. I like the lines of the gun and if they got around to making it in decent calibers, and ditched the silly electrics, I would be interested in one.

      At least I would have, before they decided to insult their main consumer base.

    • You are correct. There really IS a market for a “smart gun”. Why should we deprive parents of young children the opportunity to buy a gun they can leave on their nightstands?

      That is a very narrow market. Nevertheless, there are some people who will pay-up to buy that piece of mind. These buyers will think about the trade-off. The ever-present danger of a child picking up a gun that wasn’t put back in the gun safe. Vs. the remote possibility of a home invasion when the smart-gun won’t un-lock. There are plenty of potential buyers who will pay-up to make that trade-off.

      If there were a small market there would be the incentive for inventors to make better smart-guns at lower prices. Eventually, gun-carriers would consider making the same trade-off evaluation. Gradually, the market would grow. Probably never to the point of 50+%; but, nevertheless, a market.

      NJ’s most prominent gun lawyer credited the author of the NJ smart-gun bill for poisoning the field for smart-gun development. The only market large enough to support a market in smart-guns is in the US. The gun-buying public in the US has seen the handwriting on the wall; clearly spelled-out by the NJ legislature. The gun-buying public will prevent any FFL from offering such a gun, thereby triggering the NJ law.

      So, thanks to the NJ legislature, the one gun-control development we might have all quietly accepted is still-born. No more perfect example of the power of Progressive-ism could be imagined. Thank you NJ for showing us the truth and the light!

      • “…the remote possibility of a home invasion when the smart-gun won’t un-lock.”

        The “remote possibility” part lays in the probability of being the victim of a home invasion robery…. until it happens….. and then the probability jumps to 100%. However, every review of the gun has shown that the RFID unlock malfunctions quite regularly. I can’t find one review where the shooter gets through a single 10 round magazine without several misfires. So, “the remote possibility” that “the smart gun won’t unlock” is actually 100%.

        • Yes, and in a gun culture where a lot of people judge their carry kit by “Can I survive a running gun battle with a street gang, or a Russian invasion at the mall?” that level of reliability definitely won’t fly.

          It won’t even survive the “J-Frame and a speed strip” standard.

        • @California: You presume that technology is static. I wouldn’t choose a smart gun based on today’s technology. But, I don’t have kids running around my house. If I did, I’d at least be interested in reading reviews; maybe trying it out.

          In any case, I have 67 years of technological history that I’ve observed over my lifetime. When I was in high school we had a computer; well, actually, it was 10 minutes per hour time-share on a remote computer. At that time, I could not imagine having a computer far more powerful in my pocket. I couldn’t imagine that it would also be my wireless phone. I paid $1/minute to make a long-distance call to Mexico. I couldn’t imagine that my phone in my pocket would provide me with free video phone service to Mexico. Consequently, I’m painfully aware of my limited capacity to imagine what another 1/2 century of technological development might bring.

          You are far more astute than I am. You are able to look into the distant future and predict that there never will be a user-identification technology compact and reliable enough to be utilized in a smart gun. With such an ability to see the limits of future technological development you should serve in Congress where you could introduce bills prohibiting R&D into fruitless technological developments that are a waste of private enterprise’s scarce resources.

          I, for one, do not wish to live in a world where a legislature – even Congress – can decide what technologies can’t possibly work and must be forbidden. And so, for just such arrogance on the part of the NJ legislature, I moved out of NJ and into the free state of PA.

          You choose to emphasize on the impossibility of the technology. I choose to focus on the arrogance of gun-control legislatures for passing laws that preclude a market for technological development.

          It’s a great country, isn’t it. Each of us is at liberty to look at the same topic and see it from different facets.

        • The ever-present danger of a child picking up a gun that wasn’t put back in the gun safe. Vs. the remote possibility of a home invasion when the smart-gun won’t un-lock.

          Where I live virtually all these cases of kids picking up a gun and committing a violent act are the firearms of criminals. The real danger to children is being domociled in the home with anyone with a criminal record.

          so the risk of a robbery, assault, rape, mugging, home invasion and smart gun not working is probably higher, not lower than the risk of a child in the household of a legal gun owners picking up a gun and shooting someone.

