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YouTube Begins Deleting Videos Featuring Bump Fire Stocks

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

YouTube takes down videos featuring bump fire stocks. courtesy instagram

Our friends at the Military Arms Channel have discovered that Google-owned YouTube (remember: don’t be evil) are memory holing anything to do with bump fire stocks.

In case it’s too hard to make out from the screen grab above, here’s the first part of YouTube’s explanation of why a video titled ‘SSAK-47 Bump Fire Stock for the AK by Slide Fire Solutions’ ran afoul of their community guidelines:

In certain circumstances, YouTube blocks certain content in order to comply with local laws in certain countries. Please note that no penalty will be applied to your account.

YouTube doesn’t allow content that promotes violent or dangerous acts that have an inherent risk of serious physical harm or death. For example, it’s not okay to post videos of drug abuse, underage drinking and smoking or bomb making.

Good to know. A couple of problems though.

First, bump fire stocks aren’t illegal (much to the chagrin of many in Congress). Second, shooting them isn’t any more dangerous than shooting an actual machine gun…of which there’s no shortage of videos still on YouTube.

So the real reason the wizards who run the world’s largest video repository have taken down bump fire videos is because at least one of the ATF-approved accessories was apparently used in the Las Vegas massacre. Which is strange because there are still hundreds of thousands of videos featuring trucks on YouTube despite the fact that the Nice terrorist attack — which resulted in more deaths than in Las Vegas — was perpetrated using…a truck.

Huh. Wonder what’s behind the apparent contradiction.

0 thoughts on “YouTube Begins Deleting Videos Featuring Bump Fire Stocks”

  1. I carry a mini-mag in it’s case on my belt at all times. Have had people ask why I carried a flashlight during the day? Tell them, there are dark corners even in the daylight.

  2. When you’re done at the barber’s, the haberdashery is down that way on the right. Don’t forget to shine your boots.

  3. …DJ @, Just a making a point….Some folks making comments appear to be just Liberal trolls, or SJWs….Others, maybe members ready to take that walk down to the “Office of Civil Disarmament….” And , Then Head straight over to the “Ministry of Love and Hugs ! ” Good luck, I hope they at least warmed up the oven till its toasty warm on a cold winter day…..

  4. I’m amazed they’re still teaching “Animal Farm” in schools, given that it’s anti-Communist. I consider that to be a bigger positive than the stupid test answer’s negative.

  5. “I’m a proud American citizen. I’m a duel citizen. ”

    No, you’re a weenie. If you were actually proud, you wouldn’t have held onto your dual citizenship.

  6. Let people buy whatever they want (within reason; no nukes, no chemicals, no rockets)…but have stricter, harsher penalties for misuse.
    NFA items would/could still require photo and fingerprints, but make it an instant check like for regular guns.
    Personal responsibility. Use a gun in a crime? 10 years MINIMUM…no early release…no pardons…no probation.
    Straw buyer? At least 5 years PER gun…same terms as mentioned before.
    Let child get gun? Again…5-10 years.
    Won’t stop things from happening, but puts teeth in the penalty phase at least.

  7. There’s a difference between a handful of feds shooting a woman in the head as she holds her baby and an actual declared sustained conflict.

    This is why the takeover is compartmentalized and incremental. A nut in a house here, some recluse in the woods there, a group of LARPers in Texas. No problem. No resistance. Being a guy with his own family a world away I could not care less. Just as I don’t care one bit about the 50 in Vegas or the other 8,000+ who died that day or any other day. Not my family, not my friends, not my problem.

    Now, declare full on confiscatory measures and travel prohibitions, start cutting off food and power, send in uniformed shock troops to take over high value targets. That’s a different story.


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