          And does it occur to you that Glaser is lying about the number of children 2-5 killed by other kids?

          As far as advances in technology — that is precisely why these “smart” gun are DANGEROUS. Tech advances argue again them not for them. Within a few years of RFID being widely deployed in retail the abilty to block or jam rfid arose (and it is esy since it is inherently low power and is also passive on one end) , as did the abilty to detect RFIDs presence.

          The abilty of a criminal to defeat these smartguns by preventing them from firing will constantly occur within 5 to 10 years of deployment.

          This is why the gun control nuts love the prospect of these guns — unlike most guns which with normal maintenance will last 100 years — these guns will all be obsolete withing 5 to 10 years of sale.

      • There has been the Magloc smartgun conversion for the 1911 for YEARS, and it’s a lot more proven than any of this new plastic .22 crap. Judging from Choadestar’s website and other stories I’ve found about them, they seem to be nothing but a bunch of antigun Democrat shills intentionally trying to trigger the NJ smartgun law.

      • As long as nothing about the smart gun is mandated. And once the children are old enough to understand, maybe 5 or 6 if not younger, they should be taught/drilled on the rules of gun safety and exposed to plinking so they learn to respect the firearm rather than fear it or be unsafely curious about the unknown.

  4. Any type of electronic or mechanical control on a firearm can be easily circumvented by anyone who is knowledgeable about how they operate.
    If it does occur, I would have a nice business disabling these systems…

    • Not necessarily, re both parts of your post.

      Whatever the mechanism is, it might not be easily circumvented; you have no way of knowing without seeing what the design actually is. Even if it were, it likely won’t take long for the anti-gun pols we know and love, to introduce anti-tampering legislation; that would put a bit of a damper on the business plan.

      • Chances are it is some kind of solenoid type actuator that has to move the safety up, down, left, or right. Once the design is known, it is likely a strong magnet in the right position on the weapon will allow it to fire.

      • Historical precedence is VERY much against this. The Armitix was disabled with a magnet if I remember right, and quite frankly if you can take the gun down you can probably dremel the safety pin out that would disable the gun. If not, getting to the raw “wires” in the gun to hook up your own switch/battery is certainly going to be hard to stop.

        • Saying any smart gun’s “smart” features can be easily defeated, based on a sample size of one manufacturer’s one design, seems rather arrogant to me

        • No One:

          Until somebody shows us a “smart” gun that can’t be casually overridden, yes, we can assume that they all can be defeated casually.

          A gun is a mechanical device, is it not? (leaving out some rarities with electric ignition primers and sticking with those that can shoot ammo actually available for retail sale)

          If it’s “smart” (intended to be fired only by authorized users), there is some means of switchably interfering with its mechanical operation, correct?

          And any mechanically inclined high schooler should be able to take it apart for cleaning, figure out how it works, and devise a way to stick the “smart” feature in the ready to fire position.

        • Whatever the mechanism is, it might not be easily circumvented;

          Virtually all depend on RFID. Those absolutely can easily be jammed. They are inherently low power, and you do NOT need the know the unique code to a device to jam all rfid in a small area say 10 meter radius of pistol use.

          You can also search a house or walk though a parking lot with cheap easy to build devices that sniff for presence of RFD which would be a huge new advantage for people stealing guns from homes and increasing, due to gun free zone restrictions, parked cars.

    • I doubt you’d have a nice business in it, the reason being that it will get posted to various video sharing and other sites within a very short period of these guns being put into the public realm.

    • If it RFID it would be easy to interfere with and make it not work. Sounds to big brother too me. Popo, big government can disable your firearm, then the other bad guys could too. Makes the firearms a giant paperweight.

      • Exactly. Within a short period of RFID being deployed in retail there were cheap easy to home build rfid jammers. You can make one for $50 the size of a pack of cigarettes and it will easily jam all rfid signals within radius of typical pistol range

  5. We all need someone else to tell us what to do with our carry guns and make decisions for us. We’re not adults after all. We can’t make the Really Good Choices other smart people make for us.

  6. For a blog that is supposed to be “The truth about guns” it seems to republish an inordinate amount of the Anti-Rights folks fiction.

    • The truth about guns is that this is what the guy said. It wasn’t presented as coming with editorial endorsement; quite the opposite. I don’t think “your carry gun causes school shootings” is a headline meant to be taken any way other than sarcastically.

    • Yes it does. This has been posted before and the reply is that you have to know what your enemy is saying/thinking. At the same time, there seems to be too much of this.

  7. When it ain’t on my hip or in my pocket, it’s in the safe.

    No kids in my house and it is protected by an alarm system and a police department that will respond much faster than a thief can get the safe open.

    Further, I hate battery-powered devices. The batteries are always dead or bad when the device is needed (seems to apply especially to power tools).

      • It’s exactly like saying healthy unvaccinated indivuals who don’t carry any infection are responsible for outbreaks in highly vaccinated populations.

        • If you knew basic biology, you’d know that there is no such thing. Everyone carries infections. The question is if their immune system is strong enough to keep them from getting symptomatic. That’s why sepsis is a thing.

    • Max…Any thoughts on your interactions with the thief while your gun is locked in the safe and you’re waiting for the police to save your foolish azz?

  8. I’d say that once we get the Kavanaugh court to strike down any and all bans on firearms in general, these morons should be free to sell their over-priced piece of finicky shit.

    • Don’t think they are going to reverse Miller (upheld the NFA), which I think is what Scalia was trying to reach for in his advisory dicta in Heller but ended up accidentally arming gungrabber libs with their pull quote about regulation, but hopefully a Kavanaugh equipped Court will be the end of

      – magazine capacity limits
      – “assault weapons” bans
      – arbitrary age requirements
      – “may issue” CCW standards

      I dream that a revisit to the NFA would strike down the Hughes Amendment, but eh, that’s a long shot.

      • SCoTUS didn’t actually uphold the NFA ’34 in Miller. It was simply remanded back to the lower Appellate Court when Miller and his attorney didn’t show up after having acquired a case of the (strangely rather convenient) homicides. There’s still a chance it might be revisited. However, you’re probably right that given the precedent set in Heller, plus his testimony before Congress, that Kavanaugh might uphold it anyway.

        • A smart lawyer could make a pretty convincing case that govt regulations designed to limit supply, and therefore remove an item from “common use” is not a valid reason for said govt to lean on the lack of common use due to those regs as a justification for more regs that rely on the “common use” test.

          The judge might well be receptive to such an argument were he confirmed to the SCOTUS since he would no longer be bound by precedent the was he was as an appellate judge.

          We’ll have to see how it shakes out.

      • “– arbitrary age requirements”

        The Leftists *really* want to jack up the age requirement for guns.

        I hope the new Court throws it right back in their faces with a ruling that if they want to do that, they may, provided *all* rights gets the same treatment, like THE RIGHT TO VOTE, sign contracts, ect.

        That should cool their enthusiasm for that kind of crap…

        *snicker* 😉

  9. CEO of smart gun maker LodeStar Firearms

    Exactly how many smart guns have they made? How many have they sold? I visited their website, and damned if I could find a lineup of product offerings.

    • Be *very* careful with that line of thought, Tracy.

      Some city departments will buy a few hundred each for ‘evaluation’, thereby giving the company credibility “Police departments are buying them”.

      They will never deploy them, but they will have bought them. The twisted logic they will use will be something along the lines of “supporting the company in their fight against gun violence.”

  10. The fault lies in NOT TEACHING the children. Not giving them enough discipline.
    Still got nothing to do with guns.
    Let us know when you got smart kitchen knives.
    Just a marketing ploy.

  11. I have neither little kids nor teenagers in my house and the ‘one gun’ I need for self defense is always either holstered on my hip or laying a foot away from me on the couch. So Gareth Glaser can kiss my ass and you can use your imagination about where he can stick his smart gun.

  12. I think he is confused. If the “THAT” gun is so close at hand to the concealed carry person, how is it getting into the teenagers hands?

    So concealed carry people leave their gun laying around because being concealed carry person they don’t want to not have it on them.

    It is either on them or locked up.

    The teenager obviously is a thief and they will get to the one in the “safe or something similar” if they really want it.

    Another sad lie for promoting a handgun nobody will use for self-defense.
    The existing non-computer technology firearms are actually a great invention. It does not rely on something that will eventually fail, the BATTERY and CIRCUIT BOARD.

    Gareth your firearm has major points of failure and your company does also, you!

  13. I am not 100% sure about this, but I cannot recall a single shooting event where someone took a parent’s EDC gun to a school and shot it up. Yes, some have carried family weapons to school and used them, but to claim that EDC guns are at fault seems to be totally wrong.

    Also, the NRA keeps getting blamed for shootings. Can anyone remember any shootings where the perp was a card carrying member of the NRA? Card carrying Leftists, yes, but NRA member, no.

    Let’s put the blame where it belongs. It belongs on the Leftist wackos out there who do not care what damage they inflict as long as it promotes their causes or makes them feel important.

  14. Stop at “Teenagers…school shooting.” How many cases have there been when a self defense weapon is taken from an unlocked drawer and used in a school shooting?

    In Columbine, the guns were a straw purchase done in a private sale.

    In Virginia Tech, Cho legally bought his gun.

    In Sandy Hook Lanza used legally purchased weapons and had a gun safe in his room.

    Given, there are cases where a child brings a gun to school. In one case “a student returned to class after he was arrested the previous semester for carrying a loaded handgun to school and allegedly making threats to use it….confirmed the arrest, and the discovery of the loaded pistol.” There was recently a case where a 16 year old shot his best friend at home. The family claims they didn’t own and guns and the 16 year old refuses to say how he obtained the gun.

    Having one of these “smart guns” may indeed prevent a school shooting. The gun is so prone to failure that a shooter could have the gun’s connection break, or have the gun jam, or even have the battery die.

    There is a blind spot in the manufacturer’s arguement. It assumes that a gun owner will always be wearing the watch or electric device that unlocks the gun. What happens with a shower? Sleeping? As can be seen by the examples, most school shootings are done with legally owned guns that the shooter was allowed access to. Last, logically, the new step would be to develop an app so a smart phone/watch would replace the unique electronic device now used. So can see the problem then.

    In Parkland Cruz legally bought the gun used and it was secured in a gun safe.

  15. Kids. Guns. Parents. Hmmmm, lock up the gun, hide the gun, make the gun smart, Only you can prevent forest fires but you shouldn’t have to hide the matches from the kids.

    • Ralph we’re going in the opposite direction, and quickly. A lot of intentional dumbing down through school, pop culture, poisoned food and water, and outright chemical overload.

      • I’ve talked to a city water plant manager, they have no way of taking drugs that have been urinated or flushed down the toilet out of the water. Food, the meat industry is so full of growth hormones( I can’t make a vitamin, but I can make a hormone) and antibiotics that it’s not safe, the vegetables are dosed with every poison killing from bugs to weeds and also the vegetables get unnatural fertilizer by the ton. Then we’ve got my theory on all the electromagnetic waves from Radar guns to Satellit’s and cell phones, car door openers ect running through our brains. If “they” could dethaw a frozen Neanderthal he’d take one gulp of this air and die.No wonder the world’s gone nuts.

        • lol, either that or the Neanderthal would look like Einstein to the average person because he hasn’t been systemically poisoned and dumbed down.

  16. No one knows I’m carrying, it is on my body at all times where no one else can get at it without me knowing it and when I go to bed it’s on the nightstand. No kids around. Just another greenie trying to make a reason for a product he’s trying to make relevant. I’m sure he’d make his crap mandatory in all states if he could. Don’t waste time worrying about him, or LodeStar.

  17. Let’s just make smart people & we won’t need smart guns. Training, a test, and a permit should be necessary before the Nanny State allows anyone to become a parent. Too many people breed and think the deal stops there. Then they can’t understand why their progeny reach room temperature at an early age. Let’s have a “cooling off period” before spawning. “Common sense” and “reasonable restrictions” shouldn’t be a problem…After all “it’s for the children”. 30

  18. Oh look, a gun marketed to people who don’t want guns. Awesome business plan. Anyone who gives this guy a business loan deserves the default they are going to get.

  19. Yeah, about that….Bull$hit.
    Precludes your willingness and ability to train/teach/instruct other members of your household when/I’d they’re ready. Also assumes your inability to establish both trust and boundaries.
    Yes,as others stated more eloquently than I could;there IS a VERY narrow market for this. Sadly, because of both the politics AND the commercial interests of the source;they seek to MANDATE this and PROHIBIT older ” dumb” firearms…..this is akin to mandating ” limited is/single person use only” for a life preserver/floatation device,life raft,defibulator, first aid kit,fire alarm,fire extinguisher… you get the idea.
    Not buying either the message or the intent of the article. Nor to I ascribe other than Malign intent to it

  20. This guy is a gun manufacturer and he’s against us having our guns available to defend ourselves? We all know a locked up gun is useless for self-defense and he wants us to keep our guns locked up just like the gun grabbers! With his comment he’s certainly no supporter of the 2nd Amendment and no friend of gun owners. We should all add him to the boycott list but no one buys his sh*tty guns anyway.

  21. Maybe adjust the content with slightly modified titles, some links (in line with the index of factoids and refs notion), and a hashtag or three. Might be better for the irony-challenged.

    Something like #ThereTheyGoAgain, or #AntiGunFiction. Maybe a recurring title like: “Today’s entry in Bad Fiction Agitprop: “Your carry gun…” Maybe with #ExactlyBackwards as a tag.

    Then some number or links into the facts / factoids inventory. “The Truth About Guns.” Like that piece on Medium a couple months back you may have a position, but dispassionate facts persuade. Or at least show the anti-people as disingenuous, opportunistic, schmucks.

    Fisking this kind of BS would go a lot faster if one could link to the debunkings. And there’s the meta-message: it’s the same wrong talking points, again and again. Given that the stuff is wrong, one wonders where it comes from.

    I’d play along to an invitation to fisk away in the comments. Indeed, we do that quite a bit anyway, up to the limits of having a life and needing to sleep occasionally. These professionally strident folks don’t seem to have real jobs, do they?

  22. “Most gun owners are very responsible…”

    Indeed, thank you for noticing. That might be why legal gun owners are not involved in the various violence “epidemics”, legal gun ownership correlates with decreased crime, and permit holders don’t shoot up schools.

    “…and keep their guns locked up in a gun safe or something similar,…”

    That is hardly the only way to be “responsible”, with a gun.

    “…but the exception to that is the one gun that they think they need for self-defense….”

    “The” gun they need to responsibly look out for people in their charge. Like kids. At school. Just picking an example at random.

    That gun they feel like they ought to carry racks up something like 2,500,000 DGUs a year. That’s a lot of people to leave abused, robbed, assaulted or killed at the whim of some whack-job who carries his gun on a mission to do damage with it.

    “That gun needs to be close at hand…”

    Indeed, that’s why “carry.” You don’t know when some bad guy is going to show up, indeed they *try* to catch their victims unaware, and, yes, unarmed. Like at “Gun-free zone” schools.

    “…and it’s that gun that is, unfortunately, causing so much damage, because your little kid finds it or your teenager takes it to school and uses it either to harm themselves or carry out these school shootings.”

    So much damage? Gang bangers. Cartels. Leaf-node addicts, scoring for a fix. Mentally damaged folks who plot and plan in the great drama that they imagine is their life. (The whack-job who shot up that Giffords’ event was a known, long-term stalker and general crazy, kicked out of a bunch of things. Nobody’s carry gun was appropriated for his melee. Perhaps if some of the folks there had their carry guns, they wouldn’t have ended up dead.)

    I won’t publicize the name, again, some more, but one of the endlessly flogged “school shootings” the whack-job *took the guns from his parent’s safe*. The safe didn’t stop him. Just sayin.

    – Gareth Glaser, CEO of smart gun maker LodeStar Firearms

    Free advice is worth what you pay for it, but my advice to you is fire your marketing people. That sucked.

  23. All the fisking required:

    A gun in a safe never shot someone. But a gun in a safe never stopped anyone shooting up a school.

  24. From the linked article:

    “..There are an estimated 4.6 million children living in households with guns that are kept unlocked and loaded, according to estimates from a 2018 study. In 2016, the latest year for which federal data is available, 3,000 children were unintentionally shot, ”

    While that truly sucks for the 3k kids shot it still need to be kept in perspective…. 3,000 injuries from 4.6 million is 0.0006. Yes, that is three zero’s after the decimal place. Like I said, it sucks for those three thousand, but for something that is so statistically rare trying to use it as the basis for your argument proves you are more interested in politics that solutions.

    • That’s 3,000 unintentionally shot, not necessarily (and almost certainly not) 3,000 unintentionally shot as a result of a gun left unsecured. Gang member firing shots at rival gang member(s) and hitting bystanders would count as unintentional shooting.

  25. What about all the otherwise responsible parents who leave a set of kitchen knives right there on the countertop? Prescription drugs right on their nightstands? God help us, even car keys right next to bottles of alcohol.

    We need smart bottles, smart medicines, smart knives, smart cars, smart rocks and sticks….

    How about, instead, we explore the correlation between school shootings and the proliferation of “progressivism”.

  26. ” LodeStar”

    Is this the same guy that authored the anonymous NY Times Anon. Senior Staff letter about thwarting the Democratic process by messing with the President’s papers etc?

    Humpf. A gun by Lodestar that can be disabled by a lodestone. What a s- lode.

  27. LodeStar Firearms may be a maker of “smart” guns, but it is not a smart gun maker. Eventually its anti-gun “investors” will get tired of throwing their money away and it will go belly-up.

    The idea here is not actually to produce a useful firearm. It’s to give the owner’s corrosively stupid opinions a fake veneer of “from the industry” legitimacy — so that places like the Puffington Host can weaponize that stupidity against the rest of us for years to come.

  28. I’m still not sure how I survived childhood and didn’t shoot up my school. My dad kept a loaded 1911 in his dresser drawer. I knew where it was from about age 6 on. I also knew better than to go anywhere near it, because the consequences would have been severe. He didn’t need a smart gun, he was smart and raised smart, or at least well trained and disciplined, kids.

  29. The gun that’s on us (because we “think we need it”), isn’t the gun that poses a threat to our kids it’s the loaded gun that’s left out where we are not around, off our person.


    • The way to make guns safe, or any other thing, is to remove the mystery, fascination, etc. from the gun(s). At a very young age I taught my kids to respect and safely handle firearms including hunting with Dad and regular range time. They each had their own weapons and any request to “go shoot” was seldom denied. They had access to my EDC gun but it was no big thing because they had their very own pistol and rifles (that were kept in my gun safe but I’d open it upon request). I spent the time with my kids teaching them good morals and values and there is society’s problem. Kids aren’t taught these anymore and this all the school, drive by, and “accidental” shootings. These “space age” guns will do nothing to cure society’s ills. My 11 year old grandson said it correctly “Grandpa, these guns with all the crap electronics are garbage and I’ll just keep my 22’s, my S &W Model 27 and my Mini-14”. Even an 11 year old has it right. Let this fool make and sell his electronic guns. I wonder how long that’ll last.

  30. Just more propaganda and lies from the left. This guys guns and company is a joke and his only option is to smear every other traditional gun manufacturer in hopes it will somehow brainwash enough over reactionary people to buy his future government controled guns. The powers that be can make that technology useless with justa flick of a switch. It’s his last shot before he and his company fades into obscurity.


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